A Mother-Daughter Devotional for a Closer Relationship and Deeper Faith!
Today is the day, friends! Girl to Girl: 60 Mother-Daughter Devotions for a Closer Relationship and Deeper Faith, our new mother-daughter devotional book, is on sale in paperback right here!
In case you haven’t been hanging around these parts lately, our 12-year-old daughter Bekah and I wrote a mother-daughter devotional book together, and we would love your support!
Each devotion includes Scripture, commentaries from both of us, conversation starters, and even a journaling section.
We had a blast writing it, and we are so excited to share it with the world. Get it now in time for Christmas! It makes a great gift for the mothers and daughters you care about. It’s geared toward girls ages 10-15 but can easily be used with younger and older daughters as well.
Attention all moms and daughters! Do you want to strengthen your relationship and connect with God in deeper ways? Girl to Girl: 60 Mother-Daughter Devotions for a Closer Relationship and Deeper Faith by tween-girl/mother coauthors… Share on X
Do you want a taste of what you’ll find inside the book? Here’s a devotion from the book:
Beautifully Different: An Excerpt From Our New Mother-Daughter Devotional
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
Psalm 139:14
Mom’s Thoughts:
Have you ever felt pressure to try to be like the people surrounding you? Maybe you joined a club or a team and everyone around you seemed similar. Maybe they all had great hair or super-cute, sporty outfits. Suddenly, you felt frumpy and out of place with your ponytail and T-shirt. You watched the way the other girls talked and joked, and you felt an intense desire to be more like them and fit into the same image.
Most of us know how it feels to want to fit in—even if it means pretending to be someone we’re not. It’s not wrong to want to fit in with others, but God wants you to know something important today: He intentionally designed you to be one of a kind. The parts of you that make you unique are the gifts he wants you to carry into the world.
Don’t try to fit the mold. Be your real self. Hold your head high. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Be willing to laugh at yourself. You will carry God’s love to the world when you show them the real you.
Bekah would be the first to tell you that I’m sportier and woodsier than most of her friends’ moms. I love running, hiking, camping, fishing, and anything outdoors. I spent years hiding these parts of my life from others, but God finally showed me that these parts of me are the exact gifts he wants to use to help other women feel free to be themselves as well!
Girl to Girl (from Bekah):
I think of it this way: There are these geckos called mourning geckos, and the females don’t need a male to have babies. That means that the babies are just duplicates of their mothers. Crazy, right?!
Imagine how boring the world would be if we were all exactly the same. We would all look the same, talk the same, and have the same hobbies. Even worse, you could never tell anyone apart!
You might be thinking, “Well, Bekah, what makes you unique?”
Let me tell you!
As I mentioned earlier, I have a collection of reptiles in my room, and I’m always adding to the collection (even though my mom says we will never have a snake in this house)!
Don’t worry! You don’t have to collect reptiles just to be different. Your personality is what makes you special! There is no one else exactly like you on this whole planet, and God has a purpose for you just the way you are.
You can be your true self by choosing the style of clothes you like, embracing your hobbies, and letting your true personality shine. Don’t be afraid to be your fun, unique self! You never need to be someone you’re not!
Talk About It:
- Describe a time when you felt pressure to fit into the crowd or change to match a certain image. How did you respond in this situation?
- Name three or four of your unique talents or traits. In what ways might God want to use your unique talents, traits, and experiences to reach others with his love?
Pray Together:
Lord Jesus, thank you for creating each of us in unique and individual ways. Help us embrace our uniqueness instead of trying to blend in and be like others. Show us how you want to use our special traits and talents to change the world. Amen.
Journal Later:
Name your most unique characteristic. Share one idea for how you could bless someone else with your unique characteristic this week. For example, you might use your artistic skills to make a gift for a loved one, cheer someone up with your sense of humor, or invite a friend to enjoy a unique hobby with you.
Get Your Mother-Daughter Devotional Today!
Want to read 59 more devotions similar to this one? Get your copy on Amazon today! We are also updating this older post today and want to share our sequel to Girl to Girl. We also have a mother-daughter devotional exclusively for teen girls and moms. It’s called Heart to Heart: A Mother-Daughter Devotional With 50 Devotions for Teen Girls. This book will help moms talk about challenging topics with their girls (including purity, dating, peer pressure, and more). Check out both books right here!