Jesus’ Words for Your Troubled Times and Mountaintop Moments (with Deb Wolf)
The pines dance silvery-white in the morning sunlight, and if I listen closely enough, I swear I hear them singing in unison. Winter is the quiet season in this part of the world. It’s also the time of year when my soul starts itching for Jesus’ words to reach down from the fiery firmament and speak into my weary heart.
Not long ago, God sent more than just a few of Jesus’ words to speak into my life. I was in a season of faithful Bible-reading, but I felt spiritually dry.
By God’s grace, he led me to Deb Wolf’s new devotional journal for women. Deb’s 52-Week Devotional Journal for Women is helping me connect with Jesus in deeper ways in this season. I’m leaning into the journal-prompts, and I’m encountering the heart of God.
Here are five of the most powerful truths from my journey. I pray these words from Jesus bless you as you seek his face as well. I also encourage you to get this devotional journal for your own study and reflection. You will be richly blessed.
Jesus’ Words for Your Uncertain Seasons:
1. He wants you to come and talk with him (page 2)
Most of us know Jesus wants us to pray. We also know he invites us to lives of ongoing prayer. We carve out time for prayer, but we’re frustrated when our wandering minds do anything but pray. (Read about my struggle with a wandering mind here.)
When my mind begins to wander, I remind myself of this simple truth: Jesus – the King of Kings – longs to spend time with me. He wants me to simply show up and talk to him. Every time my mind wanders, I experience one more opportunity to fix my eyes on him all over again.
Deb’s words remind me that Jesus isn’t calling me to be perfect in my prayer-life. He simply wants to spend time with me. He wants to hear what’s on my heart and reveal his heart to me. The invitation is simple: Set aside time to enjoy his presence every day, and then talk to him as you go about your day. He is always listening.
2. Jesus wants us to trust that when we don’t have the answer, he does (page 5)
Our world has faced so much uncertainty throughout the past year. We’ve wrestled with answers about what to do with our lives. We’ve tried to make sense of tragedy and isolation. Some of us wonder if God has abandoned his people.
Friend, God is still with you. He is asking you to trust that even when you don’t have the answer, he does. Rest in this truth today. He holds the power to use uncertainty to make you look more like Jesus. You can trust him with the uncertainty in your life.
Jesus’ Words for Your Troubled Times:
3. Jesus is gently inviting you to fill your mind with thoughts about his goodness (page 8)
I don’t like to admit it, but it’s easy for me to focus on what’s wrong in my life and lose track of what is right (read about my struggle right here). Deb’s journal gently reminds us to fix our thoughts on what is good.
Are you walking through a difficult season in your life?
Now, more than ever, Jesus is calling you to fill your mind with thoughts about his goodness. Look for what is right in your life, and thank him. Dig into his Word and make a list of his attributes. Revisit your list every day, and thank him for who he is.
Your circumstances might not shift, but the way you see your life absolutely will.
4. You are in a very real battle, but Jesus already won the victory (page 10)
I tend to forget I’m in a spiritual battle. Deb’s words remind me there is a very real battle taking place in the spiritual realms all around me. An enemy aims flaming arrows at me and wants to destroy my personal life and my ministry. He wants to ruin my relationships and render me ineffective for God’s kingdom.
Let’s not lose heart regarding the battle we face. Do you feel worn and battle-weary today? Don’t lose heart. Jesus already won the victory! Our role is to step into the victory Jesus won for us.
The Truth about Your Identity:
5. God’s love is unfailing and unchanging – even when we can’t feel it (page 14)
Women are emotional beings. We feel our emotions deeply, and we love feeling loved.
I love the way my kids love me. They write me notes, ask me to snuggle on the couch, hold my hand, and make me feel loved. Their love is touchable – palpable.
Some days I wish I could feel God’s love in a more palpable way. I know the Bible is his love-note to me, but it doesn’t feel as warm and fuzzy as the notes from my kids. I know he holds me when I’m hurting, but I don’t feel his arms around me.
Scripture reminds me of an important truth: God’s love is unfailing and unchanging – even when we can’t feel it. I need this reminder more than ever as we press further into the dark days of winter.
God’s love is unfailing and unchanging – even when we can’t feel it. #Godslove Share on XFriend, if you are frustrated because you cannot feel God’s love surrounding you, don’t lose heart. His love is unfailing and unchanging, even when you can’t feel it.
An Invitation for You to Encounter Jesus’ Words:
I’m so thankful for Deb’s devotional journal. I’ll be using this journal as a part of my quiet time for many months to come. To get your copy, click right here: 52-Week Devotional Journal for Women.
To connect with Deb more, visit Counting My Blessings right here. You will be blessed!