The Secret Path to Find Fulfillment in Life
My hands clenched the rough granite with the ferocity of a woman who knows one wrong move will result in one of two things: death or serious injury. I was nearing the summit of a 12,000-foot peak in Wyoming’s Wind River Range—at least ten miles from the nearest sign of human civilization. The shift of my left foot sent a cascade of debris tumbling down the mountain. “I shouldn’t have come here alone,” I whispered. The situation was precarious. I needed to scale a ten-foot long, six-inch wide ledge to get to the next “safe” spot of the climb. . . .To keep reading, join me at Christian Devotions Ministries.
Four Lessons from the Woman at the Well
The dust from the road sticks to the roof of her mouth as she forces her feet to carry her heavy jar just a few more steps. The reprieve of a cool drink of water awaits her at the well, and her motivation for continuing forward is the satiation of her thirst. She glances up and sees him sitting there, right beside the well – a Jew. She thinks little of his presence. Jews don’t associate with Samaritans. She’ll simply draw her water and be on her way. “Will you give me a drink?” he startles her with the question, and she studies him for some sign of ill-intent or…
How to Be Satisfied in Jesus When You’re Struggling in Life
The lake is flat and grey today. The surrounding hills roll lavender beneath an ashen sky, and I pray for just a glimpse of blue overhead. I’m here because I long to be satisfied in Jesus, especially when the winter season feels like it might last forever. I close my eyes and ask God to speak to my soul. I want to know how to be content when the landscape of my days seems desolate. A startling truth settles upon me as a red-tailed hawk cries out to its Maker: I can spend all day seeking an emotionally riveting encounter with God by this water, and I may or may…