How to be Brave when God Calls You to Follow
Some conversations remain imprinted on our minds in the precise location where they took place. Hard conversations with friends. Phone calls that change everything in the blink of an eye. Faith-filled conversations that shift paradigms in our minds and call us to learn how to be brave in new ways.
As last summer drew to a humid close, I remember precisely where we were walking when a close friend asked how I felt about an impending season of immense difficulty. Our family was on the brink of change, and it wasn’t going to be change that came softly and easily. It was a change that was going to require me to learn how be brave, and I wasn’t sure I had it in me.
To read the rest of this article, join me here at my friend Becky Beresford’s blog, where this post is a part of a series for God’s Brave Women. This series has been an encouragement to me as I weekly read the stories of how God inspires everyday women to be brave . . .
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