Patience Please!
“UGG!” Mary stomped her foot. “Why do you ALWAYS STEAL MY STUFF!?”
James put his hands on his hips. “Not my fault Mom so happens to put everything under YOUR bed and in YOUR closet.”
“I’m telling Mom!” Mary screamed.
She ran downstairs with James not far behind. “Mom, James is stealing my stuff!”
“Am not!” James yelled, “My dino toys and old PS4 are in her room!”
“Children, please!” Mom said, “I’ve had enough of this! Mary, let him have his toys. James, no yelling! I think both of you need to have a lesson on patience – one of the fruits of the spirit.”
“Huh?” they both said at the same time.
“Proverbs 15:18 tells us hot tempers cause arguments, but patience brings peace. So remember that and please no more fighting!”
“We won’t. We’re sorry,” they both said.
Do you need more patience in your life? Remember to step back and take a breath before you speak angry words!