For Such a Time as This
Do you ever feel like you’re just stumbling through your days in survival mode? Maybe your life feels ordinary and unexciting. Or perhaps your life feels stressful and frustrating. Regardless of what season you are in, we want to encourage you today. God doesn’t waste anything. He has called you to embrace each moment of your life – for such a time as this!
For Such a Time as This
“And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14).
Mom’s Thoughts on Living for Such a Time as This:
Every week, our family memorizes a Bible verse together. We hang it on the fridge and practice saying it when we read our morning devotional.
This week, our verse is Esther 4.14. This verse reads, “And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”
In the original context, the verse was speaking to Esther. God positioned her as queen for the purpose of saving the people of Israel.
I’ve been thinking about this verse multiple times a day this week. It came to mind when a friend called in need of encouragement. It popped into my head when our family served as greeters at church. I saw it on the fridge as I grumpily prepared breakfast this morning.
Every time the verse came to mind, I sensed God reminding me to make every moment of my life count. God created me for these ordinary moments. He created me to love my family even when I feel grumpy and be kind to others regardless of what kind of day I’m having. His purpose is for me to embrace these grumpy, nervous, ordinary moments and remember that these are the very moments for which I was made!
Do you feel discouraged, afraid, or grumpy today? God has a purpose for you. He is calling you to share his love with the chatty girl who tells you all of her problems every day in art class. He is asking you to put your whole heart into the science fair project, and he is inviting you to enjoy every good gift he gives you today. You were created for such a time as this!
Girl to Girl:
Do you ever wake up and ask yourself, “Why am I here?”
You’ve possibly heard something like, “You are created to tell others about God!” But what’s the meaning behind that?
Your purpose is not just to tell others about God, but also to share kindness with others. It’s to honor your siblings, parents, and friends. Sometimes I think of life as a path. Imagine a movie and how it builds up to the climax. God wants us to spend our lives getting to know him and love him, and he also wants us to go into the world and love others with the love we receive from him!
It may seem odd to think about the world like this, but it really shows the meaning and purpose of life. Luke 10:27 teaches that we were created to love God and love others! We all share this purpose. Keep these two things the main things, and you will fulfill God’s purpose for you!
Talk About It:
- If someone asked you to describe your purpose in life, what would you say?
- God created you to love him and love others. This is a primary part of your purpose. Within the realm of this purpose, he calls you to embrace each moment by loving him, enjoying his goodness, and loving others. What is one way you could embrace your purpose by extending love to someone else today? Try to make it practical. You might write a note to an elderly loved one, buy a snack for a friend, do a chore for a sibling, help your mom or dad clean up after dinner, or help a neighbor with yard work. Be creative!
Pray Together:
God, thank you that embracing the purpose for which you have made us brings us joy and fulfillment. Open our eyes to be more aware of what you want to do around us every day. Help us to remember that we were created for such a time as this. Amen.
God, thank you that embracing the purpose for which you have made us brings us joy and fulfillment. Open our eyes to be more aware of what you want to do around us every day. #girltogirlbook Share on XA Daily Devotional Book to Help You Live for Such a Time as This:
The Girl to Girl 7-Day Devotional offers seven devotions and includes Scripture, commentaries from us, discussion questions, and even a section for journaling. The post you read today was taken from our 7-day devotional. This devotional will help you talk about tricky issues, challenge you in your faith, and help you grow closer together as mother and daughter. Get yours free with promo code GIRL right here!
Find Our Mother-Daughter Devotional Book on Amazon!
Bekah and I wrote a mother-daughter devotional book together, and it is designed to help moms and daughters connect and grow in faith together. It’s called Girl to Girl: 60 Mother-Daughter Devotions for a Closer Relationship and Deeper Faith. It includes 60 devotions with Scripture, commentaries from both of us, conversation starters, and even a journaling section. We had a blast writing it, and we are so excited to share it with you. You can buy your paperback or eBook on Amazon right here. This book also makes a powerful gift for the mothers and daughters you care about! We encourage you to check it out!