Purposeful Living
Creative ideas for enjoying your family in all seasons of the year, including spending time in nature, creative ways to celebrate holidays, and ways to teach your children the art of hospitality.
What the Fruit of the Spirit Bible Verses Mean for Moms
One of my favorite parts of writing and blogging is connecting with other writers. I’m excited to introduce my friend Stacey Shannon to you today. Stacey has a heart for encouraging women of all ages in their faith. Today’s post on the fruit of the Spirit blessed and challenged me, and I’m confident it will touch your heart too. Here’s Stacey! What the Fruit of the Spirit Bible Verses Mean for Moms 10 Bible Verses and Prayers About the Fruit of the Spirit to Encourage Your Mama Heart About a year ago, I kept noticing the Fruit of the Spirit popping up in various ways throughout my life. Then last…
5 Back-to-School Prayers for Students Who Don’t Love School
Last summer, after a rough start to the school year, I changed how I prayed for our kids. If you know a young person who doesn’t always enjoy school, I pray these back-to-school prayers for students who don’t love school will help guide your prayers as well. 5 Back-to-School Prayers for Students Who Don’t Love School Morning dawned breathless today—the weight of late summer’s humidity hanging oppressively overhead. As I gazed out the window and prayed over our kids, I thought about the upcoming transition to school. “God, help us all this year,” I whispered. I then wrote the following prayers in my journal. If you know a young person…
15 Tips for Camping With Kids: How to Make Amazing Memories!
Last summer, our family embarked on an 11-day camping road trip. As we prepare for this summer’s similar road trip, I’ve been reflecting on last year’s journey. Today, I’m sharing tips for camping with kids as well as a few reflections from last summer’s adventure. (If you’re eager to get to the camping tips, scroll to the bottom of this post!) Tips for Camping With Kids Twenty years ago, I wouldn’t have considered an 11-day road trip across the country an epic adventure. Throughout my twenties, it was no big deal to drive from my home in Pennsylvania to the Rockies. One summer, I even made the trek twice. In…
How to Keep Your Joy in the Lord: 7 Ways
Daylight met us without hesitation today—clear and blue as infinity. As I sat beside the window and prepared for another day, I felt the heaviness in my chest and realized my joy was lacking. Perhaps you can relate. You want to learn how to keep your joy in the Lord even when life feels challenging. In challenging times, it’s easy to take our eyes off God and get swept into the stress and anxiety surrounding us. How to Keep Your Joy in the Lord As I reflected on this tendency this morning, two familiar words came to mind: “Martha, Martha. . .” These two words come to mind often: When…
7 Uplifting Prayers of Gratitude to God
Nightfall welcomes a resplendent moon, and I admire it from the window. As I watch the first stars emerge, my heart fills with thankfulness, inspiring me to draw near to my Creator with prayers of gratitude to God. Today, I’m sharing seven prayers of gratitude to God with hopes to inspire your prayer life as well. After exploring these prayers, we’ll talk about how to cultivate prayerful lives. 7 Prayers of Gratitude to God In his letter to the Thessalonian church, the Apostle Paul encouraged these believers to be joyful always, pray without stopping, and give thanks in all situations (1 Thess. 5:16-18). Interestingly, recent findings in neuroscience reveal that…
A Glimpse Into Our Family Road Trip to the Rockies
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to take a family road trip across the country? Maybe you’ve considered the idea, but it doesn’t seem practical. Last summer, alongside our three children (ages 12, 8, and 4), my husband and I traveled thousands of miles, climbed mountains, shivered in our sleeping bags, and cooked over campfires. We used our tailgate as a table, dealt with deflated air mattresses, and bathed in the middle of the woods. Our time on the road was exhausting, amazing, and everything in between. As I reflected on our trip, I also sensed that God was showing me that many of the same mindsets…
20 Words of Affirmation for Every Child
I want to build my kids up with the words I speak. Meanwhile, I’ve learned that I need to be intentional in this pursuit. It’s easy to get pulled into the rhythms of our busy lives and neglect opportunities to affirm our kids. If this resonates with you, here are 20 words of affirmation for every child. May these words encourage you to be intentional in your parenting and in your speech. 20 Words of Affirmation for Every Child Author Toni Morrison once asked, “When your child walks in the room, does your face light up?” These words come to my mind often. I think of these words in the…
How to Have the Joy of the Lord—No Matter What You’re Facing
I jogged through the vernal forest this morning. The tiny leaves offered a partial canopy overhead—not the deep emerald of summer, but the just-born chartreuse leaflets of springtime. The experience washed over me like a reminder of how to have the joy of the Lord embedded in my heart. Cold rain pattered on the forest floor and beaded on my forehead, and I considered the joy I find in a green forest on a rainy day. I also started thinking about cultivating rhythms for joy in my life, and I was reminded of a blog post I wrote a few years ago. After returning home, I found these words and…
5 Encouraging Quotes for Struggling Moms and Weary Women
Throughout the past 13 years, I’ve spent most of my time caring for our children. As we push through the end of another long winter, I hope to offer a few quotes for struggling moms and weary women. I pray these words will bless and encourage you as you continue pressing forward. You are not alone, and your humble, hidden work matters deeply. Quotes for Struggling Moms and Weary Women A friend recently sent me a text that went something like this: “No one tells you how hard motherhood actually is!” I immediately called her so we could talk in real time. We talked about the difficult newborn days when…
Being Patient and Kind When Your Plans Are Interrupted
I don’t do well with interrupted plans. I wrote the following post several years ago, but I need the reminder regularly. If you have trouble being patient and kind when your plans are interrupted, too, this is for you. I pray it blesses you. Being Patient and Kind When Your Plans Are Interrupted Morning birdsong twists through the sleepy spruce needles, and a grey squirrel carries a mouthful of leaves across the deck. I sit by the window and get lost in the scene as I read Psalms and sip black coffee. I have no idea that this morning’s quiet time is about to become a test of being patient…