The Joy of God’s Creation
“Mom! There’s a bug in the tub! Come smoosh it!” Aliana called from the bathroom.
Alaina’s Mom came upstairs singing, “There’s a bug in the tub, get it out! There’s a bug in the tub, get it out! Before It attacks YOOOU!” And with that, she started tickling Alaina.
“Oh sweetie, it’s just a ladybug.”
“EWWW! GET IT OUT!” Aliana screamed.
Her mom picked it up, threw it out the window, and watched as it flew away. “Bye Bye, Buggy!” her mom called.
“How are you not scared of that?” Aliana asked,
“Well, it’s God’s creation, and God said all he made was good, so I respect that,” Mom said.
“Cool,” Aliana said as she turned on the water. “I’m gonna get a bath now.”
The next day, they went to shovel hay out of the barn for the horses.
“Mom, look!” Aliana said as she came over with a jumping spider on her finger.
“EEPP!” her mom yelled as she jumped back.
“You said that all of Gods’ creations are good! Even Bob,” Aliana said.
“Bob?” Mom asked.
“My pet jumping spider!”
“Oh, no you don’t!” Mom protested as they chased each other around the barn.