10 Prayers for Direction and Clarity
The old poplar stretches toward a cloudless sky as yesterday’s snowflakes swirl in tiny cyclones below. I’ve been counting the lessons of winter as the snow piles higher. As I gaze out the window, I take the time to assess my life, my daily rhythms, and the state of my soul. I find myself lifting prayers for direction and clarity for the next season of life. Perhaps you need this space, too. Today, we’ll talk about how to find God’s direction and the importance of seeking his guidance. We’ll explore ten prayers for direction and clarity. 10 Prayers for Direction and Clarity We all need spaces where we can step…
How to Stop Worrying and Start Trusting God: 8 Ways
Wolf Creek swells with freeze-up. Spilling its saffron onto the bleach-white bank like an unwanted stain on a clean tablecloth, I wonder how far the water will rise before the ice has done its work. I decide not to worry about the way this valley will soon change. Meanwhile, the scene leads me to think about how to stop worrying and start trusting God in the other realms of my life. I want to trust him with our kids as they navigate the challenges of life. I want to trust him with our future as we step slowly into change. As I walk along the riverbank, I talk to God. …
8 Bible Verses About Change and Transition
The cobalt skies have faded to grey, and aside from a few crumpled leaves, the poplar tree beside our house has shed her summer foliage. Most of the leaves are scattered on the deck in shades of burnt sienna, and I don’t have the heart to sweep them away just yet. I’ve never been great at handling change. I pull out my Bible in search of a few encouraging Bible verses about change and transition in life. Today, I want to hold on to lingering twilight, campfires in the yard, and supper on the deck. Everything within me wants to hold onto barefoot water fights and footraces around a flourishing…
Give It to God: 5 Ways to Give God Control
A midsummer drought slows the creek to a trickle and darkens it to the color of black tea. I sit by the water with a friend, and we talk about hopes, dreams, and the prayers we desperately want God to answer. We talk about how hard it can be to surrender control—to “give it to God” and trust him with the outcomes in our lives. I wonder if you can relate. Maybe you’ve been chasing a dream that hasn’t come to fruition, and you’re not sure how to embrace your calling while trustfully giving it to God at the same time. Perhaps you’ve been asking God to mend a broken…
Making Decisions With God: 4 Questions to Guide You
Have you been praying about a big decision? Maybe you feel confused because you want to follow God but don’t have a clear sense of his direction. You are in the right place. Today, we’ll talk about making decisions with God and explore four questions to help us. Making Decisions With God: 4 Questions to Guide You A few years ago, I sensed God calling me to step out in faith and take a risk that was beyond my comfort zone. I didn’t feel equipped for the assignment. I wanted signs of God’s provision before I took the first step of faith. After months of hesitation, I finally obeyed. The…
7 Powerful Bible Verses About Purpose in Life
Winter fog huddles over the earth like a guest arriving late to a party that has long since drawn to a close. I’ve been feeling scattered and distracted by the needs surrounding me lately, and I open my Bible in search of Bible verses about purpose. Perhaps you want to know what the Bible says about purpose, too. Whether you’re searching for God’s purpose for your life or merely need fresh inspiration today, let these words remind you that your purpose is much simpler than you might imagine. God is more concerned with how you live than where you work or how you earn a living. These Bible verses about…
Rejection Is God’s Protection: 8 Truths to Stand on
Last year, I faced a crushing setback in my writing career. I almost walked away from writing to pursue a different line of work. Yet as I sorted through my emotions, one truth became clear: Often, rejection is God’s protection. Perhaps you’re facing painful rejection today, too. I encourage you to give yourself time to grieve the loss of your hopes and expectations. Be kind to yourself as you process your feelings and give yourself space and grace to lament what was lost. In the meantime, remind yourself of this truth: God closes doors in our lives for our protection. What If This Rejection Is God’s Protection? Often, God’s protection…
10 Bible Verses About God’s Provision in Tough Times
Are you facing an assignment you didn’t choose for yourself? If so, let’s turn to God’s Word for 10 Bible verses about God’s provision as we walk through all sorts of difficulties. I invite you to join me as I wrestled with an unexpected assignment and doubted God’s provision. 10 Bible Verses About God’s Provision A few years ago, God called me to an all-encompassing assignment I did not choose for myself. I spent the first weeks grumbling and resisting it. Finally, on a cold winter morning, God led me to the familiar story of Mary’s angel visitation. I was reminded that God’s provision is enough to carry me through…
Seeking God’s Wisdom: Are You Praying or Ruminating?
Do you ever feel afraid of making the wrong decision and messing up your life? Maybe you need to choose between two jobs, two future spouses, or two different houses. In your uncertainty, you’re afraid you’re going to choose incorrectly and derail your life. You’ve been seeking God’s wisdom, but for the most part, heaven seems silent. A few years ago, I was desperate for wisdom and direction from God. I wasn’t sure whether to continue fervently pursuing my writing career or slow my writing and consider the possibility of having a third child. I reached out to a mentor and asked for advice. Secretly, I hoped she would tell…
Are You Afraid of Missing God’s Plan for Your Life?
I walk the country road at dusk—twilight folding over the path behind me like a parted sea falling back into place. I’ve been thinking about staying in step with God’s plans lately, and my heart feels bogged down by worries that I might somehow botch his plan. I wonder if you can relate. I wonder if you’ve ever felt fearful that you just might miss God’s plan for your life. You probably know how it feels to be desperate to hear from God about something important to you. You fasted and prayed and scoured your Bible in search of direction. All the while, you wondered if you might be heading…