How to Find Strength in God When Life Is Tough
Winter was bearing down on us with a stranglehold that left me breathless at times. Every morning, I sat beside the window and wondered whether our family was about to walk down the most broken road we’d ever known. Day after day, I opened God’s Word in hopes that I might to discover how to find strength in God as we faced our storm. There was a medical prognosis on the horizon, and I was terrified. I’d been standing on Truth that held the power to slay the giant of fear. I’d been rebuking, taking back ground, worshiping, and fixing my eyes on the pure and good. Nevertheless, as I…
10 Things God Wants You to Know
There are sailboats on the water today, and I know this season won’t last much longer. I remember where I was last season at this time: suffering quietly in what felt like a never-ending valley of despair. Maybe you’ve been here, too. Perhaps you know how it feels to wonder about the things God wants you to know when life is hard, when you can’t hear his voice. Sometimes the quiet valleys of suffering are the most difficult of all. They’re the valleys no one sees, the ones no one understands, or even worse, the ones you’re just expected to endure. Regardless of whether you’re sailing beneath sunny skies or…
The Lie You Might Believe if You’re in the Refining Fire
The yellowing leaves on the fringes of the property line remind me of an October years ago when the bottom fell out. The first full month of autumn felt like a journey into a refining fire that went on without end. First, the puppy died suddenly. Then, there was a serious health scare, followed by the loss of another precious pet dog that had been a part of the family for four years. We all stared at each other and wondered how in the world God saw fit to take them both in two short months. When we prayed it wouldn’t get worse, it did. We faced life-long diagnoses, thousands…
How to Let Go and Let God Lead You in Life
I take a long walk with a friend beneath the golden rays of summer sunlight. We talk about what God is doing in our lives, about plans and the future and how we want to be on board with whatever he has for us. “I want to learn to let go and let God lead me,” I tell my friend, “but I’m struggling with what this looks like on a practical level.” We want to be holy women, women sold out for a kingdom purpose that’s bigger than ourselves. We want to be women who love well and listen well and aren’t afraid to climb difficult summits for the sake…
Why You Don’t Have to Fear Being an Outsider
It’s a brisk Thursday morning, and as the alarm clock sounds, I consider backing out of the commitment I made last week. I told a friend I’d join her at a new group for moms. Today, I want nothing more than to stay in my sweatpants all day and avoid the awkward feeling of being an outsider. As I lie motionless in bed, I pause to be brutally honest with myself. I decide I’m done wearing a mask, fitting into a mold, and attempting to straighten my curly hair—all to avoid being an outsider in a world of insiders. C.S. Lewis on Being an Outsider Most of us learn about…
Easter Encouragement: Let God Lift Your Head
We go to the woods on a cool spring morning. The first bulbs are climbing through the earth to speak secrets known only to those who live long through dark winters. We’ve known dark winters here. We’ve wept over broken ground and shattered dreams, and we need a dose of Easter encouragement this year. As our children search earthen hollows for plastic Easter eggs, I think of the empty tomb. I think of the mystery of healing from brokenness and the miracle of life from death. Easter Encouragement As we search for the eggs, I remember Jesus’ words from the cross: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what…
5 Inspiring Quotes to Help You Live Your Best Life
I sit on the deck as the ironweed bows its royal head in the late-summer breeze. I could list my favorite memories from the summer, but it seems fitting to close this season by reflecting on the words others have spoken into my life. These five inspiring quotes to help you live your best life have challenged me to rethink the rhythms of my days, the ways I seek God, and my priorities. These words remind me to keep watching and listening for God’s hand in every corner of my life. I pray these words will challenge you to slow down and let God speak into your quiet places, busy…
10 Biblical Affirmations for Kids of All Ages
Not long ago, our family endured a moment that reminded me of the importance of speaking biblical affirmations over our kids. Join us in the backyard, and we’ll talk about teaching our kids to stand on their identities in Christ. Biblical Affirmations for Your Kids I’m not thinking about developing my daughter’s identity in Christ when it happens. It’s a balmy August evening, and rays of sinking sun shine white on the lawn as we finish dinner on the deck. Darrell offers to take the kids to the yard while I clean up. In no time, the hose is squirting water into the sky, and rainbows dance over the grass. …
Hope for Your Hidden Pain and Unspoken Struggles
Our kids looked adorable together, and someone said something about taking a photo. It was after the comment about how they’ll look nice together at prom someday that his eyes filled with embarrassed tears. He buried his face in his mom’s hip and wiped them away on the hem of her shirt. The moment got me thinking about our hidden pain in life. I understood the little guy’s struggle. I hid my tears throughout most of my childhood too. No one ever made fun of me for crying. I simply thought I needed to appear strong. All the time. The Truth About Hidden Pain We all have struggles and weaknesses.…
Am I Going to Heaven? (How to Have Confidence)
My friend looks at me through watery eyes and asks, “Am I going to heaven? I’m so scared that I won’t make it in.” She just lost a loved one. In her grief, she’s been thinking about eternal life. “I’ve always tried to be a good person,” she adds. “Do you think I’ve been good enough?” I wish I could tell her that being a good person is enough to get into heaven. I wish I could tell her that a vague belief that all pathways lead to God is enough, but I can’t lie. In response, I open up and tell her my story. Am I Going to Heaven?…