Do Not Be Afraid!
“Welp. first day of school…”
“Mommy, I’m nervous,” Kelly said as she waited for the bus. “D- Do you think the other kids will like me?” Kelly asked as she worried at her feet and the ground.
“I’m sure they will, sweetheart! Everybody loves you!” Mom said.
“O-ok…. But I’m still scared…”
“It’s not uncommon to be scared, sweetie. Everybody is on their first day!”
“You know what? Isaiah 41:13 says, ‘For I, the LORD your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the one who helps you.”‘” Mom said.
“What does that mean?” Kelly asked her mom.
“It means that God is always with you and will never leave you.”
Just then the bus pulled up. “B-bye Mom,” she said as she stepped aboard.
Once Kelly got home her Mom asked, “How’d it go?”
Kelly said, “I didn’t cry at all and wasn’t too scared since I know God is with me!”