Purposeful Living
Creative ideas for enjoying your family in all seasons of the year, including spending time in nature, creative ways to celebrate holidays, and ways to teach your children the art of hospitality.
Embracing Your Journey: 5 Tips to Help You
“God’s gifts are woven into every journey,” a friend once reminded me. “Embracing your journey happens when you learn to see the gifts, especially the ones hidden beneath challenges.” I’ve thought of her words dozens of times since that day. I invite you to join me in a place that often inspires my writing—the tiny cabin where our family escapes for long weekends surrounded by rolling hills, beech trees, and open skies—and we’ll talk about learning to embrace our moments. Embracing Your Journey The steady cadence of rain falling on a metal roof is broken by children’s squeals in the distance. A few minutes ago, my husband and sons took…
Sowing Spiritual Seeds: 8 Truths for When You Doubt Your Calling
When I became a teacher, I remember looking around and thinking, The needs are so great, and I’m only one person. What difference can I possibly make? The idea of sowing spiritual seeds for God’s glory felt like a long shot. I was just trying to survive. Two decades later, I’m no longer teaching in a public school. But I often look at the world’s condition and have similar sentiments. The needs are so great. I feel so small. What impact could I possibly make? Maybe you’ve experienced similar thoughts. Sowing Spiritual Seeds When You Feel Insignificant Not long ago, I read the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000. The…
10 Prayers for Direction and Clarity
The old poplar stretches toward a cloudless sky as yesterday’s snowflakes swirl in tiny cyclones below. I’ve been counting the lessons of winter as the snow piles higher. As I gaze out the window, I take the time to assess my life, my daily rhythms, and the state of my soul. I find myself lifting prayers for direction and clarity for the next season of life. Perhaps you need this space, too. Today, we’ll talk about how to find God’s direction and the importance of seeking his guidance. We’ll explore ten prayers for direction and clarity. 10 Prayers for Direction and Clarity We all need spaces where we can step…
5 New Year Prayer Points for a Fresh Start
I meander slowly through a forest encased in white. Strangers’ footprints delineate the path through crusty layers that have thawed and frozen a dozen times. I’m in the woods today to regroup and focus on the months ahead. The New Year always feels like a fresh start. Today, I invite you to join me as we explore five New Year prayer points to help us begin this year with focus and hope. 5 New Year Prayer Points for a Fresh Start I’ve always been fascinated by the idea of picking a word, a verse, or a resolution for the New Year. This year, as I stroll through the forest, I…
4 Ways to Stay Focused on Jesus at Christmas
For the first year in decades, I counted winter as a gift this year: not a grueling season to survive, but a wonderous season to embrace. As I aim to give thanks for the colder weather and darker days, I’m also reminding myself to stay focused on Jesus at Christmas this year. I tend to get pulled into the rush of my Christmas to-do list, making it tough to stay centered. If you can relate, here are four ways I’m helping our family stay focused on Jesus at Christmas this year. How to Stay Focused on Jesus at Christmas Let’s look at several practical ways to keep our focus on…
How to Renew Your Mind From Negative Thoughts
I recently set out on a slow walk down our country road as the sun set behind the barren maple forest. I had no way of knowing that the walk was going to be a lesson in renewing my mind. Perhaps you need this space as well. Maybe you need to lean into learning how to renew your mind from negative thoughts. As I walked, I noticed that the tree line had turned gray with winter. I’m not ready for these long, dark winter months, I thought. I cringed at the thought of long evenings inside the house and whiteouts rolling in from the west. How to Renew Your Mind…
An Online Advent Devotional for Less Stress This December
Last year, I released an online Advent devotional to help others slow down, cultivate wonder, and connect with the Lord. After receiving wonderful feedback, I made a few updates and am excited to release a second edition this year! Here’s a glimpse into this new online devotional. I pray it blesses you deeply. Still My Soul: An Online Advent Devotional for Deeper Peace I sit with the dawn and let my thoughts gather. The grey morning light lifts her sleepy head, and the thin air is embroidered with a crimson cardinal’s song. My mind is scattered, and I feel like a woman who is stretched too thin. I’m thinking about…
Characteristics of a Cheerful Giver: 4 Ways to Shift Your Attitude
Welcome to another sneak peek into our mother-daughter devotional book, Heart to Heart: A Mother-Daughter Devotional With 50 Devotions for Teen Girls. Today’s devotion explores shifting from grumpiness to joy as we aim to be cheerful givers. We’ll also talk about the characteristics of a cheerful giver. This is written for teen girls, but I have a hunch most of us, regardless of age, can relate. You can find this new book by scrolling to the bottom of today’s post! Characteristics of a Cheerful Giver Then the people rejoiced because they had offered so willingly, for they made their offering to the Lord wholeheartedly, and King David also rejoiced greatly. 1 Chronicles…
Join the Book Launch Team for Our New Mother-Daughter Devotional Book!
Bekah and I have an exciting announcement today! In a few weeks, we will release our second mother-daughter devotional book, and we’re currently gathering our launch team of supporters. Our new book is called Heart to Heart: A Mother-Daughter Devotional With 50 Devotions for Teen Girls. We’d love your support as we send this book into the world. Two years ago, we published a mother-daughter devotional for younger girls called Girl to Girl: 60 Mother-Daughter Devotions for a Closer Relationship and Deeper Faith. We’ve received amazing and positive feedback from moms and daughters who have grown closer together and closer to God through this book. Now that Bekah is a…
God’s Guidance: 4 Ways to Find His Direction
Standing on the shoreline beneath Alaska’s midnight sun, the hollow clap of clear water against stone echoes beneath my feet. I’ve come to Alaska to seek God’s guidance for my life. I have no way of knowing that God is waiting to offer direction that has little to do with the questions I’ve been asking. I’m 21 years old, and I’m seeking answers about my career, myself, and my faith. I don’t know it yet, but God is waiting to graciously provide answers to all three. How to Find God’s Guidance I’ve been praying about whether to leave my home in Pennsylvania to pursue a teaching career in Alaska. Meanwhile,…