How to Be Still and Listen to God: 7 Practical Tips
Daylight finds us with an unseasonable chill, and we close the windows and wrap ourselves in fleece blankets. Pulling out my Bible, I flip to a familiar Psalm. It reads, “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). I’ve been learning how to be still and listen to God for decades and have yet to master the practice. My mind has been racing again lately, and silencing my thoughts today feels next to impossible. Instead of being critical of my racing mind, I am kind to myself today. I lean back and let the thoughts pass like clouds in a sapphire sky. Finally, after several minutes, my mind…
Read These 10 Bible Verses When You Feel Like No One Cares About You
Above the tree line, the alpine grasses shiver in the wind while a pika no bigger than my fist eyes me from a rocky alcove. I’m 20 years old, and I’ve been climbing mountains all summer while running from a long list of mistakes. I know my family loves and cares about me deeply, but a quiet thought whispers, You’re all alone, and no one can help you. Perhaps you can relate to this thought. Today, I invite you to soak in the following 10 uplifting Bible verses when you feel like no one cares about you. Read These Bible Verses When You Feel Like No One Cares You might…
How to Be Still Before God When Your Mind Is Racing
After a few dry days, the rain returned this morning. Torrents fell in silver swaths that drowned out the melody of birdsong and swept us into the synchronous song of the sky. I sat by the window and let the crackling hush of falling water wash over me as I resisted the urge to begin the work of the day. It felt like an invitation to learn how to be still before God all over again. Being still before God has never come easily for me. I find a quiet place to sit, and within three minutes, I’m writing my grocery list or planning dinner. Perhaps you know how it…
Pursuing God: 15 Ways to Stir Your Longing for Jesus
Last summer, I decided to write our eleven-year-old daughter Bekah a note for each day she would be away at summer camp. After writing a note for each day of the week and tucking them into her backpack, I thought about how excited sweet Bekah would be to read them. I had no idea that the experience was about to become a heartwarming lesson about pursuing God. The day she left for camp, I spotted a stack of envelopes labeled with the days of the week on top of the bookshelf in our hallway. Had she removed my notes from her bag? Looking closer, I realized that I couldn’t have…
15 Free Online Bible Studies and Devotionals
Are you looking for a free online Bible study, devotional, or Christian book? You are in the right place! My vision is to provide tools to help you encounter God in your everyday life. For this reason, I have written a collection of free online Bible studies and devotionals to help you draw closer to the Lord. Below, you will find 15 free eBooks to help you connect with God in your daily devotional time, bolster your prayer life, and provide healing in difficult seasons. I pray these words bless you and lead you straight into the arms of our Father! Simply click on any of the links below to…
A Free New Year Devotional to Help You Start Strong
Do you want to start the year by renewing your commitment to spend time with God? Like me, maybe you enjoy reading from an Advent devotional throughout December, but you hit a wall when the devotional ends. You feel a bit lost and aren’t sure what’s next. I have fantastic news. I have a free New Year devotional for you. Mornings With Jesus will help you connect with Jesus every morning for the next 31 days! Why I Wrote This New Year Devotional I spent years reading my Bible and practicing a morning devotional routine without regularly encountering God in the process. My devotional time felt more like homework than…
7 Powerful Bible Verses About Purpose in Life
Winter fog huddles over the earth like a guest arriving late to a party that has long since drawn to a close. I’ve been feeling scattered and distracted by the needs surrounding me lately, and I open my Bible in search of Bible verses about purpose. Perhaps you want to know what the Bible says about purpose, too. Whether you’re searching for God’s purpose for your life or merely need fresh inspiration today, let these words remind you that your purpose is much simpler than you might imagine. God is more concerned with how you live than where you work or how you earn a living. These Bible verses about…
10 Hope-Filled Bible Verses About God Being With Us
The angel watches over us from her crooked perch atop the Christmas tree, and it takes everything within me not to climb on top of the TV stand to straighten her out. Could it be that Immanuel, God with us, smiles at our efforts to celebrate his birth? Today, we’ll explore 10 encouraging Bible verses about God being with us and learn to apply these truths to our everyday moments. For several years now, I’ve been pondering some of the last words ever recorded by John Wesley. Wesley looked back on his life and remarked, “The best of all is, God is with us.” God with us. Matthew 1:23 records…
A Sneak Peek into Our New Mother-Daughter Tween and Teen Devotional Book
Calling all moms and daughters! Today’s post will be a bit different! Bekah and I are just dropping by to share an excerpt from the mother-daughter tween and teen devotional we wrote together this year! In case you missed our announcement last week, it’s called Girl to Girl: 60 Mother-Daughter Devotions for a Closer Relationship and Deeper Faith. The book is designed for mothers and daughters to read the devotions out loud together (or aunts and nieces, grandmas and granddaughters, or mentors and younger women), and we’re excited to share one of our devotions here with you today. The book will go on sale in mid-November, but we want to…
Girl to Girl: A Life-Changing Mother-Daughter Devotional Book
We have huge news to share with you today! This might be the biggest news I’ve shared throughout my past six years of blogging! Drumroll, please! Eleven-year-old Bekah and I wrote a mother-daughter devotional book together! Last winter, Bekah saw a mother-daughter devotional written by an older mother-daughter pair sitting on our kitchen table. “We should write a mother-daughter devotional!” she declared. “That sounds great, babe. Brainstorm some ideas, and we’ll get started,” I suggested. I hate to admit that I never thought I’d hear another word about the big idea. Our New Mother-Daughter Devotional Book Well, 259 pages later, we are thrilled to tell you that our new book…