3 Practical Ways to Cultivate a Deeper Relationship With God
White light breaks through smoky billows of fog. Climbing out of bed, I admire the scene out the window and ask God to help me be more aware of his presence throughout the upcoming day. I’ve been seeking a deeper relationship with God over the past few months. I know that going deeper includes becoming more aware of what he is doing around me. Sadly, I tend to overlook his presence as I push through my days on autopilot. This is not how I want to live. I’m tired of rushing through my moments, wishing away long days, and living in survival mode. How to Have a Deeper Relationship With…
Four Ways to Decrease Stress by Slowing Down
It’s autumn in Pennsylvania. Autumn in this part of the world means cornfields that rustle beige in the evening thermals. It means pumpkins on stoops and hay mazes towering in muddy alfalfa fields. It means russet leaves applauding the sky and geese heading south with their human-like voices echoing overhead. For our family, it also means settling into a different routine, one that currently includes soccer games, hunting trips, and longer hours within the walls of our living room. Darkness comes earlier, and we find ourselves racing to fit more into days that seem shorter. It’s the time of the harvest, a time for filling the freezers and picking squash and baking countless loaves…
Discover These Gifts by Slowing Down in Life
I asked Caleb what he wanted to do for his third birthday, and he wanted hot dogs and marshmallows for breakfast and a trip to the sandy beach. He settled for powdered doughnuts for breakfast, but I came through on the trip to the sandy beach. Slowing down in life, for even a day, felt like its own kind of gift. The sandy beach is the name the kids have affectionately labeled a stretch of sandy shoreline along the creek behind our house. We’ve been known to catch bluegills and crayfish in the shallow part of the pool, and surrounded by wilderness, the sandy beach feels like an escape to…
How to Glorify God in Your Body: 5 Practical Ways
Have you ever wondered how to glorify God in your body? Perhaps you’ve read Romans 12:1 and want to apply it to your life: “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship” (NIV). Today, we’ll talk about how to glorify God in your body with five practical steps. I invite you to join me on a clear winter morning, and we’ll explore the idea of bringing God glory in all we do. How to Glorify God in Your Body Birdsong tangled in the spruce boughs the morning…
7 Encouraging Bible Verses for Struggling Moms
As I sit to write these words to you, there’s a pile of luggage at the bottom of our stairwell. It’s an array of minion-decorated backpacks, colorful duffel bags, and pink handbags adorned with flowers and fairies. Looking at it makes me feel overwhelmed. I share this with you before I share today’s Bible verses for struggling moms because I want you to know that I have walked in your shoes, friend. I have endured months of sleeplessness with infants who refused to sleep. The demands of motherhood have worn me thin, and I’ve locked myself in the bathroom while little fingers wiggled under the door. Bible Verses for Struggling…
How to Rejoice in the Lord in Every Season
The tulip poplar leaves are just beginning to emerge like tiny hands waving at the cobalt sky. For six fleeting months, they will greet the dawn with their flapping waves as if they’re living to the full. As I gaze at them, they’re a reminder of how to rejoice in the Lord no matter what the season of life looks like. How to Rejoice in the Lord in Every Season A red-winged blackbird glides over the field behind the house, and our caged quail calls for a mate. I turn the pages for words about how to live this day to its fullest, and I find them: This is…
7 Powerful Bible Verses About Stress and Hard Times
The awakening of spring feels like a rebirth of sorts. The pungent scent wafting from the once-frozen creek bed stirs life in my soul. Today, I’m in the woods with my Bible in search of Bible verses about stress and hard times. Bible Verses About Stress and Hard Times If you need encouragement today, I invite you to join me in the woods, and we’ll see what God’s Word says about stress and trouble. Bible Verses About Stress and Hard Times 1. Psalm 135:1-2 Praise the name of the LORD. Give praise, O servants of the LORD who stand in the house of the LORD, in the courts of…
How Do We Glorify God in Our Daily Lives?
How do we glorify God in our daily lives? The Bible offers plenty of examples to help us give God honor and glory in our everyday moments. Today, we’ll unpack a few of these insights as we aim to offer our bodies as living sacrifices to God. I invite you to join me in the woods, and we’ll take a closer look at honoring God in even our most ordinary moments. How Do We Glorify God in Our Daily Lives? I’m on my knees with my camera lens inches from a dwarf ginseng. As I watch its tiny snowflake head bob in the breeze, I suddenly realize we’re not alone.…
7 Practical Ways to Show Grace to Others
Dawn came too early today—like an interruption to a night that went too fast. As the first rays of light poured through the windowpane, I asked God to fill me with his grace for the day ahead. Showing grace is never easy when we’re weary and on the brink of burnout. I went to bed late thinking about writing projects, our child’s science fair project, and what I was going to send to school for snack day. My mind raced for hours. When dawn came too soon, I had no desire to race into anything. I brushed my teeth thoughtlessly, and the impending nature of my to-do list weighed me…
Five Benefits of Spending One-on-one Time with Your Child
“Want to go on a date?” I ask my 6-year-old daughter, Bekah. She glances up from behind the laptop, where she’s been watching online reruns of 1980’s cartoons for far too long. “Yeah!” Her eyes light up. I don’t even have to tell her where we’re going, and she’s ecstatic. “I was thinking of a walk at the bike path and a trip to the thrift store. Deal?” It’s not an extravagant scheme. I simply need some exercise, it’s a rare sixty-degree winter day, and I need lamp shades from the thrift store. We’re out the door in less than ten minutes, and a short drive to the bike path…