Sometimes Waiting Is Better
Sometimes you want something right away but you appreciate it more when you wait. That’s the lesson I have been learning lately. Let me tell you the story.
I have been wanting to raise turkeys for a long time. Dad said we needed to do a few things to get ready for them first.
He said we should patch up the holes in the old, empty chicken coup first. So, I asked him EVERY SINGLE DAY if we could patch up the chicken coup.
About a week later, he FINALLY said yes! I was soooooo excited! After he was done, he said we could go if the store was open! Guess what? It was!
He called the store, but they were all out of baby turkeys! It crushed my heart. I almost cried.
I was so excited to play with baby turkeys until all my hopes and dreams were crushed. So, I waited a VERY long half-a week.
Thursday night when Dad got home he called, “BEKAH!”
I ran outside.
He was quiet.
Then I heard a peep!
Peep! Peep!
I squealed! We took the peeps down to the chicken coup!
Then I realized with all this waiting, it just made me so much more excited than I was when he first mentioned it. It got me more prepared. And more excited.
Sometimes God asks us to wait in life. But his plans are always better than ours. We can trust him when we have to wait for his perfect timing.
I hope you learned from my lesson that waiting is sometimes God’s best plan!