A Daily Bible Reading Guide to Transform Your Life
The sumac has come to life in shades of fiery crimson. I stare at it from my perch by the window and open God’s Word with a sense of expectation. A few weeks ago, I started a new daily Bible reading guide, and this devotional is leading me straight to the Lord.
I’ve been learning from Patsy Burnette for years, and when she released her 365-day devotional book Sweeter Than Honey, I jumped at the opportunity to draw near to God with Patsy. I have not been disappointed.
Sweeter Than Honey walks the reader through the full Bible in one year—reading chronologically, which is a compelling way to read through the Bible.
Patsy digs into obscure Old Testament passages and leads us through the New Testament with challenges for our everyday lives. She shows us how the words of Job, Hosea, Amos, and other Old Testament prophets are relevant to our lives today. This is not a watered-down walk through the Word. It is a powerful journey to connect with Scripture in a way that transforms.
This is not a watered-down walk through the Word. It is a powerful journey to connect with Scripture in a way that transforms. #SweeterThanHoney Share on XEach daily reading directs you to a few chapters in God’s Word, offers a commentary, and provides challenging questions to help you reflect and apply the passage to your life. This is the exact resource I’ve been looking for, and it’s blessing me!
Here are a few blessings you’ll find within this daily Bible reading guide and devotional:
1. Encouragement to seek God above all else.
2. A strong focus encouraging you to experience God’s presence in new ways.
3. A challenge to pray with focus for your loved ones.
4. Practical exercises to draw you closer to the Lord.
Quotes from this powerful book:
“Do you have fears? Most of us probably have a certain amount of fear. Maybe we fear losing our job and not being able to provide for our families. Maybe it’s a fear of losing our health or fear of caring for our aging parents. Whatever that fear is, the Lord is there as your Comforter today, friend. “…neither shall his bread be lacking” (51:14). We will not lack anything we need. Our Comforter is also our Provider. Today, let’s take those fears to the Comforter—”the Lord of Hosts is His name” (51:15).”
“God is glorified when we bring the Good News of the Gospel to the poor, and when we bind up the brokenhearted, proclaim liberty to the captive, open the prison of those who are bound, and when we comfort those who mourn. In all of these acts of love and kindness, He is glorified.”
“Much of the time these “divine” and “for such a time as this” appointments are waiting right outside our comfort zones. But you know Who else is waiting for us there? God!”
A fantastic Christmas gift:
You may or may not be thinking about Christmas gifts. If not, put a bookmark on this devotional and save it for your December order. If you are thinking about what to give your Jesus-loving friends, this is an awesome gift idea.
I trust this book will bless and challenge you as much as it is blessing and challenging me!
Meet the lovely author and buy this devotional and daily Bible reading guide right here!