An Advent Devotional for Less Stress and Deeper Peace
After years of writing, I finally decided to release an online Advent devotional this year! I pray these readings help you slow down, cultivate wonder, and connect with the Lord. I’m releasing it a few weeks before Advent begins so that you can have it on hand and start reading in December. Here’s a glimpse into this new online devotional. I pray it blesses you deeply. Still My Soul: An Advent Devotional for Deeper Peace I sit with the dawn and let my thoughts gather. The grey morning light lifts her sleepy head, and the thin air is embroidered with a crimson cardinal’s song. My mind is scattered, and I…
The Importance of Quiet Time With God (and 3 Tips)
Last week, I spilled a handful of birdseed on the deck, and I’ve been watching cardinals and house sparrows clean it up for days. The scene is a daily reminder of one of Jesus’ parables, and I’ve been pondering it as I consider the importance of quiet time with God. Here are Jesus’ words: “A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and…
Family Devotions: 3 Simple Tips for Success
I vividly remember meeting an older friend for lunch shortly before becoming a parent. I asked her everything from how to do family devotions with toddlers to how to stay connected with teens. After rambling through my questions, my friend looked into my eyes and said, “You won’t be the perfect parent. But if you love Jesus with your whole heart, your love for him will help your kids grow to love him, too.” Fourteen years later, I can attest that I am far from the perfect parent. My husband and I are still very much in the process of raising our kids. Nevertheless, we’re both pursuing Christ with our…
Spiritual Renewal: 5 Fresh Ways to Connect With God
A rumble of thunder pulled us from sleep, and we spent the morning in stillness while God washed the world with warm, summer rain. The thin pages of his Word rustled in the breeze while the rain crackled like fire licking up dry grass. Something about a slow morning felt like an invitation to encounter God for spiritual renewal. Summer tends to be a full season for our family. The kids are home from school. Days fly by quickly. My time with the Lord is often short and almost always interrupted. Maybe you can relate. Perhaps you want to connect with God, but you’re pulled in so many directions that…
How to Be Still Before God When Your Mind Is Racing
After a few dry days, the rain returned this morning. Torrents fell in silver swaths that drowned out the melody of birdsong and swept us into the synchronous song of the sky. I sat by the window and let the crackling hush of falling water wash over me as I resisted the urge to begin the work of the day. It felt like an invitation to learn how to be still before God all over again. Being still before God has never come easily for me. I find a quiet place to sit, and within three minutes, I’m writing my grocery list or planning dinner. Perhaps you know how it…
Pursuing God: 15 Ways to Stir Your Longing for Jesus
Last summer, I decided to write our eleven-year-old daughter Bekah a note for each day she would be away at summer camp. After writing a note for each day of the week and tucking them into her backpack, I thought about how excited sweet Bekah would be to read them. I had no idea that the experience was about to become a heartwarming lesson about pursuing God. The day she left for camp, I spotted a stack of envelopes labeled with the days of the week on top of the bookshelf in our hallway. Had she removed my notes from her bag? Looking closer, I realized that I couldn’t have…
15 Free Online Bible Studies and Devotionals
Are you looking for a free online Bible study, devotional, or Christian book? You are in the right place! My vision is to provide tools to help you encounter God in your everyday life. For this reason, I have written a collection of free online Bible studies and devotionals to help you draw closer to the Lord. Below, you will find 15 free eBooks to help you connect with God in your daily devotional time, bolster your prayer life, and provide healing in difficult seasons. I pray these words bless you and lead you straight into the arms of our Father! Simply click on any of the links below to…
A Free New Year Devotional to Help You Start Strong
Do you want to start the year by renewing your commitment to spend time with God? Like me, maybe you enjoy reading from an Advent devotional throughout December, but you hit a wall when the devotional ends. You feel a bit lost and aren’t sure what’s next. I have fantastic news. I have a free New Year devotional for you. Mornings With Jesus will help you connect with Jesus every morning for the next 31 days! Why I Wrote This New Year Devotional I spent years reading my Bible and practicing a morning devotional routine without regularly encountering God in the process. My devotional time felt more like homework than…
15 Bible Verses for Mothers and Daughters
Are you a mother or daughter in search of wisdom and guidance in your mother-daughter relationship? Today, I invite you to join me as we open God’s Word in search of encouraging Bible verses for mothers and daughters of all ages. Bible Verses for Mothers and Daughters Our first child was born on a dark Tuesday night. Throughout the pregnancy, I earnestly believed I was pregnant with a boy. We waited to discover the gender of the mysterious person growing within me at birth. Much to my surprise and delight, when our little one emerged into the world, the doctor declared, “You have a daughter!” I immediately knew God had…
7 Gifts for Christian Moms This Christmas
Last week, I took the kids shopping with hopes to find the perfect gifts for their grandparents. We spent at least ten minutes perusing the women’s clothing department and giggling as we imagined Grandma wearing the silly Christmas sweaters and tie-dyed smocks hanging on the racks. “Can you imagine Grandma wearing this?” twelve-year-old Bekah kept giggling. We didn’t do much better in the kitchen department or even the decoration aisle. If you’re like us, it can be tough to find the perfect gifts for Christian moms and grandmas! These dear women are content to use the same bakeware they’ve been using for 40 years, and they prefer to pick out…