5 Ways to Rest in God’s Presence: A Review of Just Rest
Snowflakes fall like a quiet benediction on a hushed spring morning. I awaken feeling groggy after another night of tending to coughing children. I’m desperate to rest in God’s presence this morning—to let his love wash over me and fill the empty places.
Opening Melanie Redd’s new book, Just Rest: A 90 Day Devotional Journal, I read the following words: “True rest for the soul, however, comes from one place only—and that involves walking in the good way. This is the path we choose when we walk close to Jesus. The pathway to rest is found in Him alone.”
We live in a culture in which hurry and hustle are praised. Most of us are tempted to build our identities on what we can produce and achieve. Melanie reminds us of a different option: The Lord is inviting us to slow down, press into him, and learn how to find true rest in his presence.
Just Rest has been challenging me to examine my days, slow my pace, and turn to Jesus as I seek his rest. I know I’m not alone in this longing for deep, soul-level rest. Here are a few more insights from Melanie on how to step out of weariness and into the Lord’s rest:
1. We rest in God’s presence when we run to him in moments of temptation.
Melanie writes, “Rather than running away from Him while facing a temptation, God wants us to run toward Him. Even during those times when we badly mess up, God gently whispers to us, ‘Come to Me, child.’ We do not need to face life’s tests and temptations by ourselves.”
2. We rest in God’s presence when we trust him to meet our needs.
Melanie offers the following words about God’s care: “When we seek God and the things that matter to Him, He promises to take care of us. He is really the only One who has the power to do anything about most of our issues. Father God is able to meet our needs, and that is why we must turn to Him first.”
3. We find rest when learn to return our gaze to the Lord.
Melanie writes, “Distractions, people, and issues beg for our attention. Often, we allow our thoughts to wander and end up losing our peace. The secret to peace is to relentlessly refocus our attention back on God.”
4. We find rest when we embrace our uniqueness instead of hiding it.
Melanie reminds us to let God shine through us with these words: “God specially crafted you this way. You are the only individual in the world that can accomplish what He has created you to accomplish. No one else can do you, contribute as you, or impact others as you will do. So, don’t be afraid to be yourself! Be the woman God designed you to be.”
5. We rest in God’s presence when we remember that God is capable of solving every problem we face.
Melanie reminds us: “Only the real God, the One true God, the Living God, deserves our praise and adoration. We can meet with Him every single day—and He can actually solve our dilemmas and fix our issues.”
Just Rest has been challenging me to examine my days, slow my pace, and turn to Jesus as I seek his rest. #JustRest Share on X
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Melanie’s words are pointing me back to the truth of God’s Word, challenging me to examine my days, and inspiring me to align myself with Jesus as I step into his unhurried rhythms. I’ll be returning to these words when the demands of my days begin to overwhelm me in the future! Get your copy of Just Rest: A 90 Day Devotional Journal right here or find it at your favorite bookseller!