A Devotional Book That Will Bless You: I Love You, Mom!
First light gives herself away without a hint of reservation, and I drink down the gift like I’m drinking from the fountain of life itself. We’re in the thick of what already feels like a never-ending winter, and I’m aiming to be intentional about tapping into life-giving resources. I’m slowing my rhythms to soak in golden beams of morning sunlight, splurging on flavored coffee, and digging into books that are nourishing my soul. I recently discovered a mother-daughter devotional book that’s touching my heart in surprising ways.
I Love You, Mom: Cherished Word Gifts from My Heart to Yours by Blythe Daniel and her mom Helen McIntosh is filled with warm sentiments for mothers and daughters to share—as well as Scripture-inspired devotions offering insights and promises from God’s Word.
I’ll be honest, I wasn’t ready for the way this book would touch my heart. I have a wonderful relationship with my mom, and particularly as I read Blythe’s words to her mom, I was flooded with gratitude for the gift of my mom. I Love You, Mom! is like a super-charged greeting card—filled to the brim with tender sentiments and loving words shared between mothers and daughters.
I Love You, Mom! is like a super-charged greeting card—filled to the brim with tender sentiments and loving words shared between mothers and daughters. #ILoveYouMom #MotherDaughterDevotional Share on XThe Surprising Gift Within This Devotional Book
As the Lord used this book to soften and open my heart with gratitude, an unexpected shift took place in my spirit: I encountered the warm and nurturing side of God’s heart in a way I had never experienced. In addition to spurring gratitude, this wonderful book is expanding my capacity to receive God’s nurturing comfort.
God is our heavenly Father, but he also possesses every quality we see in a loving mother. He is tender, compassionate, and attentive. God cares for our most menial and hidden needs, and like a loving mother, he attunes with our emotions. He weeps when we weep, and he is filled with joy when we flourish. I am experiencing these realities as God reminds me of his character through the words of this touching book.
You might not have an awesome relationship with your mom. The idea of giving her a sentimental book about your love might feel too vulnerable. Ever-so-gently, I encourage you to consider buying this book for yourself as a first step toward healing.
Read through it—thanking God for being the perfect parent (with all the qualities of a loving father and mother)—and allow him to minister to your heart as only he can. In the process, he just might soften your heart toward your mom and lead you to reach out to her in a gesture of love. (Mended: Restoring the Hearts of Mothers and Daughters, also by Blythe and Helen, is one of the best books I’ve read on healing the mother-daughter relationship. Check it out right here.)
A Gift for Your Mom
I Love You, Mom! is a beautiful book and makes the perfect gift for your mom on any occasion. Before I buy a book, I like to peruse a few quotes and assess what I might take away from it. Here are a few takeaways you will find within these pages:
1. This devotional book invites daughters to express sentiments they’ve never put into words.
Do you ever feel stuck when you try to write a loving note to your mom inside a greeting card? You want to offer heartfelt gratitude and loving sentiments, but it’s hard to find words. I Love You, Mom! will help! Here’s an example of a quote from daughter to mother:
“Mom, you have always said you are thankful to God for me, but I am the one who wants to say that I’m thankful for you. I remember how you cheered me on and helped me realize I really could solve a problem on my own. I have learned to be a better person because of you. If it were not for the ways you loved us within our home, I couldn’t have learned to love as well outside our home. You have been the one who has always stood by my side and the one I still come home to. When I think of you, Mom, I give thanks to God.”
2. I Love You, Mom! will encourage you to begin again when things flop.
I can’t think of a mom who doesn’t need the gift of a re-do from time to time! I wasn’t expecting this book to help me in the daily grind of parenting my own three little ones. The other day, I decided it was time to recommit to my vow about not yelling at my kids. Thirty minutes later, guess who was yelling at the two little boys who wouldn’t stop bickering?
Thankfully, I remembered the words I’d read earlier in the day, and we began again:
“There is glorious relief when we can say to our children (or to ourselves with humble hearts), ‘I need to start over. Will you start over with me?’ The beauty of a do-over is that we can model to our children that it’s okay to admit we need to start again.”
3. This devotional will challenge you as both a mother and a daughter.
A few days ago, I was feeling particularly exhausted at the end of a long day with all three kids at home. As I opened this book before bed, these words challenged me:
“Do you give your finest to others and leave what’s left to your children?”
How often do we, as moms, give all our energy and effort to others and leave scraps for our kids? I praise God that there is no condemnation on this journey. I also thank him for showing me my blind spots and aligning my priorities with his priorities.
4. I Love You, Mom! will challenge you to move toward healing.
Every mom has hurt her daughter, and every daughter has hurt her mom. When these wounds aren’t mended, they can become festering wounds of bitterness and unforgiveness. I Love You, Mom! will challenge you to take small (and large) steps toward healing and restoration. Here’s an example:
“What would it take for you to forgive your child or ask their forgiveness for something you’ve held on to for far too long?”
5. This devotional book cultivates joy.
I picked my “Word of the Year” sometime around January 21. Better late than never, right?
I just couldn’t settle on a word, and I told God I wasn’t jumping on the bandwagon unless I sensed him guiding me.
Meanwhile, I was blinded to the fact that I’ve read five books on joy throughout the past two months, my friends are all talking about joy, and I’ve been studying the neuroscience of spiritual formation through joy-fueled attachments (but that’s a topic for a different day).
Most women would happily receive a fresh outpouring of joy—as both mothers and daughters. Above all else, I Love You, Mom! is inspiring me to pursue joy! I’m leaving the laundry unfolded and snuggling with the two-year-old. I’m taking myself less seriously and learning to laugh about burned supper and rock-hard ketchup splattered on the walls.
Joy is threaded throughout this book like a golden undercurrent of light. Here’s a specific insight about cultivating joy:
“Our joy is at the very bottom of the pile, weighed down by our loads. Sometimes these are literal loads—laundry bins stuffed to the brim, stacks of bills that need to be paid, heaps of leaves that need to be raked. The never-ending tasks of parenting and household chores can dampen our spirit if we let them.”
How to Win a Copy!
As I’ve worked on this post, I’ve thought of friends who have lost their precious moms, mothers who have endured the heartbreaking grief of losing their daughters, and others who have difficult relationships with their moms. My heart is filled with compassion for each of you. I’ve never enabled comments in this space, but I’m enabling them for this post as a way of connecting with you. Let’s celebrate the good gifts we’ve received from our moms. I’d love to hear one lesson your mom taught you in the comments below. Everyone who participates will be entered into a drawing to win a free copy of this touching book!
Preorder Your Mother-Daughter Devotional Here Today:
Whether you’re buying a birthday present, getting a jump on Mother’s Day shopping, or want to bless your mom with an unexpected surprise, you can grab your copy right here! I pray this devotional blesses you (and your mom) as much as it’s blessing me! And now, to keep my mom from reading this post and ruining her surprise gift!

Lisa Blair
Thank you for the book recommendation, I pre-ordered a copy. My Mom was a very generous person. She hosted many bridal showers and baby showers in her home. If there was a fire, she organized a fire shower and money tree for the survivors. She enjoyed supporting people in their highest and lowest times and was a true friend to many people. She taught me how to celebrate and support other people.
Lisa, what a wonderful legacy your mom passed along to you. Being available to support people in their highest and lowest times is such a gift. And I’m so excited to hear that you pre-ordered the book! You’re going to be deeply blessed!
Barbara Harper
I met Blythe via Zoom for a writer’s conference critque, and have read many of her posts about writing and publishing. She’s a very sweet lady, and I am sure this book is wonderful. My own mom passed away 17 years ago, and I miss her. Probably on of the greatest things I learned from her is to befriend our kids. We teach and discipline, yes, but it’s good to like them as well as love them and listen to them and spend time with them.
Barbara, what a wonderful lesson from your mom. Someone once told me to make sure I always remember that my kids might one day be my closest friends–not that I don’t discipline them, but that I treat them with respect and remember where I want to be in a couple of decades. Your words are reminding me of this mindset on a day when I need it (the schools are closed due to weather, and the kids are literally climbing the ways). Thanks for always being such a support in this space! And yes, Blythe’s compassionate heart shows through in this wonderful book. I’m thankful she and her mom are sharing their hearts with us in this way!
Barb Hegreberg
Wonderful review. I think I need to keep reading!
Barb, thanks so much for stopping by today! I’m confident this book will bless you richly!
Lois Pardoe
I am forever grateful for my mother’s prayers. I could ALWAYS count on them for strength & protection wherever I would go….I KNEW she was holding me up in prayer. I SO miss that now that she has been gone for two years. I miss seeing her & hugging her. I know that others pray for me but, not with the same commitment that my mother did. I try to remember to pray for my own children and their families everyday. For their salvation and constant protection. I want us all to be in heaven TOGETHER one day. They are the GREATEST gift that God has given me. I want to spend eternity with them. And…I KNOW that I will see and hold my mother again one day. What a glorious day that will be! If you haven’t given your life to God…please do it now!!
She was a special lady. I’m so glad I was able to get to know her throughout her later years. She carried so much wisdom and strength. And I agree–knowing we will all be hugging and be together one day in heaven brings so much consolation to my soul as I think about other loved ones we miss so dearly. It’s a gentle reminder to keep sharing my faith in Christ with everyone I know and love. And thanks for being such a warm, kind mother-in-love! I’m grateful for YOU today too! Hugs!
My Mother taught me a “true service to heart” toward my spouse.
Watching my mother (before a Christian) and even more so after her salvation, she was always tending to the needs of my father. Making his lunch for work, setting out daily vitamins, rubbing a sore back, tending to the home, us kids and so much more.
she never has stopped serving him.
She is his biggest fan and supporter and following her love for Christ, he is her next favorite person!
I have found myself naturally following in her footsteps with my husband and I feel blessed to have had such an example of servitude in our home growing up.
I love this, Kim! And I agree! My mom has always served my dad in these ways too. Over the years, I’ve learned to see this as one of her great strengths. She chooses to put his needs above her own, and it’s a wonderful demonstration of Christ’s love! Thanks so much for taking the time to leave this thoughtful comment. It stirred gratitude in my heart as well!
Wonderful book! I’m excited to read it. I just purchased a pre-order.
Yay! You’re going to be blessed, Lauren! I’m so happy to hear this! Thanks for connecting here today too!
Thanks so much for sharing about this book, friend! Sounds very interesting and helpful. One lesson I learned from my mom is her tenacity and perseverence.
It’s so nice to see your beautiful face and thoughtful words here today, my friend! And I love that your mom taught you tenacity and perseverance. I would have to agree that these character traits have been firmly planted in your heart because you have held up through life-shaking storms with tenacity and perseverance! I know God has been the foundation, but he has certainly given you a big dose of strength. I’ve been deeply impacted by the way you have used the hard parts of your story to minister to the world.
Melanie M. Redd
What a great idea… a Mother-Daughter devotional book! I love it!
Melanie, thanks for taking a minute to connect here! It means the world to me, especially knowing what a big week you’re having! And I agree about this great devotional being a fantastic idea! Every Mother’s Day, I give my mom and sister a new devotional book, get one for myself too, and we all read them on our own time all year together. I don’t think I can wait until Mother’s Day to bless my mom with this book, but it would be a perfect way to set out on the shared reading journey!
Julie Plagens
Stacey, I am so glad you put this out. So many people are going to be blessed by your writing. The mothers-daughter relationship is so important. It lasts a lifetime so it’s good to put Jesus in it!
Hey Julie! It’s so nice to see your name here! Yes, I’m praying this book will bless many moms and their daughters! It can be a tricky relationship, but God has plans for restoration. I’ve really enjoyed reflecting on my relationship with my mom and reading others’ thoughts too. Thanks so much for taking the time to connect here and for your kind words (always). You’re a blessing to me!
My Mom was very strict on me and my siblings but it taugh us . We were all raised in church my mom was a wonderful Christian lady that knew the Bible and I remember if I ever had a question about what I was reading in the Bible she would explain it so good and sometimes she would laugh and say ” close your eyes and try and pic this are that ” she was a wonderful storyteller. And learned to play the paint all by herself . She a voice of an Angel. She taugh us girls to sing . My Mother had her faults but who don’t . She loved her “Babies ” that for sure .
Amanda, your mom sounds like a wonderful lady. I love the legacy she left for you. And I love that you point out how we all have our faults. Even the very best mom in the world certainly isn’t perfect. As long as we love our kids and offer them the best of us, we hold such a key for helping them succeed in life. Knowing your mom has your back changes everything! Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your comment today! It blessed me!
Deb Wolf
This sounds so good! I wish I’d had something like when my girls were at home. What a blessing to be able to share this with your sweet girl!
Hey friend! Yes! I’m so thankful for this wonderful gift! It’s blessing me as a mom and as a daughter!
Betty Predmore
My mom taught me the value of hard work, honest work. She worked so hard as a single mom to provide for her children. It is not WHAT job you have, it is HOW well you do it. I have always been a hard worker and I credit my mom for teaching me through her own actions.
Single moms are my heroes! What a wonderful legacy your mom passed along to you, Betty! One of our family’s core values is Colossians 3:23: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, knowing you are working for God and not for men.” It sounds like your mom did an amazing job of instilling this value into you. What a gift!
I love all of this Stacey, but #3 stopped me, “Do you give your finest to others and leave what’s left to your children?” I have to remember in this season, my young children need me the most and they deserve the best of me.
I am blessed with a great relationship with my mom. She’s showed me how to persevere through the hardest of things and that silent prayers are our greatest weapons.
Me too, girl, me too. I’ve been convicted by those words more than once in the past 24 hours here too! And I love the words “silent prayers.” This is resonating with me today! They sure are our greatest weapons! Thanks so much for stopping by today. It means so much to me!
Donna Miller
I love this sweet Stacey! My mom taught me to work hard. She was a lady through and through and carried herself well …
Hey sweet friend! What fun seeing you here today! And thanks for the comment about your mom. I’d say she passed those gifts along to you quite well! You are a gift to the world–with your compassionate heart, Truth-filled words, and wealth of insight! I’m grateful for you!
Donna Miller
Awee I feel the same way about you, sweet friend! Blessings Stacey … ❤️
My mom has taught me how to be an encourager and to be brave and to love Jesus unashamedly. And so many more things!! I am blessed!
What wonderful gifts your mom passed along to you, Annie! Thanks for taking the time to connect here today! You are a blessing to me!
My Mom’as actions spoke a lot of love even though she didn’t aways say much. But she cared deeply for each of her children and did all she could to make us okay. She sacrificed her comfort many times to see that our needs are always meant. But, my most important lesson from her would be living a life of contentment.
Ufuoma, I love that your mom taught you to be content. Honestly, this is one of the greatest gifts I hope to pass along to my children as well. It’s no easy thing to learn to be content wherever we are! But if we can learn to find that contentment in Christ, everything will change! Thanks so much for sharing here today!
Lisa notes
Things that inspire us to pursue joy are good things! Such a lovely book, Stacey.
Lisa, so nice to see you here today! Thanks so much for stopping by! Yes, filling ourselves with things that inspire joy is so important! For me, this is especially helpful in the long, cold winter months! Be blessed today, my friend!
Desiree Lilly
So many lessons from my mom, it’s hard to pick just one. Her whole life living and learning is a lesson!
One is to forgive someone who has hurt you whether or not they ask for forgiveness. Whether or not they know how much pain they caused. Unforgiveness eats us from the inside out, and it is a gift to ourselves to let it go and trust the Lord with our hearts and theirs.
Des, your mom is a gem, that’s for sure! I love that she taught you this. I think of her often as I pray over my kids. She is my biggest inspiration when it comes to believing that our prayers will carry our children back into the arms of the Lord. Her faith is such an inspiration!
Ashley Rowland | HISsparrowBlog
What a wonderful idea for a book! It can be hard to articulate all those feelings and lessons sometimes. My mom is a special person. She never had an easy time of anything, but she always showed up. Sacrificial and unconditional love have been modeled for me strongest in her.
By the way, I’m pleased to have the opportunity to let you know, Stacey, how much I enjoy your writing. You have a way with words that paints beautiful pictures in my mind of the sunsets and changing seasons or whatever you’re describing in your intro.
Aww…I’m pleased to know you too, my friend! Thank you for taking the time to share in this space today! What a gift to me! And what a gift your encouraging words about my writing are to me too. I also love the simple phrase that your mom showed up. I think I get caught up in showing up perfectly; however, more than anything, showing up in the first place is what matters most. This felt like a Word from the Lord to this weary mama today! Hugs to you!
Courtney McNamara
You write so beautifully, Stace, and what a sweet tribute to your beautiful mother. Your mom is one of the sweetest women in the world, and you take after her so much! My own mom is such a sweet, generous, compassionate woman who raised me to know and love the Lord. I think that is the absolute greatest legacy of any mother, and I’m beyond grateful to my faithful mama for that!
Thanks so much, friend! We sure are blessed with amazing moms! And you’re right. There’s no greater gift than to teach our kids to know and love the Lord. Now that we’re living out the mom-side of things, it puts their tender love and care into perspective. This is a high calling!