Why Gentleness Matters
Ali watched her little brother chase Mittens, her new kitten. Then he began chasing his own kitten, Spot. When he finally caught Spot, he grabbed her fur, and she hissed.
“Gentle!” Mom yelled.
“Gentleness is one of the fruits of the Spirit, right?” Ali asked Mom.
“Yes, but it’s more than just being nice to your kitten,” said Mom.
Ali looked at Mom. “Then how?” she asked in disbelief.
“Someone who is considered gentle doesn’t think they’re better than someone else, and they aren’t selfish.” said Mom. “The Bible tells us in Titus 3:2 that we are to speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people.”
“So it means to be nice, don’t fight, and don’t be selfish?” asked Ali.
Mom noted, “Exactly. And tell your little brother to be gentle. Inside and out.”