Purposeful Living

How to Stop Worrying and Trust God in Tough Times

I’ve been a worrier for as long as I can remember.  Throughout the past decade, I’ve been on a journey of learning how to stop worrying and trust God with the parts of my life that are important to me.

Maybe you can relate.

It’s not easy to keep from falling apart when it looks like your world might come crashing down at any given moment.  Maybe you lost your job, the relationship finally fell apart, or the wayward child still hasn’t come home.

It’s not easy to figure out how to stop worrying and trust God.

Perhaps you prayed and pleaded for God to bring a dream to pass.  Now that it has become a reality, you’re not sure you have what it takes to fulfill the calling in front of you.

When Worries Consume You

Maybe you find yourself looking to the uncertain future and wrestling with worry today.

If you’re wrestling with worries that your future might hold more difficulties than you’re prepared to face, the Lord wants to pour his grace upon you.  He wants to work in your life and accomplish what you cannot do for yourself.  He wants to help you learn to trust him.

How to Stop Worrying and Trust God

Here are a few ways to lean into God’s grace when trusting him doesn’t come easily.

First, relinquish your worst-case scenario into his hands.

Worry is closely related to fear.  Depending on which translation you read, the phrase, “Do not fear,” is repeated somewhere around 365 times in Scripture.

The command, “Do not fear,” doesn’t mean trouble won’t come.

Your new job might be extremely difficult.

Navigating life as a single mom might be harder than you ever imagined.

Dealing with a difficult diagnosis might be even more challenging than you feared.

However, even if your worst-case scenario becomes reality, God is asking you not to fear and worry.  He is asking you to trust that he will walk through it with you.

He will provide for you through the worst moments.  God will use every fiery trial to mold your heart into the image of Christ.

Ask God to help you trust him with your worst-case scenario.  Let yourself imagine the worst outcome and talk to God about it.  Imagine the way you will cling to God if this outcome comes to pass.  Imagine making it through this scenario because God will never leave you.

When you can relinquish your worst-case scenario, you will take one step toward victory over your worries.

Second, take life one day at a time.

Have you ever noticed that much of what you worry about never actually happens? If God has called you into uncharted waters, follow him one step at a time.

There are seasons when we simply cannot predict the two-month, two-year, or even two-week plan.

Commit to keep doing what God has called you to do today.  You can follow him for one day.  You can put one foot in front of the other and brush your teeth, make breakfast, and walk through the demands of this one day.

Don’t get so caught up in what might happen in the future that you forfeit today’s calling.  Many of our worries never come to fruition.

Have you ever noticed that much of what you worry about never actually happens? #worry #trustingGod Share on XHow to Stop Worrying and Trust God More

Third, keep giving thanks, even when the future is uncertain.

It’s not easy to keep thanking God for his gifts during difficult times.  However, gratitude is a game-changer.  When we fix our attention on what is pure, right, lovely, and good, God’s peace follows.

Neurologically, practicing gratitude opens circuits in our brains and even changes our brain matter.  We can rewire our brains and become more joyful people by consistently giving thanks.

Have you ever noticed that you cannot worry and give thanks at the same time?  Keep your eyes on God’s blessings and keep thanking him, and you will push out the worries that threaten to consume you. 

How to Stop Worrying About the Future

We all face a very real enemy who wants to paralyze us.  He wants to plant seeds of worry, cause us to doubt the goodness of God, and convince us that we cannot trust God with our uncertain futures.  When these worries arise, we have the authority to defeat the enemy with his own weapon.

When worries about an uncertain future arise within you, use the worries as a prompt to send you running to the arms of the Father.

Don’t get stuck in the worries.

They are your prompt.

Run to the Father, stand on his Truth, and lean into him with a trusting heart.  He will work in your heart to do what you cannot do for yourself—he will begin the work of pushing out the worry.  Imagine how different your life might look if every worry became a prompt that sent you running to Jesus’ open arms.

A Free Resource to Help You Worry Less and Trust God More:

Do you want to learn to quickly identify and overcome Satan’s primary battle strategy?  The enemy wants nothing more than to immobilize you and distract you as he sends his flaming arrows in your direction using this strategy.  Download a free chapter of my book, Lean Into Grace, and learn two powerful ways to take the weapon meant to destroy you and turn it back on the enemy.  Download it for free right here.Scriptures to Destroy the Works of the Enemy

Calling all moms and daughters!

Additionally, my teen daughter, Bekah, and I are passionate about helping moms and daughters grow closer while connecting with God.  We have written two mother-daughter devotionals together.  Girl to Girl: 60 Mother-Daughter Devotions for a Closer Relationship and Deeper Faith is written for girls ages 7-12. It includes 60 devotions with Scripture, conversation starters, and a shared journaling section after each devotion.

Heart to Heart: A Mother-Daughter Devotional With 50 Devotions for Teen Girls is for teenage girls ages 13-20.  It includes 50 devotions, each with a shared journaling section to help moms and daughters connect through writing.  This is a great book for moms who want to communicate about awkward topics—like dating, purity, peer pressure, and more—but don’t know where to start.  We will help you!

Multitudes of mothers, daughters, mentors, and younger women are being transformed by these books!  You can buy them as paperbacks or get your free Kindle Unlimited eBooks on Amazon right here.


I’m passionate about equipping others to encounter God in powerful and life-changing ways. When I’m not writing, you’ll find me hiking, jogging, exploring wild places with my three young children and husband, leading small groups, and mentoring younger women. A certified special education teacher, I am on leave from the classroom for a season of chasing frogs and playing in creeks with my little ones. Most of all, the compassionate love of Jesus has forever ravished my heart, and I'm emphatic about making his love known to the world.