Bekah’s Top Five Things to Do when You Are Bored
Are you bored? Here are some things you might like doing! Enjoy these five things to do when you are bored, and have fun with whatever you end up doing!
1. Make a mini store
Have some old toys you don’t play with? Make a mini store! You can put a reasonable price tag on it and make a few bucks selling your goods to people in your house or neighbors!
2. Play school
If you have smaller kids in your house this is a perfect game to play with them. Teach them math, reading, science, and more! I like playing this with my little brother. You can play with a younger child in your house too.
3. Make a bouquet of flowers for a loved one
Have someone in your family you want to say thanks to? Then pick them some flowers! Not the season for flowers? Then get twigs, leaves, or anything like that and put in a container.
4. Be a detective
Hmmmm. I found a strange epic of litter in my yard. Who left it there? If you find something odd find out who did it! Look for clues and try to find the culprit!
5. Play zoo
Get some stuffies and make a zoo enclosure for them! Use mini tents, blankets, and more! Then you can pretend to be the animals’ doctor that cares for them, or a tour person and show other kids around!
Thank you for reading! Have fun!