How to Embrace Change: 8 Mindsets to Help You
It happened on a balmy August evening with locusts droning on like a reminder that the earth would keep spinning, even if my world had shifted in an uncomfortable direction. It was time to learn how to embrace change, and it wasn’t going to be a lesson that came easily.
We will all face seasons of drastic change in life, and that August evening threw me like few others. In a matter of minutes, every dream I’d been dreaming – every plan I’d been carefully laying down like a piece of some giant puzzle – fell to the wayside, and I was left alone with a radically shifted set of circumstances.
Change is Inevitable
As the years have worn on, I’ve learned a few lessons about how to take the next step when the train of my life has gone off the tracks of change – even if it seems to have plummeted into the closest ravine.
If your autumn holds uncomfortable changes today, hold onto these truths to help you find the right path. It might not be the path you had planned, but we serve a Master Engineer who can make even this new path smooth and clear:
1. Fight Offense with all You Have
When life takes an unexpected turn, my most natural reaction is to take offense. If I’m not angry with myself for messing up, it’s all too easy to hold a grudge against another person, or, even worse, to hold a grudge against God.
The “If you’re not going to hold up your end of this deal, I’m done holding up mine” mentality has wrecked far too many lives.
We don’t serve a God whose ways can be easily understood, and sometimes his plans simply don’t match our plans. But it was never about holding up equal ends of the deals we make with him in our minds. God’s ways are above our ways, and there are times when his derailments are nothing short of grace – nothing short of gifts.
Before you understand what’s happening, resolve not to take offense at him in your heart. This is more than a battle about your plans, your hopes, or your dreams; it is a battle for your heart, and the moment you harden your heart, you lose the battle – every time. Share on X
To continue reading this post, join me at my friend Heather’s blog, Lessons from Home, here . . .