8 Reassuring Bible Verses About Patience
Most of us are waiting for something. We’re waiting for dreams to come to life, prodigals to return home, and babies to sleep through the night. Some of us are waiting for God to heal our bodies or the bodies of our loved ones. Waiting on God is never easy. Let’s dig into some reassuring Bible verses about patience together today. Bible Verses About Patience The Bible has a lot to say about waiting on God and being patient. 1. Romans 12:12, ESV Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. We all face troubled times in life. Meanwhile, God calls us to press through these times…
How to Trust God in Difficult Times: 4 Ways
It’s a bitter winter evening, snow falling like a white veil, when I realize that I need to let myself feel the disappointment I’ve been running from. Not long ago, a dream fell apart, and I decided it would be best to pretend I never cared about the dream. Perhaps facing my true feelings on this brisk winter evening will help me learn how to trust God in difficult times. To be honest, ignoring the pain seemed easier than dealing with disappointment directly. Most of us know all about this kind of false resilience. We say we’re rolling with the punches and bouncing back, but what we’re really doing is…
15 Bible Verses About Breakthrough
“I’ve started to wonder if my breakthrough will ever come,” a friend recently remarked. “I’ve done all I know to do, given my best effort, read countless Bible verses about breakthrough, and prayed for months. I feel like God isn’t listening.” We were sitting by the creek on an unseasonably warm autumn day. The firmament hung low and grey, like maybe the underbelly of heaven was brushing against us. “I don’t know why God gave me this dream and then slammed the door closed in my face,” my friend added through tears. I sat with her words and offered her space to be honest about what she felt. We’ll return…
How to Overcome Sinful Habits: 5 Insights
Do you feel defeated as you continue to stumble into the same sinful habit repeatedly? Maybe you feel like you’ll never find victory in this area of your life. Today, I invite you to join me as we discuss how to overcome sinful habits for good. How to Overcome Sinful Habits: 5 Ways I stand in front of the cupboard and stare blankly. I’m not hungry, but this cupboard is the place where I come for escape when the kids are fighting and the walls are closing in. I admire the cheese curls and decide this is not the night to break a bad habit I’ve carried for decades. I…
Giving Control to God: 8 Life-Changing Ways to Let Go
Morning’s first rays of light slip through the curtain panels like beacons of hope. “Lord, help me to let go of control and surrender my life to you today,” I pray. I’ve been on a journey of giving control to God, and every day is an invitation to begin again. My journey began a few months ago when a friend came to visit and asked hard questions. She wanted to know how I was doing in my walk with God and where I felt stuck and discouraged in life. I told her that I sensed God calling me to stop clinging to control. I also noted that giving control to God…
How Waiting on God Just Might Open the Doors of Abundance
I walk past them every week on my way into the grocery store. Perfectly positioned on bales of hay, like the image of everything that’s right and good about autumn, it takes everything I have not to splurge on a burgundy mum for the front stoop. I’m not thinking about waiting on God when I see them, but God will soon use the moms to teach me a valuable lesson. Walking past the autumn décor at the grocery store week after week, I resist the temptation to splurge on what isn’t essential on our tight budget, and I try to ignore the rainbow of mums as they whisper my name…
10 Bible Verses for Burnout (Including Practical Ways to Recover)
Most of us will face burnout. When this happens, God’s Word can help us find refreshment. Today, we’ll explore 10 Bible verses for burnout and explore practical ways to apply these truths to our lives. I invite you to join me as I sit in the forest and reflect on the state of my soul. 10 Bible Verses for Burnout August stretches her long arms toward autumn, and it’s hard to believe these barefoot days will soon be over. Summer is a full season for our family. I often feel stretched too thin by summer’s end. I think of this as I sit by bubbling water and consider how to…
How to Ignite Your Faith When You Feel Spiritually Stagnant
We’re driving through farm country when I hear my little boy singing with the radio in the backseat, “I gotta get that fire, fire back in my bones.” He’s three, and he’s not easy to understand, but I hear him loud and clear. His words get me thinking. I want to be a woman of fiery faith. Maybe you want to learn how to ignite your faith in a dry season, too. You are in the right place. The idea of fiery faith lingers in my mind for days after our moment in the car. I consider it as I sit by the sliding glass door in the early morning…
5 Inspiring Bible Verses About Goals and Dreams
Most of us know we’re supposed to set goals in life. We set goals about losing weight, making money, and even honoring God through our jobs. But what does the Bible say about goals? Let’s look at five inspiring Bible verses about goals and dreams. Then, we’ll talk about how to avoid turning goals into idols in our lives. Bible Verses About Goals and Dreams 1. Philippians 3:8 NASB “More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may…
3 Practical Ways to Cultivate a Deeper Relationship With God
White light breaks through smoky billows of fog. Climbing out of bed, I admire the scene out the window and ask God to help me be more aware of his presence throughout the upcoming day. I’ve been seeking a deeper relationship with God over the past few months. I know that going deeper includes becoming more aware of what he is doing around me. Sadly, I tend to overlook his presence as I push through my days on autopilot. This is not how I want to live. I’m tired of rushing through my moments, wishing away long days, and living in survival mode. How to Have a Deeper Relationship With…