How to Cultivate Contentment When You’re Tempted to Grumble
A grey sky hovered over the mountains as we climbed out of the valley. Cloaked in wildflowers and the viridescent glow of summer growth, the hillsides held us in welcoming arms. The scene felt like a gentle invitation to cultivate contentment and peace. As we traveled up the mountainside, the tender growth of flora was gradually replaced by tall stands of conifers—lodgepole and jack pine surrounding us like protective guardians. We spotted elk grazing in meadows and moose meandering through willows. The shift came slowly at first. The trees began to thin and give way to more expansive meadows. Before long, the scant trees all clung to the mountainside below…
10 Tension-Easing Bible Verses for Stress at Work
The creek writes its story in splashes of emerald and sandstone brown. I sit beside its clear waters with a heavy heart. The year is 2003, and I’ve just started my teaching career. Much to my frustration, the demands of the job are quickly shattering my dreamy ideals. I pull out my Bible as I sit in the forest, opening it with hopes of finding a few Bible verses for stress at work. Regardless of where we work, most of us face workplace stress. When these times come, God’s Truth can lift our heads and help us press forward. The verses I’m sharing today carried me through my first year…
What Is My Calling From God?
Twenty-five years ago, I vividly remember sitting on a hillside and wrestling with the question, “What is my calling from God?” I wanted to know what I was supposed to do with the rest of my life, and I hoped that if I sat quietly for long enough, God would tell me. God didn’t speak to me in an audible voice or give me an immediate sense of knowing what to do. However, he began showing me how to find his will over time. If you’re wrestling with this question today, I invite you to join me as we explore practical ways to step into God’s calling. What Is My…
15 Bible Verses About the Presence of God
Mirrored on sleek water, the expanse of sapphire sky comes down to touch us. My little boy presses a delicate fingertip into its blue, and it feels like heaven has come to dwell among us. God’s Word has a great deal to say about the presence of God. Today, we’ll explore 15 Bible verses about the presence of God. Then, we’ll learn how to apply these verses to our lives. Let’s dive into God’s Word. Bible Verses About the Presence of God According to God’s Word, we cannot escape God’s presence. God wants this assurance to be a source of comfort to us. He is always with us, caring for…
8 Thanksgiving Prayer Points With Scriptures to Guide You
Another grey sky greeted us this morning. I went to the window and watched the raindrops cling to the spruce needles like tiny, translucent pearls. Pulling out my Bible for guidance, I began thanking God for his goodness as I prayed his Words. In the process, God lifted my head and encouraged my heart. If this kind of prayer sounds refreshing, I invite you to join me as we explore eight thanksgiving prayer points with Scriptures to guide us. 8 Thanksgiving Prayer Points With Scriptures As I looked out the window and prayed, I saw the rainy day through a different lens. Instead of complaining, I gave thanks for the…
5 Ways to Enjoy God Wherever You Are: Lessons From the Road
After 11 days on the road, we returned home to western Pennsylvania last week. All in all, the trip reminded me of how to thoroughly enjoy God and his gifts in every situation. We spent more than 70 hours crammed into a small Nissan Frontier together. For kids who are 12, 8, and 4, that’s a lot of hours. Nonetheless, the kids marveled at the majesty of the Tetons and watched Old Faithful erupt in a cloud of steam. They stood outside the site of their parents’ first date, The Million Dollar Cowboy Bar, and they posed beneath Mount Rushmore (Pics are at the end of the post). We slept…
12 Bible Verses About Living Life to the Fullest
I’ve been watching the poplar leaves grow on the tree beside our deck this spring. Their tiny faces glanced at me through the finger-smeared glass the day I turned the calendar to May. As I opened my Bible in search of Bible verses about living life to the fullest, the leaves offered a reminder as well. I reflected on the weeks spent watching them emerge and change: I remembered noticing the first tiny buds. Every day, they grew a bit more, and I didn’t miss it when the tiny leaves finally grew wide and offered shade on a sunny afternoon. Watching the summer canopy grow was a gentle reminder of…
4 Positive Affirmations for Hard Times
Are you facing a difficult situation right now? I invite you to join me as we uncover four positive affirmations for hard times and difficult circumstances. Speak these words when life is tough and you feel discouraged. 4 Positive Affirmations for Hard Times This week, the robins returned to our wilted lawn. I envisioned the coming days with emerald grass and sapphire skies overhead. I turned the calendar to March two days early because I just couldn’t wait. Perhaps I was wishing my life away, but I wasn’t overly concerned. I wanted to wish away the long, cold months of winter and welcome sunny afternoons in the backyard with little…
8 Bible Verses About Finding Rest in God
I walked in the winter forest last night. On the cusp of twilight, a million snowflakes clung to the outstretched arms of the maples. Stopping to sit among them, I pulled out my Bible in search of Bible verses about finding rest in God. With cares so heavy I hesitated to name them, I soaked in God’s words, praying for his strong arms to reach down and lift my burdens. Instead, the hushed silence washed over me. Refreshed me. And when I turned to leave the forest, I felt it. The burdens were lighter. Bible Verses About Finding Rest in God Perhaps you need God to lift your burdens too. …
Less Stress and More Peace: A Secret to Help You!
We have a special gift for you. Every Friday in December, 12-year-old Bekah and I will be sharing a devotion with you. These Friday posts are adapted from our mother-daughter devotional book, Girl to Girl. We wrote the book with a vision for moms and daughters to read each devotion together, but we invite you to join us even if you aren’t a mother or daughter! We hope to help you have less stress and more peace with today’s post! Let’s get to it! How to Have Less Stress and More Peace And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord…