How to Embrace Change: 8 Mindsets to Help You
It happened on a balmy August evening with locusts droning on like a reminder that the earth would keep spinning, even if my world had shifted in an uncomfortable direction. It was time to learn how to embrace change, and it wasn’t going to be a lesson that came easily. We will all face seasons of drastic change in life, and that August evening threw me like few others. In a matter of minutes, every dream I’d been dreaming – every plan I’d been carefully laying down like a piece of some giant puzzle – fell to the wayside, and I was left alone with a radically shifted set of…
Transform Your Mind by Overcoming These Toxic Mindsets
There are monarchs on the milkweed, and the sun sinks fiery white above the overgrown weed fields behind the house. “They’re not weeds,” five-year-old Caleb contends, “They’re flowers.” I smile at his words. Maybe he knows the hidden secret about how to really transform your mind when the weeds creep in. “I guess it depends on what you want to call them,” I tell the little guy. “One person’s weeds are another person’s flowers.” We walk to the spot where the fields border the yard – where the monarchs stretch their marmalade wings on the sticky milkweed leaves – and I clip a bouquet for the dining room table. A…
The Secret to Having Peace in Life When Your Plate is Full
Autumn tends to be a full season for our family. Every year, this season nudges me to seek a deeper level of peace in life when the demands of my days feel overwhelming. This year, I’ve been shuttling the oldest to cross-country practice, storing vegetables from the garden, writing words, holding things down on the homefront, and fulfilling all the normal requirements that fill our days. Slipping away to the woods, it feels good to pause in the middle of it all. The Secret for Deeper Peace in Life As I quiet my racing mind, I think of a recent study on the book of Exodus. Moses is leading God’s…
10 Bible Verses About the Unknown Future
I sit among the aspen as they flutter quaking hands toward heaven. I’ve come to the woods to pray through my fears about the future, and I open my Bible in search of some comforting Bible verses about the unknown. Lately, I’ve been looking ahead with anxiety. I want to trust God with the future, but I often feel paralyzed by fear and worry. Comforting Bible Verses About the Unknown How do we live without fear of the future and plant our feet on solid ground? The Biblical Example of Fear-Fighting As I sit among the aspen, my mind is drawn to two men who decided to stand on God’s…
Overcome Anxiety With God: 6 Steps to Help You
I sit beneath the hemlocks while my little boy throws rocks into the water. I’m thankful we have a place to slip away from the demands of our days. Today, I’m desperate to overcome anxiety with God in this quiet moment by the water. A question comes to mind as I sit in the silence: Where does my life feel out of control? When I feel like I have a grip on my life, peace reigns. However, when my house is a mess, my schedule is overbooked, my kids are disobeying me, and my career feels uncertain, anxiety creeps in. Not long ago, a friend looked into my eyes and…
How to Worry Less and Enjoy Life More
I’ve always been a planner and a worrier. However, I’ve been learning how to worry less and enjoy life more. Perhaps you can relate. Maybe you want to stop stressing out and savor your life, but you don’t know how to stop your mind from spiraling into worries. Today, I’ll share an insight that has helped me shift from worry to peace, and I’ll also share a list of practical ways to worry less and enjoy life more. How to Worry Less and Enjoy Life More My journey into this way of thinking began as I stood under a pale crescent moon and took a hard look at my life.…
7 Empowering Bible Verses for Anxiety and Stress
We sit by the lake and cast stones like we’re casting cares. I try to conjure up a few long-ago memorized Bible verses for anxiety because I need an anchor on this clear blue afternoon. I remember a day when I sat by this lake four short months ago. It’s funny how four months can feel exactly like a lifetime. This azure water lapping against an emerald shoreline was clothed in unrecognizable white, and there was no definitive border between the place where the land ended and the water began. Men sat bundled in blue and brown shanties across the white expanse. They entertained themselves by jigging child-sized fishing poles…
8 Bible Verses for When You Are Scared of the Future
Have you been looking toward the future and feeling uncertain or fearful? In these times, God’s Word offers comfort and hope. Today, we’ll explore eight Bible verses for when you are scared of the future. I invite you to join me as we travel back in time and talk about God’s care for us when we feel afraid. Then, we’ll see what Scripture has to say about overcoming the fear of the future. 8 Bible Verses for When You Are Scared of the Future I remember it as if it were yesterday. I’m fiddling with the latch on my green Care Bears lunchbox when Mrs. Nagel gently encourages me to…