God’s Restoration: 3 Steps to Healing and Peace
A full moon lifts her pale face above the horizon as I amble along the snowy path. Blinded by the brilliance, I breathe deeply as God’s restoration washes over me. As often as possible, I walk through this field as the late afternoon daylight fades to dusk. Here, I find space to let go of my cares and connect with my Creator. Here, I find peace. Perhaps you long for God’s restorative touch as well. Today, we’ll discuss how to embrace God’s restoration, peace, and healing as we follow his directives in Scripture. This might include taking an evening walk in the moonlight, but we don’t need to leave the…
Keys to Spiritual Growth: 4 Ways to Develop Spiritual Maturity
Last spring, the week after we bought a new furnace, I walked into the laundry room to discover a sudsy, wet floor. The washing machine had broken, too. Of course. As I stared at the soapy water, I had no idea that God was going to use the situation to remind me of several life-changing keys to spiritual growth. Keys to Spiritual Growth As I moved boxes and began sopping up the water with beach towels, I calculated the cost of a new washing machine and thought, When it rains, it pours. Later that evening, as I lay in bed and reviewed the events of the day, I remembered the…
4 Ways to Begin Healing Your Relationship With Food
It’s a rainy Tuesday evening, and I gaze into the fridge with an insatiable appetite. I want to learn how to stop comfort eating and find my comfort in God, but when I’m honest about it, sugar is more palpable at the end of a long day. I’d love to find healing in my relationship with food, but I have not arrived—not by a long shot. As I stand in front of the fridge, I pray, “Lord, I need your grace. I need you to work in my life and help me break free from my pattern of escapist eating.” Healing Your Relationship With Food There are no lightning bolts…
Overcoming Overwhelming Emotions With God’s Help
Hello! Last week, I announced the release of my new book, Lean Into Grace: Let God’s Grace Heal Your Heart, Refresh Your Soul, and Set You Free. Today, I’m sharing another excerpt to give you a glimpse inside the book. This reading comes from a chapter about learning to overcome overwhelming emotions with God’s help. I pray it blesses you! Overcoming Overwhelming Emotions It’s an unseasonably warm December afternoon as our family trudges to the top of the hill where scotch pines and blue spruces speckle the beige backdrop of weathered goldenrod. I am fully engaged and prayerful as the sun shines warm upon our skin and a scrim of…
15 Scriptures to Destroy the Works of the Enemy
Are you searching for powerful Scriptures to destroy the works of the enemy? Let’s dig into God’s Word for 15 powerful Bible verses to help you overcome spiritual attacks. Speak these verses out loud when you sense you are under attack. Satan cannot read our minds, but he submits to the authority of God’s Word. Scriptures to Destroy the Works of the Enemy The year I started writing words for the world to read, things began falling to pieces all around us. The kids were constantly rundown with various viruses. There were financial strains, serious health scares, and much more. We faced spiritual attacks without reprieve, and we were worn…
The Pain of Waiting on God: How to Endure It
Five colorful bluegills swim in the shallows of the creek. They seem to be waiting for something. I watch them while the kids splash in the emerald swimming hole, and I get to thinking about the pain of waiting on God. Most of us are waiting on God for something. We’re waiting to pay off our houses, acquire promotions at work, or step into our dreams. We’re waiting for summer vacations and weekends away from work. The Pain of Waiting on God It’s easy to spend our entire lives waiting for what comes next and miss the lessons that can only happen in the waiting room. Most likely, you’re waiting…
How to Begin Again: 3 Insights
A towering hemlock casts a sleepy shadow on bare earth, and a pine squirrel gnaws on a walnut from its unseen perch overhead. I am in the woods with a stack of books and a journal—intent on seeking God and as I ask him how to begin again after a setback in my life. As springtime sunlight floods the forest, it feels like a day to lean into new beginnings. I’ve been feeling restless lately. I’ve been trying to write and struggling to find words. I wonder, Is this God’s way of redirecting my path? I’m mulling this over as I open the thin pages of my Bible, and I…
4 Positive Affirmations for Hard Times
Are you facing a difficult situation right now? I invite you to join me as we uncover four positive affirmations for hard times and difficult circumstances. Speak these words when life is tough and you feel discouraged. 4 Positive Affirmations for Hard Times This week, the robins returned to our wilted lawn. I envisioned the coming days with emerald grass and sapphire skies overhead. I turned the calendar to March two days early because I just couldn’t wait. Perhaps I was wishing my life away, but I wasn’t overly concerned. I wanted to wish away the long, cold months of winter and welcome sunny afternoons in the backyard with little…
9 Bible Verses About Trusting God and Not Worrying
The winter wind writes its story in flourishes of ivory. As I stare out the window, I feel consumed by worries, and I open my Bible in search of comforting Bible verses about trusting God and not worrying. Perhaps you need this Truth to stand on in challenging times, too. Bible Verses About Trusting God and Not Worrying Let’s look at what the Bible says about worry, and then we will explore three practical ways to overcome worries with God’s help. 9 Bible Verses About Trusting God and Not Worrying 1. Matthew 6:25 Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or…
8 Bible Verses About Joy and an Invitation to Encounter God
A fresh blanket of snow found us in the early hours before dawn today. With lanky fingers, she reached down and touched us—wrapped us in an ethereal cloak and spoke of rest. I walked to the window and got lost in the purity of the wild world, and in the process, a spark was ignited in my soul. It felt like a fresh outpouring of joy—joy I’ve been craving for far too long. I pulled out my Bible in search of inspiring Bible verses about joy and started soaking in the words. The excitement of Christmas has passed. Many of us look to the long winter season ahead, and we…