Bible Truth for Everyday Life

God Cares About You: 10 Bible Verses to Stand on in Tough Times

Yesterday, I spent what felt like wasted time trying to find a metaphor for the blue sky that opened wide all around us when we traveled to Wyoming.  I even searched for a fitting simile online.

Sadly, comparisons to robins’ eggs and soldiers’ uniforms didn’t capture what happened in my heart when the clouds opened wide, Elk Mountain smiled down on us with snowy slopes, and the cold springtime wind sent us hustling to find our jackets.

This morning, I opened Luci Shaw’s book of poetry, and today’s poem caught my breath.  It was called “God speaks in blue.”

God Cares About You

Luci offered every metaphor I could have asked for, and in his divine sense of humor, I sensed that God smiled.  I could almost hear a belly laugh coming from heaven.

Who said that God doesn’t care about the details in our lives—details like a writer’s plight to find the right metaphor for the vast Wyoming sky?

I have no doubt today.  He cares about every detail of my life.

Maybe you need this reminder, too.

Perhaps it feels like God has forgotten you.

Dear friend, as a mother cannot forget her nursing child, God cannot forget about you (Isaiah 49:15-16).

Dear friend, as a mother cannot forget her nursing child, God cannot forget about you (Isaiah 49:15-16). #GodsLove #God Click To Tweet

God Cares About You More Than You Can Fathom

Let’s look at what God himself has to say about his love and care for his children.

1. As a groom rejoices over his bride, God rejoices over you.

“As the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so shall your God rejoice over you” (Isaiah 62:5, NIV).

2. God has engraved you on the palms of his hands.

“See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me” (Isaiah 49:16).

3. God cares for you so much that he pursues you.

“Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life” (Psalm 23:6).

4. God cares for you so much that he looks for ways to draw you into his love.

“Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the wilderness and speak tenderly to her” (Hosea 2:14).

5. Nothing can ever take God’s love away from you.

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers,  neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:38-39).

6. God cares for you so much that he relentlessly fights for you.

“The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still” (Exodus 14:14).

7. God waits to catch you when you fall.

“The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms” (Deuteronomy 33:27).

8. God has compassion on you when you are hurting.

“Shout for joy, you heavens; rejoice, you earth; burst into song, you mountains! For the LORD comforts his people and will have compassion on his afflicted ones” (Isaiah 49:13).

9. God cares for you so much that he knows how many hairs are on your head.

“Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows” (Luke 12:7).

10. God is your defender.

“Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The LORD, the LORD himself, is my strength and my defense; he has become my salvation” (Isaiah 12:2).

God Cares for You, and He Is Calling You Deeper Into His Love

I’m still smiling about the way God provided an entire poem filled with metaphors to describe the Wyoming sky.  I’m also smiling as I consider God’s great care for every detail of my life.


You might have noticed that this special Friday post isn’t my normal day for writing.

I’m dropping by today because I have a special resource to help you connect with God.  Along with 34 wise and Christ-loving women, I was asked to contribute to a powerful book about the ways God loves us, heals us, and shows us he cares about us.  This book just went on sale, and it is impossible to read it without being moved and drawn deeper into God’s love.

It’s called Life Changing Stories, and you can learn more about it right here.  Find it on Amazon today, and you will be blessed, challenged, and inspired.





I’m passionate about equipping others to encounter God in powerful and life-changing ways. When I’m not writing, you’ll find me hiking, jogging, exploring wild places with my three young children and husband, leading small groups, and mentoring younger women. A certified special education teacher, I am on leave from the classroom for a season of chasing frogs and playing in creeks with my little ones. Most of all, the compassionate love of Jesus has forever ravished my heart, and I'm emphatic about making his love known to the world.