How to Empty Yourself and Let God Fill You
The syncopated sound of rain on a metal roof nearly lulls me to sleep on a grey afternoon. Life has been full lately, and this afternoon to rest is nothing short of a gift. Perhaps you need this gift, too—space to empty yourself and let God fill you. Empty Yourself and Let God Fill You Every few years, I reread a book called Invitation to Solitude and Silence by Ruth Haley Barton. I rarely read books more than once. Yet I return to this book because I need its truths regularly. I read the book again this summer, and it reminded me of what it looks like to quiet myself…
When God Changes Your Plans
As Bekah and I stand at the base of the giant quartzite mountain, I don’t expect our ascent to become a lesson on how to respond when God changes your plans. “I can’t believe the summit is only three miles away,” she marvels. “It looks like it’s going to take forever to get up there.” “I guess it’ll happen one step at a time. This is going to be a steep climb, but we’ll get there one step at a time,” I respond optimistically. When God Changes Your Plans An hour later, we cling to the side of the giant mountain with racing hearts and trembling knees. “Keep three points…
5 Back-to-School Prayers for Students Who Don’t Love School
Last summer, after a rough start to the school year, I changed how I prayed for our kids. If you know a young person who doesn’t always enjoy school, I pray these back-to-school prayers for students who don’t love school will help guide your prayers as well. 5 Back-to-School Prayers for Students Who Don’t Love School Morning dawned breathless today—the weight of late summer’s humidity hanging oppressively overhead. As I gazed out the window and prayed over our kids, I thought about the upcoming transition to school. “God, help us all this year,” I whispered. I then wrote the following prayers in my journal. If you know a young person…
Lead Me to the Rock That Is Higher Than I
“Hear my cry, O God, listen to my prayer; from the end of the earth I call to you when my heart is faint. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I” (Psalm 61:1-2, ESV). Lead Me to the Rock That is Higher Than I We sit in the yard as the songbirds swoop beneath the pale blue canopy overhead. It’s hard to believe August has come. The sun is setting earlier, and the nights will soon grow cooler. These shorter days speak of what’s to come, and I’m not sure I’m ready. Long summer days spent sitting in the backyard and swimming in the creek will draw to a close. …
What Is My Calling From God?
Twenty-five years ago, I vividly remember sitting on a hillside and wrestling with the question, “What is my calling from God?” I wanted to know what I was supposed to do with the rest of my life, and I hoped that if I sat quietly for long enough, God would tell me. God didn’t speak to me in an audible voice or give me an immediate sense of knowing what to do. However, he began showing me how to find his will over time. If you’re wrestling with this question today, I invite you to join me as we explore practical ways to step into God’s calling. What Is My…
Leave It to God: 4 Ways to Cast Your Cares on Him
The wheat field bends low in waves of ragged green as an evening storm blows in. Like velvet brushed by an unseen hand, the monochrome swath is broken. “Leave it to God,” I whisper as I stroll down our country road. Meanwhile, the same ethereal hand seems to sweep my cares away with the wind. I come to cast my cares on the Lord out here beneath these open skies as often as possible. Sometimes, I list my worries one by one. At other times, I imagine opening my heart and letting the One who sees every part of me wash away the concerns that are weighing too heavily. I…
4 Signs That God Is Pruning You
Do you sense that God is pruning you and cutting away parts of your life that aren’t bearing fruit? Today, I invite you to join me as I stand on our front stoop, and we’ll talk about the signs that God is pruning you. Signs That God Is Pruning You Yesterday, I pruned the Rose of Sharon. It’s not the season for pruning, but the roseate blossoms were drawing bees to our front door. With flowers hanging like a garland around the door, it was just a matter of time until someone got stung. Suppressing a twinge of sadness, I snipped and shaped the unruly branches. About halfway through the…
15 Tips for Camping With Kids: How to Make Amazing Memories!
Last summer, our family embarked on an 11-day camping road trip. As we prepare for this summer’s similar road trip, I’ve been reflecting on last year’s journey. Today, I’m sharing tips for camping with kids as well as a few reflections from last summer’s adventure. (If you’re eager to get to the camping tips, scroll to the bottom of this post!) Tips for Camping With Kids Twenty years ago, I wouldn’t have considered an 11-day road trip across the country an epic adventure. Throughout my twenties, it was no big deal to drive from my home in Pennsylvania to the Rockies. One summer, I even made the trek twice. In…
God’s Timing Is Perfect—Even When He Makes Us Wait
Do you need the reminder that God’s timing is perfect? Maybe you’ve been waiting for God to bring a dream to pass for years, and you’ve started to doubt whether your dream will ever come to life. Perhaps you’ve been praying for a loved one for decades, but you see no sign of God’s movement in the situation. Or maybe you’ve been praying for God to heal a friend, lead you to a spouse, or give you a child. Much to your disappointment, you’re still waiting. Today, I invite you to join me on the porch of our family’s little cabin in the woods, and we’ll talk about learning to…
How to Keep Your Joy in the Lord: 7 Ways
Daylight met us without hesitation today—clear and blue as infinity. As I sat beside the window and prepared for another day, I felt the heaviness in my chest and realized my joy was lacking. Perhaps you can relate. You want to learn how to keep your joy in the Lord even when life feels challenging. In challenging times, it’s easy to take our eyes off God and get swept into the stress and anxiety surrounding us. How to Keep Your Joy in the Lord As I reflected on this tendency this morning, two familiar words came to mind: “Martha, Martha. . .” These two words come to mind often: When…