How to Process Disappointments Biblically
As you know, I love supporting other writers. Today, I’m thrilled to introduce you to one of my close writing friends. Despite the fact that we live on different continents, I consider my friend Hadassah a kindred spirit. We regularly check in with each other on a personal level, pray for each other, and share our hearts. I’m honored to share Hadassah’s words with you today as she writes about how to process disappointments biblically. Here’s my dear friend: How to Process Disappointments Biblically Do you want to know how to process disappointments biblically? Perhaps you had certain goals and dreams this year that didn’t come to fulfillment. Life is…
Cast All Your Burdens on God: 4 Practical Ways
Do you want to learn to cast all your burdens on the Lord? I invite you to join me in the woods, and we’ll talk about practical ways to cast our cares on Jesus. Cast All Your Burdens on God: 4 Insights The forest is silent this morning. Shrouded in a fresh cloak of frozen ivory, every fallen log and standing hemlock dozes beneath the weight of winter’s breath. Suddenly, a rustle behind me catches my attention. I turn, startled, expecting a deer or coyote. The forest sleeps. I hear it again and realize the noise is coming from somewhere closer than I first realized. Looking at the ground just…
9 Bible Verses About Trusting God and Not Worrying
The winter wind writes its story in flourishes of ivory. As I stare out the window, I feel consumed by worries, and I open my Bible in search of comforting Bible verses about trusting God and not worrying. Perhaps you need this Truth to stand on in challenging times, too. Bible Verses About Trusting God and Not Worrying Let’s look at what the Bible says about worry, and then we will explore three practical ways to overcome worries with God’s help. 9 Bible Verses About Trusting God and Not Worrying 1. Matthew 6:25 Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or…
15 Bible Verses on Deliverance From Strongholds
A row of house sparrows adorns the deck railing out the window. Against winter’s white curtain, they are captivating tufts of movement and life. I need these beacons of hope today as I open my Bible in search of Bible verses on deliverance from strongholds. Bible Verses on Deliverance From Strongholds Yesterday, a close friend opened up about a struggle she’s been facing. “I sense there’s a spiritual element to this, and I desperately need God to deliver me from this stronghold,” she whispered through tears. Most of us face strongholds in life. Strongholds include habits we can’t seem to break, emotions that refuse to lift, and obstacles that seem…
Making Decisions With God: 4 Questions to Guide You
Have you been praying about a big decision? Maybe you feel confused because you want to follow God but don’t have a clear sense of his direction. You are in the right place. Today, we’ll talk about making decisions with God and explore four questions to help us. Making Decisions With God: 4 Questions to Guide You A few years ago, I sensed God calling me to step out in faith and take a risk that was beyond my comfort zone. I didn’t feel equipped for the assignment. I wanted signs of God’s provision before I took the first step of faith. After months of hesitation, I finally obeyed. The…
How to Overcome Storms of Life: 10 Insights
Not long ago, we awakened to a world encased in a silver sheen of ice. Crystal droplets, frozen in time, hung from the railing of the deck like daggers waiting to fall. The wind howled, and frozen shards flew from the jostled branches of the poplar tree. The scene prompted me to think about how to overcome storms of life. How to Overcome Storms of Life The storm raged all day. When I came home from getting groceries in the evening, our daughter, Bekah, was outside attempting to feed our three pet beagles. Our beagles are hunting dogs, and they are happiest living in a well-insulated kennel in the backyard;…
10 Hope-Filled Bible Verses About God Being With Us
The angel watches over us from her crooked perch atop the Christmas tree, and it takes everything within me not to climb on top of the TV stand to straighten her out. Could it be that Immanuel, God with us, smiles at our efforts to celebrate his birth? Today, we’ll explore 10 encouraging Bible verses about God being with us and learn to apply these truths to our everyday moments. For several years now, I’ve been pondering some of the last words ever recorded by John Wesley. Wesley looked back on his life and remarked, “The best of all is, God is with us.” God with us. Matthew 1:23 records…
Trusting God’s Plans for Your Life (With 7 Bible Verses)
Have you been searching for God’s plans for your life? I’m Stacey, and my 12-year-old daughter, Bekah, and I are excited to share our hearts with readers of all ages as we aim to walk in God’s will. Thanks for connecting with us as we discuss how to trust God’s plan for our lives. God’s Plans for Your Life He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me. 2 Samuel 22:20 Stacey’s Thoughts on God’s Plans for Your Life: When I was a teenager, one of my greatest dreams was to win a medal at the state track meet. My race was the…
A Prayer for Strength and Healing When Life Hurts
The Queen Anne’s Lace stands in full bloom—sprinkling the fields with flourishes of ivory. Admiring it from the window, I utter a silent prayer for strength and healing. Not long ago, I slipped into the woods on a balmy evening. As I gazed into the murky creek water, I assessed the state of my soul and realized I was wrestling with uncertainty. The creek bottom exhaled the pungent scent of decaying earth, and I immediately sensed an invitation: Anyone can declare trust in God when life’s going well, but it takes faith to declare our trust when life feels uncertain. A Powerful Prayer for Strength and Healing: “Lord, I trust…
8 Hope-Filled Bible Verses About the Storms of Life
We all face storms in life. If you feel like your ship is about to sink, let’s dig into God’s Word together as we uncover eight hope-filled Bible verses about the storms of life. Bible Verses About the Storms of Life Twenty years ago, I boarded a plane in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvnaia and flew to Anchorage, Alaska. I spent the next three months working in a deli outside Denali National Park and traveling across the state on the weekends. One weekend, I took a ferry through the fjords near Seward. I vividly remember the way a cloud of mist shrouded the bay like a crumpled quilt as our small vessel inched…