Welcome to Our New Tween and Teen Girl Devotional Page
Hey, friends! We’re mother-daughter coauthors Bekah and Stacey Pardoe, and we have huge news for you today! We recently transformed this space into an online tween and teen girl devotional page!
Bekah (the pre-teen coauthor of this blog) started this blog in 2020 under the name In Between the Lines. She hoped to encourage other girls and young women in their faith. We still hope to encourage girls and young women, but we’re changing our format. We’re also teaming up to write to both mothers and daughters. Here’s our vision:
We hope to help moms and daughters connect with each other in deeper ways while also developing a deeper faith in Christ. We hope to inspire you and encourage you through the words we share.
What to Expect from Our Weekly Tween and Teen Girl Devotional Posts:
Every week, we will share a devotional for moms and daughters to read together. You will notice a similar format for each post. We will start with a Bible verse, move into a short commentary from Stacey (the Mom), share a commentary from Bekah (the daughter), challenge you to discuss a few questions, and wrap up with a prayer.
Our blog posts are for everyone, but we specifically write with a focus on moms and daughters. We invite you to set aside a few minutes every week to go to a quiet place and read our weekly devotional posts out loud together. Talk about the discussion questions, and let the conversation lead you closer together.
Most of us juggle full schedules, and finding time to connect isn’t easy. We know you will have to fight to find this time because we have to fight for it too. However, we find that making the time helps us stay connected.
If finding the time to read these posts out loud together doesn’t work for you, we encourage you to read individually in your own time. Later, after you have both read the post, talk about what you read. This can be a great launching point for conversations about God, faith, stress, and other tough topics.
You Are Welcome Here!
We specifically write for mothers and tween/teen daughters, but we invite you to join us here weekly regardless of your age. Also, you don’t have to be a mother-daughter duo to connect with God in this space. We welcome women and girls of all ages!
Moms, you can easily add your own thoughts to these readings to make them more understandable for younger daughters. Older moms and daughters, you are welcome here too! Young women whose moms aren’t interested in reading a devotional, you are welcome here too! Older women who mentor younger women, you are shepherding hearts like mothers, and you are welcome here too!
Have Fun
Lastly, we want to remind you to have fun in this space! We all tend to take ourselves too seriously at times. We encourage you not to do that. If you stumble upon a discussion question that fuels a disagreement, try not to get worked up. In some cases, you might have to agree to disagree.
Remember that your goal is to grow closer together while connecting with God. Enjoy this time together. Laugh often. Eat your favorite snack or drink your favorite flavor of tea every time you read! This is a safe and fun place. Keep it lighthearted, girls!
Thank you for taking the time to read our words. We are humbled and honored!
While You Wait for Our First Devotional Post
Stay tuned for our first weekly tween and teen girls devotional post next weekend! While you wait, share our page with your family and friends! If you just can’t wait to dive into a powerful mother-daughter tween and teen girls’ devotional book while you wait, check out our newly released book Girl to Girl: 60 Mother-Daughter Devotions for a Closer Relationship and Deeper Faith. You will find reflections, Scripture, conversation starters, and even a shared mother-daughter journaling section! Grab a copy for just 10.99 right here today!
A Special Gift: A Free Online Tween and Teen Girl Devotional for Moms and Daughters:
Before we go, we’d like to offer you a special gift. We want to give you a taste of what you’ll find in our book, and we want to offer you a succinct place to find a collection of our devotionals. We recently wrote an online 7-Day devotional for mothers and daughters, and you can get yours for free right here today! The Girl to Girl 7-Day Devotional: A Mother-Daughter Devotional for a Closer Relationship and Deeper Faith includes seven short devotions to help moms and daughters connect with each other while drawing close to God. Get your free copy right here!
Bekah and Stacey