What Happens When We Pray: 8 Benefits of Heartfelt Prayer
Twilight finds me in a stand of hardwoods, and I watch the canopy flourish in the evening’s marigold glow. I’ve come to the woods to talk to God. As I sit beneath a towering oak, I remind myself of what happens when we pray. What Happens When We Pray I spent the first part of my life believing that prayer was a way of getting God to do things for me. As I grew in my spiritual life, I learned that prayer is about cultivating a relationship more than making requests. Perhaps you need this reminder today as well. Let’s take a closer look at what actually happens when we…
11 Ways to Get Closer to God This Year
Not long ago, as I hustled from one task to the next, I slipped on the wet floor and fell with a thud. I had no way of knowing that the moment was about to be a lesson on how to get closer to God. As I grabbed my knee and writhed in pain, I suddenly felt two tiny arms holding me. Five-year-old Aiden had witnessed the scene from the living room and rushed to my side to comfort me. My heart melted. My little boy did more than merely call out to ask if I was okay. He didn’t come to my side and stand beside me looking concerned. …
4 Prayers for Joy and Peace This Christmas and Beyond
A white veil rises and falls outside the window like a clean linen bedsheet flogging in the wind. I watch the scene as our children haul their Christmas presents to their bedrooms. My husband sits at the dining room table assembling the little one’s train set. God has answered my prayers for joy and peace this Christmas, and I am grateful. Your Christmas might be full of noise and excitement, or this might be a difficult day for you. It might be a quiet day filled with memories or regrets. Wherever you find yourself on this day, I invite you to join me as we ask God to fill our…
10 Life-Giving Bible Verses About Light and Truth
As we prepare our hearts to celebrate the coming of the Light of the World, I’ve been soaking in Bible verses about light and truth. I invite you to join me as I watch the morning dawn, and we’ll savor these Truths together. 10 Life-Giving Bible Verses About Light and Truth This morning the sky greeted us with a color I’d never named. Like a tree-ripened peach, it smiled down from above—ready to offer the gift of its entire self. Thunder groaned a foreboding warning to the south, and I pulled the blanket over my head, resistant to surrender to the light. Meanwhile, I’ve learned that the light finds me…
On Sale Now: Our New Mother-Daughter Devotional for Teen Girls!
Today is the day! Bekah and I are thrilled to share our new mother-daughter devotional for teen girls. Heart to Heart: A Mother-Daughter Devotional With 50 Devotions for Teen Girls is for sale in paperback and as a Kindle eBook today. You can even download it for free on the Kindle Unlimited plan right here. Here is what you’ll find inside the book. A Glimpse Inside Our Devotional for Teen Girls As most moms know, connecting with our teen daughters can be complicated. We want to help our girls work through setbacks, grow in confidence, and connect with God. Meanwhile, finding the space to have tough conversations isn’t easy. This…
How to Empty Yourself and Let God Fill You
The syncopated sound of rain on a metal roof nearly lulls me to sleep on a grey afternoon. Life has been full lately, and this afternoon to rest is nothing short of a gift. Perhaps you need this gift, too—space to empty yourself and let God fill you. Empty Yourself and Let God Fill You Every few years, I reread a book called Invitation to Solitude and Silence by Ruth Haley Barton. I rarely read books more than once. Yet I return to this book because I need its truths regularly. I read the book again this summer, and it reminded me of what it looks like to quiet myself…
10 Ways to Connect With God When He Seems Distant
Most mornings, I gaze at our bird feeder as I sit by the window to connect with God. Today, we awoke to an empty birdfeeder—scant sunflower seeds, black as coal, scattered beneath their plexiglass home. I watched as goldfinches and house sparrows searched the bottom of the feeder for seeds. They all flitted off disappointed, determined to search for sustenance elsewhere. As I considered the disheartened birds, I read the prophet Jeremiah’s words about God’s people: “They have abandoned (rejected) Me, The fountain of living water, And they have carved out their own cisterns, Broken cisterns That cannot hold water” (Jeremiah 2:13, AMP). The empty feeder and the ancient words…
A Life-Changing Book for Your Women’s Small Group
Are you searching for a book for your women’s small group? I have wonderful news. You can download my new book, Lean Into Grace: Let God’s Grace Heal Your Heart, Refresh Your Soul, and Set You Free, for free on Kindle Unlimited. If you’re not familiar with Kindle Unlimited, I’ll explain how the program works shortly. First, let me tell you about this book. Most of us have been taught that willpower is the key to transformation; however, we’re frustrated because self-effort has failed us in many realms of our lives. We wonder why we can’t find victory over fear, worry, insecurity, and shame. We feel stuck in destructive habits like…
7 Characteristics of a Transformed Life
Are you searching for evidence that God is working in your life? Today, we’ll look at 7 characteristics of a transformed life. I invite you to join me as God transformed me through a challenging situation. Then, we’ll take a closer look at what it means to be transformed by God. 7 Characteristics of a Transformed Life The clock reads half-past two, and the moon hangs high in the inky black of a December night. I’m lost in deep sleep, and I have no idea that I’m about to be transformed by God through the encounter that unfolds. At first, I’m not sure what stirred me from sleep. It takes…
14 Free Devotionals for Women Who Want to Grow With God
Would you like to connect with God in deeper ways and experience his presence like never before? I hope to help you encounter God in ways that transform your life forever. For this reason, I have written a collection of free devotionals for women. I pray these devotionals bless you deeply and lead you closer to God’s heart of love for you. Free Devotionals for Women Below, you will find a collection of free resources to help you connect with God in your daily devotional time, bolster your prayer life, and provide healing in difficult seasons. I pray these words bless you and lead you straight into the arms of…