Finding God when Prayers Go Unanswered
We’d reached the frayed edges of autumn, where flurries told us winter had come, and yet the calendar told us the winter solstice was not yet upon us. I wasn’t really thinking about seeking God when prayers go unanswered as I jogged down our quiet country road. I pushed my aching body down the road in my weekend routine of a long jog down the dusty roads, and the black dog with pointing ears came at me so hard I screamed in an angry and primal way. I wondered if our long chain of unfortunate events might culminate with an attack from a defensive German shepherd. I questioned whether I…
For When You’re Disappointed by God
I climb onto the elliptical as a new day dawns, and I have no motivation to follow through with my usual routine. I’m feeling disappointed by God, and I’m not sure I feel like going through the motions today. I don’t feel like working hard, sweating, or watching a motivational message about God and all of his goodness. Maybe it’s the lack of energy lately. Maybe it’s the early morning cries from the little boy’s room that drew me from sleep three hours earlier than usual. Or maybe it’s the disappointment. Lately, I’ve been disappointed by a shattered dream. Everything I had planned for and hoped for has been thrown…
5 Bible Verses for Strength and Healing
We watch chickadees flutter above the deck, and the snow melts all over again for the sixth time this winter. Just when we start to believe things are looking warmer, a bitter north wind descends and everything alive turns back to ice again. I open my Bible in search of Bible verses for strength and healing at the end of this long season. 5 Bible Verses for Strength and Healing The storms just keep rolling in, one right after another, and I wrap our little boy in a blanket on my lap as we watch the chickadees out the window. I find that in winter, I like to place my…
10 Comforting Truths for Your Storms in Life
The winter wind beats hard against the western wall of our house, and I stare out the window at the bands of white as they tear across the yard. These unrelenting gusts remind me that we all face storms in life, and sometimes the best we can do is hunker down and hold fast to the One who promises to hide us in the shelter of his wings. Most of us know how it feels to be plodding along the even road of good health, blessing, and prosperity, only to ride straight into a storm that changes everything. Storms in Life This fall, I wrote a post highlighting all the…
3 Practical Ways to Overcome Temptation
The season of darkness has fallen, and the beige walls of the living room are creeping ever so slowly closer together with each passing day. I need a few fresh and practical ways to overcome temptation of all sorts. Something about these long, dark days draws me to a place where I’m tempted to return to old ways. I sit on the recliner in the 4 p.m. twilight, and I read these words: As Pharaoh drew near, the sons of Israel looked, and behold, the Egyptians were marching after them, and they became very frightened; so the sons of Israel cried out to the Lord. Then they said to Moses,…
5 Inspiring Bible Verses About Goals and Dreams
Most of us know we’re supposed to set goals in life. We set goals about losing weight, making money, and even honoring God through our jobs. But what does the Bible say about goals? Let’s look at five inspiring Bible verses about goals and dreams. Then, we’ll talk about how to avoid turning goals into idols in our lives. Bible Verses About Goals and Dreams 1. Philippians 3:8 NASB “More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may…
How to Step Out in Faith When You Feel Uncertain
It’s a dreary winter morning when I realize that the dark, cold days have worn me far too thin. As I begin brainstorming ideas about how to climb out of the rut, I have no idea that God is about to teach me a lesson that will stay with me for years, a lesson about how to step out in faith. “Want to take Caleb to our camping spot along the river?” I ask Bekah, drawing her from screen time that’s lasted longer than good parents would permit. There’s no hesitation. “Yes!” she shouts. In ten minutes, we’re bundled into snow pants, parkas, and blaze orange stocking caps, barreling down…
8 Surprisingly Simple Ways to Show Hospitality
I accidentally read a book about hospitality last month. Maybe no one accidentally reads an entire book, but that’s how it went. I started reading the book because I met the author this summer. She struck me as authentic and kind, and I hoped her words might offer a few new ways to show hospitality in our lives. As I leafed through the book, the words began to echo in the deepest recesses of my soul. An Invitation to the Table: Embracing the Gift of Hospitality by Michelle Lazurek changed the way I perceive hospitality. Her words also showed me that hospitality is much more than a clean house and…
6 Meaningful Christmas Traditions That Put Others First
In a season saturated with commercialism and consumerism, it’s easy to lose the meaning of Christmas. Meanwhile, some of the most meaningful Christmas traditions are the ones that put others first. Meaningful Christmas Traditions One way to add a layer of richness to the Christmas season is by implementing meaningful Christmas traditions that focus on making a difference in the lives of others. This list of ideas offers practical ways to involve everyone in the family in making someone else’s holiday brighter. 1. Color a smile for a soldier. Holiday seasons tend to be bleak for those who are away from loved ones. Show a member of our military just…
5 Christ-Centered Christmas Traditions
The world is aglow in colorful lights as we prepare to celebrate the birth of the Light of the World. Sadly, it’s easy to become so engrossed in the hustle and bustle of the season that we forget why we are celebrating. Perhaps you’d like to help your family celebrate with some Christ-centered Christmas traditions this year. Let’s look at five family traditions that can help us keep Christ at the center of our Christmas celebrations this year. 5 Christ-Centered Christmas Traditions If we want to be more attuned to the wonder of the incarnation, we begin by slowing down. We stand in awe that the God of all creation…