Wash it Clean
Hi! Today we are going to talk about how God gave us his only Son to save us from our sins. It’s pretty hard to explain so I am going to let this devotional do it instead. Let’s start:
SPLASH! Grape juice went everywhere! Even on Olivia’s new white dress! “Mom!” she yelled, “I accidentally spilled grape juice everywhere! And now I can’t wear this dress to the wedding!”
Mom got a towel and wiped the juice that was on the floor. “We can wash it. The wedding isn’t for another 2 hours,” she said.
Olivia looked at her Mom. “But grape juice stains! We will have to really scrub and then dry it! By that time, the dress will be ruined!”
When all the grape juice from the floor was gone, Mom got up and said, “Well, we may not get it out, but at least we can talk about how God made us clean.”
Olivia gave mom a confused look. “I don’t need cleaned. I got a shower last night. Do you mean God cleaned me then?”
Mom did a little laugh then said, “Not like that. You see, when he died on the cross he washed away our sins. So that means he forgave us for everything bad we did.”
“I think I get it now! This morning I read about that! In 1 John 1:7 it says, “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his son cleanses us from all sin.”
Mom smiled. “Awesome, now we have a dress to wash.”