“Has God Abandoned Me?” (3 Promises From God)
I sit in the canyon where the granite is ribboned with a thousand shades of earthy beige. I’ve come to this canyon to find answers and seek direction for my life. Feeling alone and uncertain, I whisper painful words to the wild Wyoming sky: “Has God abandoned me?” I’ve endured some rough years, and I can’t help but wonder what God thinks about my life. Is he looking at me with folded arms and a disappointed scowl on his face? Is he rolling his eyes and writing me off? I surely deserve to be written off. I’ve been living for myself and not for him. And here in this valley,…
5 Practical Ways to Sit at Jesus’ Feet
Shadows of maple leaves move like water on the lawn. Lost in their dance, I step out of my cares for just a moment, and my heart feels light for the first time in weeks. More than anything, I’m desperate for space to step back, breathe, and sit at Jesus’ feet. I wish I were better at going with the flow and living with open hands, willing and eager to receive whatever happens to cross my path. Unfortunately, every time we hit a bump in the road, I call it crisis mode and come unhinged. I’m well aware of Jesus’ words: “In this world, you will have trouble . .…
3 Ways to Hold on to God When You’re at the End of Your Rope
Someone tied a ragged rope swing over the creek last summer. I walked by that rope all winter, frayed edges hanging grey and frozen over icy water. Sometime in the thickest part of those long winter months, the old rope started to remind me of the truth I needed when the sun hid its face for weeks on end: Hold on to God, and when you reach the end of your rope, you’ll find he was the one holding onto you the whole time. It’s not easy to hold on to God when your life falls apart and your grip loosens. But maybe the best news of all is this:…
On Hearing God’s Voice: One Thing God Will Never Say to You
There are hundreds of black flies rising from still water when I hear it. It’s a quiet whisper coming from someplace I can’t quite identify: “You’re not good enough for this.” For a split second, I wonder if I’m hearing God’s voice. I’ve heard this voice dozens of times: When I had that big dream that felt way beyond my reach. When I walked into the middle school cafeteria and couldn’t find a single friend. The day I was asked to stand on a podium and share my heart with an audience. When the superintendent told me I had one week to budget, purchase, curriculum-map, and design an entire classroom…
5 Calming Prayers for Peace of Mind
The blushing blossoms have withered and fallen from the tiny rosebush on the dining room table, quietly reminding us this place was never meant to be the wild rose’s home. I feel much the same: weary and aware that this world is not home. Staring at the shriveled bush, I utter a few prayers for peace of mind, and I come to a startling realization. I seem to expect this life to be free from trouble. All the while, the One who knit me together tells me to expect trouble. Our troubles aren’t terrible, relatively speaking. Everyone in the house succumbs to a weird virus. My bad knee flares up. Our…
What Does God Want Me to Do With My Life?
Have you been asking, “What does God want me to do with my life?” God wants to reveal his will to you. Let’s talk about how to find God’s will for our lives. What Does God Want Me to Do With My Life? The cherry blossoms will soon be salmon with life and hope. I’ve often wondered why God chose to awaken these trees with springtime signs of life before their taller cousins. Maybe he knew we’d all need something remarkably beautiful by the end of the long winter months. Maybe he wanted to give us the best first, a sign of blessings yet to come. After long winter months,…
7 Bible Verses About Your Calling in Life
When God calls you to follow him, he offers something more powerful than a plan. Today we’ll explore seven Bible verses about your calling in life and apply these truths to our lives. Let’s begin by turning to God’s Word for insight into his calling. 7 Bible Verses About Your Calling in Life Scripture offers a great deal of insight into God’s calling. Here are seven Bible verses about your calling in life. Bible Verses About Your Calling in Life 1. Matthew 6:34 (NASB) So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Your calling is to give your best…
When God Closes a Door, Ask Yourself This Question
I sit with a friend and admire the daylilies as they bow low beneath the afternoon sun. I’ve just told her about a recent disappointment, and my heart is heavy. I thought God was leading one way, but the door slammed shut in my face. When God closes a door, it can be hard to know where to turn next. I’m pondering my situation when my friend asks a hard question: “Is there a chance you’re trying to turn stones into bread?” She then shares what she’s been learning about turning stones into bread: Before Jesus began his public ministry, the Holy Spirit called him into the wilderness. Here, Satan…
God Has a Plan for You—Even When He Seems Silent
We awoke to a fresh inch of snow on the lawn on the first day of April, and it felt like one more day tacked onto a never-ending winter. Whether you’re facing a long winter or enduring a difficult season that seems like it will never end, it can be hard to hold onto hope. You need to know that God has a plan for you, especially when he seems silent. Most of us don’t wait well. Waiting for a dream to come to fruition or a difficult time to end can be deeply discouraging. God Has a Plan for You While You Wait King Solomon said it well in…
Instead of Pleading With God, Try This Prayer Posture
Layers of ivory piled heavenward for weeks—the kind of snow that melts and freezes a half-dozen times, leaving crusty layers like some seven-layer dessert gone horribly wrong. I’d been pleading with God to lead me out of a tough stretch. I had no idea he was about to open my eyes with a very clear object lesson in the form of a pleading child. We kept the yellow snow shovel propped right next to the front door that year. Every morning, we scraped the icy cement and threw out the salt. I didn’t appreciate the morning call to shovel the entryway. However, the four-year-old at my side saw it as…