How to Hear God’s Voice: 4 Keys
Do you want to learn to hear God’s voice and stay in step with him as you make decisions? God wants to reveal himself to us and teach us how to discern his quiet whispers. How to Hear God’s Voice Today, we’ll begin by discussing the most common ways God speaks to us. Then, we’ll explore a practical way to create space for listening to God. Let’s start with the ways God often speaks. 1. God speaks through his written Word. Most reliably, God speaks through his written Word. Has a Bible verse ever jumped off the page as if it were written just for you? Have you ever felt…
How to Keep Walking With God Through Dark Seasons
Days are growing shorter. For our family, shorter days include more time together within the fawn-colored walls of our living room. I’m learning to appreciate the rhythms of indoor seasons. I also know I’ll soon face winter days when walking with God through the darkness feels difficult. Not long ago, on one of these cloudless black evenings, I looked across the room to see my husband walking across the dining room with our little girl standing on his feet. Sweet Bekah’s little body moved wherever her daddy moved as her feet rested on his much larger feet. I immediately thought about the way God wants us to cling to him.…
3 Questions to Ask If You Want a Deeper Relationship With God
I sit by the sliding glass and force myself to stay for ten minutes of silence and semi-solitude. I’ve been sitting by this glass intermittently for several years now, trying to incorporate rhythms that will teach me how to have a deeper relationship with God. Most of the time, nothing spectacular happens by this window. I watch the poplar leaves wave mitten-like hands at the dawn. The slow fade of verdant wildflower fields captivates me as summer slips into the cool days of autumn. The Psalms help me lift my eyes to the work of God’s hands. This particular morning, I’m met with a surprise out the window. A grey…
“Has God Abandoned Me?” (3 Promises From God)
I sit in the canyon where the granite is ribboned with a thousand shades of earthy beige. I’ve come to this canyon to find answers and seek direction for my life. Feeling alone and uncertain, I whisper painful words to the wild Wyoming sky: “Has God abandoned me?” I’ve endured some rough years, and I can’t help but wonder what God thinks about my life. Is he looking at me with folded arms and a disappointed scowl on his face? Is he rolling his eyes and writing me off? I surely deserve to be written off. I’ve been living for myself and not for him. And here in this valley,…
5 Practical Ways to Sit at Jesus’ Feet
Shadows of maple leaves move like water on the lawn. Lost in their dance, I step out of my cares for just a moment, and my heart feels light for the first time in weeks. More than anything, I’m desperate for space to step back, breathe, and sit at Jesus’ feet. I wish I were better at going with the flow and living with open hands, willing and eager to receive whatever happens to cross my path. Unfortunately, every time we hit a bump in the road, I call it crisis mode and come unhinged. I’m well aware of Jesus’ words: “In this world, you will have trouble . .…
Dwelling in the Presence of God: 3 Practical Ways
The morning glories are climbing the neighbors’ porch beams when I stop along the road and come to a realization: I want to live a life spent dwelling in the presence of God, but hurrying is pulling my attention away from his presence. God is always present with us, which means that we are always dwelling in his presence; yet it’s easy to become distracted by the demands of our days and fail to cultivate the awareness of his presence. As counter-intuitive as standing along the road and watching the climbing vines feels, I could learn something from their slow climb heavenward. Staring at the climbing vines, I’m amazed by…
How to Show Gratitude Toward God When Life Is Tough: 3 Practical Ways
After the coffee brews, the final drops patter into the pot like rain filling a bucket or thoughts collecting in the secret place. Our days have been full here lately, and I’m desperate for some space to let my soul breathe. I utter a quiet prayer for insight on how to show gratitude to God and close my eyes as thunder echoes in the distance. We all face seasons when life feels overwhelming. We want to give thanks in all circumstances, but it’s not so easy when life doesn’t work out according to our plans. It’s easy to get caught up in all that’s wrong in our lives and forget…
3 Ways to Hold on to God When You’re at the End of Your Rope
Someone tied a ragged rope swing over the creek last summer. I walked by that rope all winter, frayed edges hanging grey and frozen over icy water. Sometime in the thickest part of those long winter months, the old rope started to remind me of the truth I needed when the sun hid its face for weeks on end: Hold on to God, and when you reach the end of your rope, you’ll find he was the one holding onto you the whole time. It’s not easy to hold on to God when your life falls apart and your grip loosens. But maybe the best news of all is this:…
How to Grow in Faith: 5 Things You Can’t Take With You on the Journey
I sit beneath a salmon sunset and tell God I want to go deeper with him. A certain pattern of behavior comes to mind, but I dismiss it quickly. I want to learn how to grow in faith, but I’m not willing to let go of the habits holding me back. Maybe you can relate. You know how it feels to ask God what he wants you to surrender into his hands, only to butt up against a bad habit you don’t really want to release just yet. I sit with my desires as the coral-streaked sky fades to inky black night. Ultimately, when it’s time to return home and…
4 Ways to Grow Spiritually and Connect With God
We were in the middle of a full summer schedule when I read these words from late missionary Jim Elliot: “Wherever you are, be all there! Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God.” Jim’s words prompted me to ask hard questions about living present in my moments as I sought ways to grow spiritually. Ways to Grow Spiritually and Connect With God Maybe you can relate. You want to grow spiritually, but you’re pulled in dozens of different directions. Most days, you hurry from one task to the next with little space for slowing down to connect with God. The morning I read…