7 Bible Verses About Feeling Empty Inside
Snow is sparse on the muddied earth, and I’m not so sure I want to get out of bed and face the day. I should probably find my Bible and look up some Bible verses about feeling empty, but I lack the motivation. Instead, five simple words scroll across my mind. They’re the words of Leanna Tankersley: “Each day we begin again.” My soul needs these words today. I need the simple reminder to get out of my bed and begin again. God’s mercies are new every morning. Every time I begin again, I trust in these mercies to fall fresh on me. 7 Bible Verses About Feeling Empty (and How…
How to Show Gratitude Toward God When Life Is Tough: 3 Practical Ways
After the coffee brews, the final drops patter into the pot like rain filling a bucket or thoughts collecting in the secret place. Our days have been full here lately, and I’m desperate for some space to let my soul breathe. I utter a quiet prayer for insight on how to show gratitude to God and close my eyes as thunder echoes in the distance. We all face seasons when life feels overwhelming. We want to give thanks in all circumstances, but it’s not so easy when life doesn’t work out according to our plans. It’s easy to get caught up in all that’s wrong in our lives and forget…
8 Bible Verses for When You Feel Defeated
Most of us will feel defeated at times in our lives. In these moments, God’s Word offers encouragement. Today, I invite you to join me as we explore eight Bible verses for when you feel defeated. 8 Bible Verses for When You Feel Defeated I decided I wanted to be a teacher because I wanted to make a difference in the world. Like most 22-year-olds, I had high ideals and big expectations. Two months into my teaching career, I felt discouraged and defeated. Managing a classroom of teens with special needs turned out to be more challenging than I imagined. Most days, I felt like we were just trying to…
To the Overwhelmed Mother Who Wants Deeper Joy
I want to be the kind of woman who knows how to cultivate deep joy. But mostly, I feel like the overwhelmed mother who yells too much and spends way too much time in survival mode. Encouragement for the Overwhelmed Mother I invite you to join our family in the woods, and we’ll talk about finding joy in motherhood. The jewelweed is shriveling beneath the heavy blanket of summer heat as I lead my three little ones through the forest. We needed some fresh air and time outside the house. So here we are. The youngest has fallen at least ten times. The oldest two are eager to return home…
5 Steps to Take When You’re Feeling Uninspired
I’d been feeling uninspired for a few weeks when my life suddenly came to a screeching halt. I was unmotivated to write, weary from parenting, and I felt stuck. Most of us know all about feeling stuck. We get stuck in bad habits, complacency, escapist behaviors, and deep, muddy ruts along the paths of our lives. What do you do when you’re feeling inspired and struggling to find the courage to do something about it? I wrestled with this question as the milky light of winter dawn eased through the windowpane. A thought came to mind. It went something like this: “Have you forgotten your why?” I spend most of…
How to Be a More Patient Mom When Parenting Is Hard
It’s 8:00 p.m. on a Saturday, and I need a talking break. I’ve been answering questions almost incessantly for the past 14 hours. I can’t help but wonder how the question-asker hasn’t worn down yet, but he’s going strong. I’m learning how to be a more patient mom through the refining fire of parenthood, and I’m failing more than I’m flourishing. We’re driving home from a visit with Grandma and Grandpa when the questions begin again from the backseat. “Mom, how do they make seatbelts?” he wants to know. “Geez. Do you ever stop talking?” his older sister barks. I feel her pain and try to shoot her a sympathetic…
When You Feel Like Giving Up: 4 Things to Remember
Do you feel like giving up in some area of your life today? Before you quit, I encourage you to read these words about what to do when you feel like giving up . . . When You Feel Like Giving Up The cumulous clouds are stacked in a thick layer on the western horizon. I gaze at them from the room where I’m supposed to be writing inspiring words about life and God, but I’m too worn down to find a single thoughtful thing to say. I’ve been seriously pursuing writing for years now. This pursuit was exciting when I first stepped out in faith and let my words…
Drawing Near to God When Life Is Overwhelming
Winter sunlight sings her silver song, and I throw on the heavy parka, make the long walk through biting air, and pour warm water into silver bowls. The beagles lap it up while I stare at the glowing firmament and think about drawing near to God amid the chaos of a very full life. Drawing Near to God The old hen squawks from the coup about the egg she’s birthing in the hoary glow. I can’t help but think we’re all birthing something that hurts in this season where darkness holds out long arms into afternoon hours. The air stings my face as I gaze heavenward and breathe, listening to…
A Surprising Reason You Might Feel Spiritually Stagnant
Winter wind washes the outside world with white, and the fields once so luxuriant with farmers’ crops are pale with sleep. I remember the sun-splashed fields of goldenrod as I read beside the window. Like this sleeping world, something inside me feels spiritually stagnant today. I want to be vibrant and faith-filled, but we’ve shifted into a season of simply trying to put one foot in front of the other with each passing day. Awakening Our Spiritually Stagnant Souls I’m reading Dr. Robert Mullholland’s book, Invitation to a Journey, as I sit by the window. He makes a point that catches my attention: Some of us feel spiritually stagnant because we…
How to Make the Most of Your Time: A Review of “Around the Clock Mom”
I awaken before the little ones for the first time in what feels like years. There’s a fresh skiff of snow resting like a cloak over frozen earth. I brew the coffee – careful not to make any noise whatsoever – and I whisper these words, “Make the most of your time alone, Stacey. This is a rare gift.” Every mother knows about the gift of solitude. Space to sit with your thoughts before the daily barrage of endless questions is the most precious kind of gift. I pull a chair to the window while the coffee drips like it’s keeping track of time. There are goldfinches at the birdfeeder…