Satisfaction in Jesus: A Question to Ask Yourself
I’m not thinking about how to find satisfaction in Jesus as the wind rustles the maple leaves.
However, as I open my Bible for inspiration on the warm afternoon, I discover stumble a surprising scene. A blind man named Bartimaeus is crying out to Jesus from the roadside.
Stopping, Jesus looks at blind Bartimaeus and asks, “What do you want me to do for you?”
For an instant, I imagine I am the blind man, and Jesus is asking me this question.
“Jesus, you know what I want you to do for me,” I whisper in the deepest part of my soul.
As the words leave my lips, I realize Jesus isn’t asking this question for himself. He is asking for my benefit.
A Question for Deeper Satisfaction in Jesus
Maybe Jesus wants me to take a hard look at what I really want. Perhaps my truest desires are deeper than the surface-level supplications that often make up my prayers.
On the surface, I want more energy. I’m desperate for the youngest to sleep through the night. I crave greater joy. I want to yell less at my kids, worry less about the chaotic condition of the house, and embrace quiet moments of motherhood.
As the maples dance to the chorus of the robins, I sense a deeper longing within me.
Jesus wants to know what I want on a gut level, in the place where I open wide the doors of my soul and let all my neediness and vulnerability show in his presence.
This is a scary place for most of us. We feel out of control, needy, and way too dependent. We feel weak.
However, Jesus wants our deepest longings. He wants to free us from the behaviors we use to distract ourselves from our true desires. Jesus wants to heal our perfectionism, compulsive behaviors, good works, and escapist behavior patterns.
I breathe with the maples and name my longing. I long to be nurtured.
It feels way too vulnerable to admit to this but also freeing. Safe.
I feel as if my soul has been wrapped in a blanket. It’s a covering that feels soft, tender, and full of goodness and mercy.
The Question to Help You Find Satisfaction in Jesus
What if you paused to ponder this same question?
Don’t scramble for a quick answer. Instead, let the question simmer in the deepest part of you. Let it sink beyond the immediate needs and stir your soul.
What do you really want?
A greater sense of purpose . . .
Reassurance that you are doing a good job . . .
Freedom in the places where you feel stuck . . .
A break . . .
A touch of love that will cast out the fear you’ve been facing . . .
Physical healing that extends to soul-level healing . . .
Peace that passes understanding . . .
Space to breathe, to be absolutely still . . .
What Satisfaction in Jesus Looks Like
When we are honest with the Lord about our deepest longings, we open ourselves for deeper healing. We break down the walls that protect our soft inner selves, and we experience true intimacy with the Lord.
If we never take the time to be honest with ourselves about our deepest longings, we will fail to open our hearts to receive the most precious gifts the Lord wants to give us: gifts like his gentle, nurturing embrace; healing from past and present wounds; affirmation; stillness; courage to keep fighting life’s battles.
Will you sit with the question for ten minutes today and see what comes to the surface in your heart and mind? You might be surprised by what you discover.
Practical Ways to Connect With Jesus:
If you find a longing to slow your rhythms and nurture your weary soul in the presence of the Lord, here are a few ideas:
Take a slow walk down the road and collect an array of wildflowers for a vase on your table.
Sit by a creek and watch the water flow.
Listen to a few minutes of praise music while resting in a comfortable place.
Read a Psalm.
Take a short walk around the yard and admire God’s creation.
Hold a mug of your favorite hot beverage and watch the sunset.
Regardless of how you answered the question about what you want Jesus to do for you, the first step to wholeness is often acknowledging the inner state of your soul in the presence of the Lord.
A Free Online Devotional Book for You:
Lastly, I have a gift for you today: my free 31-day devotional Mornings With Jesus. Mornings With Jesus is not your average daily devotional—it is so much more! This devotional is unique because, in addition to daily readings and reflection questions, it also offers a special section at the end of each post called “Your Invitation to Encounter God and Begin Well.” These exercises will help you actually encounter the Living God during your quiet time. Instead of asking $9.99, I’m offering this devotional for free with promo code JESUS for a limited time right here.
These books are free on Kindle Unlimited or available to purchase in print:
God wants to work in your life to accomplish what you’ve been unable to do through willpower alone. Lean Into Grace: Let God’s Grace Heal Your Heart, Refresh Your Soul, and Set You Free shares practical ways to experience God’s freedom, healing, power, and presence in your life. Find this life-changing book as a free eBook on Kindle Unlimited or for 12.99 in print right here. (If you do not have Kindle Unlimited, you can try it out with a free three-month trial!) This book will transform your life and revitalize your relationship with the Lord!
Calling all moms and daughters!
Additionally, my teen daughter, Bekah, and I are passionate about helping moms and daughters grow closer while connecting with God. We have written two mother-daughter devotionals together. Girl to Girl: 60 Mother-Daughter Devotions for a Closer Relationship and Deeper Faith is written for girls ages 7-12. It includes 60 devotions with Scripture, conversation starters, and a shared journaling section after each devotion.
Heart to Heart: A Mother-Daughter Devotional With 50 Devotions for Teen Girls is for teenage girls ages 13-20. It includes 50 devotions, each with a shared journaling section to help moms and daughters connect through writing. This is a great book for moms who want to communicate about awkward topics—like dating, purity, peer pressure, and more—but don’t know where to start. We will help you!
Multitudes of mothers, daughters, mentors, and younger women are being transformed by these books! You can buy them as paperbacks or get your free Kindle Unlimited eBooks on Amazon right here.