A Fresh Take on How to Love God With All Your Heart
Morning opens her mouth with a foggy breath, and the earth cups the grey mist in its lowest places. I sit by the window and get lost in the glory of it all. I begin most days in this spot, and as I lean into the mist this morning, my mind is full. Maybe you can relate. You want to learn how to love God with all your heart, but you tend to forget all about him as your mental clutter pulls you away. As I sit in the silence, I’m thinking about writing projects, the weekly dinner menu, the grocery list, my son’s spelling test, and when I’m going…
Knowing Jesus: Four Ways to Go Deeper in Your Relationship
The peepers sing their sweet serenade while raindrops crackle like fire licking up a pine bough. I search the skyline for a hint of lingering daylight and breathe a prayer that God will take me deeper on this journey of knowing Jesus through experience. “What do I need to know as we prepare to head into the summer season of noise and activity?” I pray. The words of Philippians 3:8 come to mind: “What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ.” I’m…
Overcoming the Spirit of Failure and Trusting God
A placid lake shines silver beneath the sinking sun. As we sit along the water, a friend tells me I should share my writing with the world. I want to take her advice, but overcoming the spirit of failure feels daunting. I’ve been writing all my life, but this time feels different. It feels less like aimless wandering and more like a calling. Sometimes it’s hard to know the difference. Sometimes you just want God to write your next step in the clouds or dampen a sweatshirt on dry ground at dawn. You wish he’d tell you exactly what to do and when to do it. I tell my friend…
When God Calls You to Step Out: A Review of Fearing Bravely
I invite you to journey back in time with me. We’ll talk about stepping out of our comfort zones, and then I’ll offer insight into a book called Fearing Bravely, which will challenge you to step out, too! When God Calls You to Step Out: A Review of Fearing Bravely It’s past midnight in Tijuana, Mexico. I lie awake on the hard mattress of my cot and listen to the sound of teen girls snoring and tossing in their equally uncomfortable bunks. I’m here as a youth leader with dozens of teens from our church, and we’re serving the people of this city with open hearts and willing hands. Sometimes,…
A New Year Devotional to Help You Start Strong
Do you enjoy reading from an Advent devotional throughout December? If you’re like me, you hit a wall when Christmas comes and the devotional ends. You feel a bit lost and aren’t sure what’s next. Or maybe you recently decided you’re going to start the new year by renewing your commitment to spend time with God. I have fantastic news. Throughout the past few months, I’ve worked hard to create a New Year devotional called Mornings With Jesus to help you connect with Jesus every morning for the next 31 days! Why I Wrote This New Year Devotional I spent years reading my Bible and practicing a morning devotional routine…
How to Love Like Jesus When You Feel Annoyed
My little boy comes to me with his shoelaces twisted in knots. I’m soaking in my morning reading and enjoying a hot cup of coffee. I feel like I might be the world’s worst mom, but I don’t really want to set my coffee aside to untangle dirty shoelaces. A fleeting thought crosses my mind—a gentle whisper about how to love like Jesus—and I set the mug on the table. If I’m being real, I don’t want this interruption to the one part of the day I set aside to center myself. “Maybe you’re chasing the wrong center,” a quiet thought speaks to my soul. As I begin the tedious…
What Does It Mean to Live Life to the Fullest?
What does it mean to live life to the fullest? We live our best lives when we feel purposeful, fulfilled, and joyful. We’re living to the fullest when everyday problems and stressors don’t get the best of us. We’re living to the fullest when we’ve learned to walk in peace regardless of our circumstances. We have also learned to be thankful in all circumstances. I invite you to join our family on a chilly winter morning, and we’ll talk about living our lives to the fullest. What Does It Mean to Live Life to the Fullest? The moon hangs high in the morning blue, and the little one points in…
7 Bible Verses About Dwelling in the Presence of God
What do you want your life to be about? I asked myself this question the other day as dawn ascended in shades of lilac over the tree line. Opening my Bible in search of Bible verses about dwelling in the presence of God, I thought about learning to embrace more of life’s moments, cultivating joy, and rising above stress. Bible Verses About Dwelling in the Presence of God As I watched the sunrise, I reflected on the previous day and noticed some unhealthy patterns: my tendency to hurry through certain chores, impatience with my family, and an undercurrent of stress flowing beneath all my moments. There were no epic disasters.…
3 Bible Verses About Serving Others in Hidden Places
Do you feel weary as you continue to invest in a calling that feels hidden and difficult? If so, you are not alone. Pull up a chair, and we’ll explore three Bible verses about serving others in hidden places today. 3 Bible Verses About Serving Others in Hidden Places The days passed slowly the year God wove her together in the darkness. It can be hard to hold onto hope when your dream is still covered in obscurity. You start to wonder if the dream will ever come into the light. When our precious daughter finally came to us, I could hardly believe a whole person had been hidden inside…
Abundant Life in Christ: How to Live It
The hayfield has been reduced to prickly stubble, and I wonder if the lush roots grieve what’s been lost. As the geese honk overhead, I stare at the sky and ask God to lead me into a more abundant life in Christ. A gentle breeze brushes against my skin, and a familiar face comes to mind. He’s a cashier at a store I visit often. Customers casually ask how he’s doing, and he always makes the same comment: “Livin’ the dream.” According to an online dictionary, the term “living the dream” refers to “a life in which a person experiences the achievement of every success that one has aspired to.” …