Sweet Bekah Is Launching Her Own Blog for Kids
Throughout the past year or two, our sweet daughter Bekah has been asking to start her own blog for kids. A few weeks ago I told her if she could write fifteen posts to convey her commitment, we would do it. Honestly, I expected her to write a post or two and lose interest.
Much to my surprise, she cranked out all fifteen posts with focus and determination. With sheer ten-year-old vision and insight, she has proven herself. Her vision is to write devotional posts each Wednesday and posts with fun activities every Friday.
It looks like we’re doing this!
Honestly, I had plenty of reservations. This isn’t a vision I pushed upon her because I have a blog too (not at all – one blog is more than enough for me!). It’s not something I ever would have even suggested (again, one blog is plenty).
But I see the way writing feeds her soul, and I get it.
I see her desire to share her words. I love the passion it is fueling in her. I’m proud of these things and want to support her.
I’ll be her proofreader and tech-support, but I’m doing my best not to meddle – not to change her words.
I do love seeing her hunched over her open Bible and devotional book in front of the Chromebook as she pounds out words. And I’m really loving the words she writes.
A Blog for Kids
Her blog is geared toward kids around her age. We hope and pray her words will inspire and encourage. She would love for you to share her words with any kids and parents you might know. You can visit her blog homepage right here.
Without further delay, here is her first post:
Learning to Laugh at Small Things That Feel Big in the Moment
Welcome to In Between the Lines! I’m your host, Bekah Pardoe! I’m starting this blog because I want to tell kids my age about God and give ideas for fun things to do. I’m ten years old, and this blog is for kids close to my age or anyone who finds it interesting. I love animals, nature, art, and God. Let’s get started with my first post!
Today’s devotional isn’t really a devotional. It’s more like a true story. It will hopefully help you when you mess up on a test and help you learn to laugh at the small things that feel big in the moment.
Anyway, let’s start:
“Bekah!” my mom yelled from outside my room. “Bekah, in a bit we are going to clean your turtle tank!”
I stopped playing Slither.io, which was the game I was playing.
“Okay, mom!” I yelled.
She gave me a bucket and a smaller bucket so I could start scooping water out of the tank.
After a while, I told her I was ready. She came in and took the tank to the bathroom. We took out Bingo the turtle and started cleaning. After what felt like 1,000,000 years we finally were done. My mom carried the tank back in and I carried Bingo in. I set Bingo down on my desk for a second, and then I heard a CRASH! And a big loud gasp.
The tank had shattered, water gushing out of it. I did what I could in that scary, quick moment. I got Bingo out of the bowl he was in and put it where water was running out the most. Being quite big, the bowl stopped some water from getting on the carpet. My mom put blankets where it shattered so no one got glass in their feet.
My school work was right beside it. Like, ALL of it, because of online school, so I put it up on my desk to dry. (Don’t worry it is fine.) After that, I put my beanie boos away.
My mom started drying the water that was on the floor and picking up the glass. My dad helped get a big plastic tub for Bingo. He also got his big air-blower that is super loud and has lots of air come out of it. It was meant for bouncy houses actually.
As I write this now, the air blower thingy is off, my mom is in her room, and my dad and little brothers are outside. And it only happened a few hours ago, but I sit here and laugh about it!
I don’t know why I didn’t before.
I can buy another tank for $20.00 easy! I mean God doesn’t want us to worry. In fact, pull out your Bible and read Psalms 6:2-4 or Jeremiah 17:7-8. It says, “Blessed the man who trusts the Lord, whose trust is the Lord.”
You see, we don’t need to cry in these moments. Use them to be closer to God, not further away. God only wants the best for you, but that sometimes means going through struggles. Use them to inspire you!
Look at me. One simple shatter and I am getting to write this for you! Try your best, but if it goes wrong, just laugh. And trust me, it will be okay.
I think sweet Bekah was laughing at the tank before I was, but we all survived (even the turtle). Thanks for reading our precious girl’s words today. We don’t have a comments box on her blog, but she would love for you to follow her by submitting your email address.
Since she’s ten, there’s not a great way to contact her, but feel free to send her a message through my email at stacey@staceypardoe.com. Thanks for cheering her on!