20 Mother Daughter Prayers for a Closer Relationship
I recently went for a long walk with our teenage daughter and was inspired to be more intentional about praying with her and for her. Today, I’m sharing the mother daughter prayers that are helping me lift her before God’s throne more consistently.
If you’re looking for prayers to pray over your mother-daughter relationship, I invite you to slowly talk to God as you pray the following prayers.
20 Mother Daughter Prayers for a Closer Relationship
Regardless of whether you plan to pray together or pray over each other from a distance, these unifying prayers can help strengthen your mother-daughter bond and lead you closer to God in the meantime.
The beauty of prayer is that when we pray, we invite a third party into our relationships: God. God uses our prayers to knit our hearts together, align our hearts with his heart, and transform us.
He also uses our prayers to heal wounds, promote unity, and draw us deeper into his love.
I’m praying the following prayers over my daughter regularly and pray they bless your mother-daughter relationship, too.
Mother Daughter Prayers to Heal, Unite, and Bless Your Relationship
1. Pray for compassionate hearts.
“Father God, we ask you to fill our hearts with compassion for one another. It can be easy to get caught up in trying to be right. Instead of trying to be right or even be understood, align our hearts with yours so that all we say and do flows from the compassion of Christ. Help us to grow in compassion toward one another and toward others.”
2. Pray for a spirit of agreement.
“Lord God, thank you that when your children stand together in agreement, spiritual forces move in the heavenly realms. Please bring us into agreement as a mother and daughter. We might not see all situations eye-to-eye, but please unite us as much as possible and fill us with your wisdom so that we agree with one another and agree with you in the meantime.”
3. Pray for understanding.
“Dear God, we pray that you will give us a deeper understanding so that we can love one another more openly and freely. Help us trust that we both have the best of intentions in all situations. Let us truly see into one another’s hearts so that we can rest in the assurance that we love each other and want only what is best for one another.”
4. Pray for God to demolish strongholds.
“Heavenly Father, we thank you for giving us all authority because we are found in Jesus. We know Jesus is the head over every authority on earth and in heaven. In Jesus’ name, we stand against any thought, attitude, behavior, or spirit that does not submit to and worship you. We break off these strongholds in Jesus’ mighty name.”
5. Pray for wisdom.
“Lord, we ask you to fill us with the wisdom that comes from heaven. Show us how to proceed in difficult situations. Align our hearts with your heart and our desires with your desires. We want to follow you in making wise decisions in all realms of life. We look to you to guide us.”
6. Pray for love and respect in your relationship.
“Father God, thank you for loving us perfectly. We pray that from the overflow of your love, we will love one another well. Also, help us remember to respect one another. Forgive us for the times when our tempers flare and we speak out of anger and frustration. Please help us to be more loving with one another.”
7. Pray for joy in your relationship.
“God, we thank you that your joy is our strength. We turn to you and seek your joy today. We pray that this joy will overflow into our mother-daughter relationship. Show us how to bring more joy and light-hearted fun into our relationship.”
8. Pray that you will bear one another’s burdens.
“Father, thank you that you have not called us to navigate life all alone. We ask you to show us how to bear one another’s burdens. Please make our relationship a trusted place where we can both be honest so that we might help one another through life’s struggles.”
9. Pray that your relationship will be a safe space.
“Lord God, we pray that our relationship will be a safe space for sharing hard things. Help us to be real about what’s going on in our lives. Guide us as we point one another toward you and encourage one another. This world can be unkind, and we all need safe spaces to open up. We pray that our relationship will be one of those safe spaces.”
10. Pray for endurance.
“Father, we thank you for setting the example on how to endure difficult circumstances. For the joy set before him, Jesus suffered and endured the hardships of life on earth. Please help us follow his example as we endure in our relationship through good times and challenging times. Help us not to give up but to press on for the joy set before us.”
11. Pray for your friendship.
“Father, as we pray these mother daughter prayers, we reflect on this unique relationship. We know that there is a time when a mother and daughter will have a difficult time being friends, as mothers are called to set boundaries when teaching young daughters. Yet we also know that as adults, a mother-daughter relationship can blossom into a beautiful friendship. Please bless our relationship and help us as we aim to move toward this sort of friendship in your timing.”
12. Pray for peace to prevail in your relationship.
“Dear God, thank you for the gift of peace. We know you see every heated conversation we exchange between us. We pray that you will help peace rule in our relationship. Help us be slow to speak, quick to listen, and slow to become angry. We want to honor you by living at peace with one another.”
13. Pray for empathy.
“Lord, we pray that you will give us empathy toward one another. Help us step back and place ourselves in the other person’s shoes. Fill our hearts with emotional compassion and care for one another. We want to support and love one another well.”
14. Pray for hope for the future.
“Father, thank you for being the God of all hope. As we look to the future, we pray you will fill us both with hope, both for our relationship and for the plans ahead of us. We claim the promise that your plans for us are good and full of hope.”
15. Pray for like-mindedness.
“Dear Lord, we pray that you will make us like-minded. Help us to easily see where the other person is coming from as we navigate life’s ups and downs together. Most of all, please continue to work in our lives and transform our minds so that we think like you think.”
16. Pray for humility.
“Dear Heavenly Father, we pray for humble spirits. Help us both to walk in humility, putting the needs of others (and one another’s needs) above our own needs. Help us to be humble, gentle, and loving with one another.”
17. Pray for forgiveness.
“Father, you are the God of all forgiveness. As you have forgiven us, please help us to forgive one another and forgive others. We know that holding onto unforgiveness causes bitter roots to grow in our hearts. Please forgive us for the times when we have not been forgiving. Help us follow your example and forgive because we have first been forgiven by you.”
18. Pray for trust to grow in your relationship.
“Lord, we know that trust is foundational in any relationship. Please help trust to grow between us. We also know that building trust takes time. Help us to be patient as we work to build this trust with one another.”
19. Pray for grace toward one another.
“Heavenly Father, thank you for the grace you give to us. Your grace is seen in your kindness, especially when we don’t deserve it. Please help us both learn to extend this same grace to one another. We all have bad days and difficult seasons in life. Help us be women of grace by offering kindness during these times.”
20. Pray for Christ to remain at the center of your relationship.
“Father God, without you, we struggle to be loving, kind, patient, and compassionate. Please help us keep our eyes on you. Help us keep you at the center of our relationship so that we can embody your love and mercy toward one another and toward others.”
Bible Verses to Support These Mother Daughter Prayers
If these prayers blessed you, I invite you to study this list of Bible verses for mothers and daughters. God wants to direct us and guide us. He is glorified when our relationships are full of peace and unity. May your mother-daughter bond be strengthened as you continue to draw near to God together!
Read here for 20 mother daughter prayers to help your relationship flourish! #prayer #motherhood Share on XCalling all moms and daughters!
My teen daughter, Bekah, and I are passionate about helping moms and daughters grow closer while connecting with God. We have written two mother-daughter devotionals together. Girl to Girl: 60 Mother-Daughter Devotions for a Closer Relationship and Deeper Faith is written for girls ages 7-12. It includes 60 devotions with Scripture, conversation starters, and a shared journaling section after each devotion.
Heart to Heart: A Mother-Daughter Devotional With 50 Devotions for Teen Girls is for teenage girls ages 13-20. It includes 50 devotions, each with a shared journaling section to help moms and daughters connect through writing. This is a great book for moms who want to communicate about awkward topics—like dating, purity, peer pressure, and more—but don’t know where to start. We will help you!
Additionally, mothers and daughters of all ages report that reading these books together is strengthening their relationships. Consider buying one of these books for your mother or daughter and start growing closer together. You can buy them as paperbacks or get your free Kindle Unlimited eBooks on Amazon right here.
Calling all adult moms and daughters!
God wants to work in your life to accomplish what you’ve been unable to do through willpower alone. Lean Into Grace: Let God’s Grace Heal Your Heart, Refresh Your Soul, and Set You Free shares practical ways to experience God’s freedom, healing, power, and presence in your life. Find this life-changing book as a free eBook on Kindle Unlimited or for 12.99 in print right here. (If you do not have Kindle Unlimited, you can try it out with a free three-month trial!) This book is a powerful book for adult moms and daughters to read and discuss together.
I also invite you to check out my full library of free online devotionals right here.