Everything God Does Is for Good
Ben did not want to go to school. He broke his leg, so he was using crutches and was afraid he would be made fun of. Later that morning, he would have to go to school.
“Mom,” Ben asked, “can I please have a day off?”
“Hun, you had the last WEEK off,” said his mom.
Ben frowned.
“I’m afraid people will make fun of me,” he said, holding back tears.
“You know what God says?” Mom asked. “He says all he does is for good. In fact, the Bible says this: ‘The Lord is good to all, and his mercy is over all that he has made.’ Maybe God wants you not to be afraid.”
Ben smiled. “Ya. I bet too. I’ll go get ready now.”
Ben didn’t understand why he had to break his leg, and sometimes we don’t understand why bad things happen in life. We can trust in God to use every bad thing for his good. We might not see how it was used for good for many years, but we can trust in God to bring good from even the worst situations.