Be Thankful for What You Have
Mary walked in and shut the door after school.
“Mommy, you look nice,” she said.
“I can tell you want something. What is it?” asked her mom.
“Can you please get me a black dress with sparkles and a shawl attached to it? The one we saw in that store?”
Her mom raised an eyebrow. “The one that was $199.99?”
Mary looked at the floor and whispered, “Please?”
“Why do you want it?” asked Mom.
“Tomorrow is picture day, and Hailey will be wearing a white dress with flowers, and Miley is dying her hair and getting clothes worth so much.”
“Mary, sit down,” said her mom as they walked to the couch. “We just don’t have money for a dress like that. Plus, you’ll grow out of it by the end of this month.”
Then Mary interrupted. “But Mom! It’s NOT FAIIIIIIIR!”
Mom shook her head, “Life is not fair, darling. God says, ‘Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. . . . Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.’ It means to give your thanks to God and have gratitude for what he has given you.”
“Mom, once there was a boy in my class who lived on the streets, but he never complained and went to our church and was always smiling.”
“Oh yes, the Tucker family. Great example. They were thankful for what they did have, and God eventually blessed them with income and money to buy a house. Even though now they have the money, they gave half of it away and only bought a small home. And at church, they always give away gifts. That’s what we should be like. Spend our money for God, not to be better than others.”
“Okay, I will pick flowers and wear my old dress.”
Mom smiled, “Good thinking love.”