The Teens in Your Life Need This Book: Transforming Your Thought Life for Teens
I spent almost a decade teaching teens in a local public high school. Throughout those years, I also served as a youth leader and mentored dozens of teens through the tumultuous journey of adolescence. I wish Sarah Geringer’s book Transforming Your Thought Life for Teens had been available throughout those years!
This book is a follow-up to Sarah’s book Transforming Your Thought Life: Christian Meditation in Focus, released in 2019. I was powerfully impacted by Sarah’s book Transforming Your Thought Life and appreciated the way Sarah was relatable and yet also pointed me back to the truth of God’s Word. When I heard she was writing a follow-up book specifically for teens, I was thrilled.
They might not admit it to their parents, but most teens are searching for answers about God and life. They’re curious about how to make their faith their own. They want to connect with God, but the Bible feels inaccessible.
Transforming Your Thought Life is relevant and powerful.
Sarah’s new book does an amazing job of connecting with the issues relevant to teens today and then inviting them to interact with God’s Word for themselves. Our lives are transformed when we encounter God through his written Word. This book will help lead the teens in your life to deeper faith and strong relationships with God.
Our lives are transformed when we encounter God through his written Word. This book will help lead the teens in your life to deeper faith and strong relationships with God. #transformingyourthoughtlife Share on XSarah delves into everything from body image to anxiety, and I’ll be gifting this book to my almost-11-year-old daughter Bekah for Christmas this year (Don’t tell her)! If you want to help the teens in your life grow in faith, this book would make a great gift.
You can find this great book and more information right here at Sarah’s book homepage! Be blessed!