God Knows Your Pain and Cares About Your Suffering
Several years ago, our family endured a painful series of events. I felt alone and forgotten by God when a friend gently said, “God knows your pain, and he hasn’t left your side.” Her words carried me through that dark season. Join me as I stroll down our country road, reflect on my journey, and explore God’s purpose for pain and suffering. God Knows Your Pain The forest shivers as the first signs of a cold front exhales over the rolling fields surrounding me. Above, a ragged edge of cirrus clouds warns us of what’s to come. We’re in the thick of winter in this part of the world. I…
How to Fight Spiritual Attacks: 7 Ways
We lose a little more light every day now. I slip out for my evening walks beneath an underbelly of midnight blue. Not long ago, while walking beneath the canopy of darkness, I began thinking about how to fight spiritual attacks. I’ve been feeling discouraged in certain areas of my life lately. After weeks of restlessness, I finally recognized that the relentless stream of negative thoughts might be coming from somewhere other than my own mind. After telling a friend about the thoughts, she said, “Sounds like a spiritual attack to me.” How to Fight Spiritual Attacks Like me, you might be feeling discouraged today. Maybe you battle with worry,…
15 Scriptures to Destroy the Works of the Enemy
Are you searching for powerful Scriptures to destroy the works of the enemy? Let’s dig into God’s Word for 15 powerful Bible verses to help you overcome spiritual attacks. Speak these verses out loud when you sense you are under attack. Satan cannot read our minds, but he submits to the authority of God’s Word. Scriptures to Destroy the Works of the Enemy The year I started writing words for the world to read, things began falling to pieces all around us. The kids were constantly rundown with various viruses. There were financial strains, serious health scares, and much more. We faced spiritual attacks without reprieve, and we were worn…
10 Empowering Bible Verses About Feeling Defeated
Outside the window, the goldenrod fields have shifted from emerald to buttery gold. Frost will come soon, and any hint of color will be swallowed up by the monochrome beige of winter. I open my Bible in search of Bible verses about feeling defeated because I sense I’ll need them throughout the long months ahead. Bible Verses About Feeling Defeated Perhaps you need these words, too. Maybe you’re facing an uncertain future or feeling defeated in some area of your life today. Regardless of what your discouragement looks like, let’s soak in these truths together today. 10 Bible Verses About Feeling Defeated 1. Isaiah 59:1 “Behold, the Lord’s hand is not…
Submitting Your Emotions to God: 3 Steps to Help You
I spent most of my life believing that my emotions needed to be controlled and surpressed. Not recognizing the biblical truth that my emotions were God-given, I often wrestled with the intensity of my feelings. If you can relate, you’re in the right place. Today, I’ll invite you to begin the process of submitting your emotions to God. As we walk through this process, I invite you to join me as I walked through this process myself. Submitting Your Emotions to God Tufts of fog hover beneath an apricot sky as storm clouds roll eastward on the wings of dusk. I sit by the window and focus on breathing slowly.…
15 Bible Verses on Deliverance From Strongholds
A row of house sparrows adorns the deck railing out the window. Against winter’s white curtain, they are captivating tufts of movement and life. I need these beacons of hope today as I open my Bible in search of Bible verses on deliverance from strongholds. Bible Verses on Deliverance From Strongholds Yesterday, a close friend opened up about a struggle she’s been facing. “I sense there’s a spiritual element to this, and I desperately need God to deliver me from this stronghold,” she whispered through tears. Most of us face strongholds in life. Strongholds include habits we can’t seem to break, emotions that refuse to lift, and obstacles that seem…
How to Put Your Hope in Jesus When Life Is Hard
The wind that ripped and tore all day finally calms, and I slip into the valley to walk in the silence. I’m here because I need to remind myself to put my hope in Jesus instead of putting my hope in climbing out of the valley of discomfort. Have you ever faced a valley so deep you wondered how you would possibly climb out of the darkness? Maybe the death of a precious loved one left you reeling with pain. Perhaps your marriage fell apart, your dream died, or you faced a devastating diagnosis. If you’re anything like me, you wanted to put your hope in Jesus, but, mostly, you…
A Powerful Prayer for Healing Your Hardest Memories
Like a quiet sea at dawn, an orchid ocean of clouds hovers above the northern skyline. Even the oaks stand in awe—their lush summer canopies outstretched in reverence. I look to the heavens and utter a powerful prayer for healing as I think of a friend who’s been dealing with the sting of hard memories. Does any part of your past “sting” when it comes to mind? A stinging memory is sharp. It pricks you and deflates you—like a bee sting or a needle to a balloon. A stinging memory just might take the wind out of your sails or lead you into the pit for a few hours, a…
God Loves You Even When You Don’t Feel Worthy
A few years ago, an epic parenting failure left me feeling like the worst mom in the world. I imagine you’ve had a few of your own failures—moments when it was hard to believe that God loves you in the middle of your messiest moments. The evening of my failure, the sun was sinking low. It was time to clean up the house and relax for a few minutes before going to bed. I’d put away the toys three times throughout the day, and I told five-year-old Bekah it was her turn. I was ready to crash onto the couch and clock out for the day. On cue, our sweet…
8 Comforting Bible Verses for Trials and Tribulations
Are you walking through a difficult time in your life? No matter what you’re facing today, God wants to encourage your heart. He is with you, and he will never abandon you. Let’s take a look at eight comforting Bible verses for trials and tribulations. 8 Comforting Bible Verses for Trials and Tribulations The spring beauties are pushing white petals through the beige of last autumn’s fallen canopy, and I wonder if they’re some sort of sign. Would God really speak through the petals of a dime-sized white flower? In some quiet way, I wonder if he sent these little miracles to remind me that even amid the trials and…