Falling Behind in Life: Permission to Be Where You Are
If you’ve been reading my words for any amount of time, you know how often I write about slowing down and cultivating rhythms of rest. I thought I was an expert at slowing down. Then I picked up Jennifer Dukes Lee’s book, Growing Slow, and her words stopped me in my tracks: “We need permission to be where we are.” Tears filled my eyes as I recognized an underlying sense that I was falling behind in life. Falling Behind in Life Yes, I thought as I read her words. I do need permission to be here—right here, right now. And so began my journey into giving myself permission to be…
5 Prayers for Insecurity: When You Wonder If You Fit in
Do you ever walk into crowded places and wonder where you fit in? Maybe you feel like you don’t fit in at all. Most of us have felt this way. Today, we’ll explore five empowering prayers for insecurity as we aim to overcome our fears of rejection. I invite you to join me as I navigated these feelings among a group of beautiful and talented women. Prayers for Insecurity I make my way cautiously from the ornately decorated lobby of the exquisite hotel and follow the lavender banners that lead to the conference room. I’ve just traveled eight hours to attend a women’s conference. This seemed like a wonderful idea…
7 Calming Verses for When Life Feels Overwhelming
We all face overwhelming moments in life. Today, we’ll explore 7 calming verses for when life feels overwhelming. I invite you to soak in these truths today as God’s peace washes over your soul. 7 Calming Verses for When Life Feels Overwhelming 1. A Verse for Overwhelming Moments You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Isaiah 26:3 This powerful verse reminds us that perfect peace is possible. Perfect peace is available when we return our wandering thoughts to the Lord and trust him. Are your thoughts racing all over the place? Take those thoughts captive. Return them to the centering focal…
How to Be Gentle With Yourself
Do you need to learn how to be gentle with yourself? If so, you are in the right place. Today, we’ll have an honest conversation about what it looks like to treat ourselves with kindness and gentleness. I’ve spent most of my life being unreasonably hard on myself. I stand in front of mirrors, roll my eyes, and commit to more rigorous ab workouts. I regularly push myself beyond exhaustion and feel guilty for taking naps—even after staying up all night tending to fevered children. Often, I tell myself to suck it up, try harder, go faster, and give more. You might not push yourself through exhaustion or condemningly grab…
Is God Calling You to a Balanced Life? (10 Insightful Scriptures on Balance in Life)
A pale moon hangs casually above the tree line tonight—like it’s in no hurry and has nothing to prove. I watch its slow ascent toward the heights of inky blackness, and I feel remarkably out of balance. I pull out my Bible in search of encouraging Scriptures on balance as I aim to align myself with God’s perspective. I’ve been feeling out of balance because our kids have been sick for weeks. I’ve crossed everything else off the schedule, set aside writing projects, and canceled plans with friends. Every ounce of energy has gone into caring for their needs. I’m tired, and I need the Lord to speak into this…
A Fresh Take on How to Love God With All Your Heart
Morning opens her mouth with a foggy breath, and the earth cups the grey mist in its lowest places. I sit by the window and get lost in the glory of it all. I begin most days in this spot, and as I lean into the mist this morning, my mind is full. Maybe you can relate. You want to learn how to love God with all your heart, but you tend to forget all about him as your mental clutter pulls you away. As I sit in the silence, I’m thinking about writing projects, the weekly dinner menu, the grocery list, my son’s spelling test, and when I’m going…
Knowing Jesus: Four Ways to Go Deeper in Your Relationship
The peepers sing their sweet serenade while raindrops crackle like fire licking up a pine bough. I search the skyline for a hint of lingering daylight and breathe a prayer that God will take me deeper on this journey of knowing Jesus through experience. “What do I need to know as we prepare to head into the summer season of noise and activity?” I pray. The words of Philippians 3:8 come to mind: “What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ.” I’m…
6 Questions to Ask When You’re in a Bad Mood for No Reason
Spring rain falls warm and soft against my skin. After the wind-swept months of winter, this rain feels like grace. I lift my hooded face to the grey sky as it spits the cleansing rain, and I have an honest moment about my life. Lately, I’ve been in a perpetual bad mood for no reason I can identify. In a Bad Mood for No Reason You probably know how it feels to wake up on the wrong side of the bed in a ball of twisted sheets. You might blame your bad mood on your hormones or your fighting kids. In truth, bad moods happen because of what’s inside of…
How to See God’s Glory in Your Everyday
I’m honored to welcome my friend Emily to the blog today. She has some wonderful resources to share with you. I’ve already received mine, and these will bless you richly as you learn how to see God’s glory in your everyday spaces! Here’s Emily: ~~~ Tears streamed down my cheeks as my hands gripped the steering wheel. Heading home from Bible study, these tears came from a place of longing. Longing for what, you ask? These were tears I pulled from deep in the well of longing for more. My drive home meant about 40 minutes of cornfields, back roads and farms. Which meant it always provided space for thinking…
3 Ways to Fall More Deeply in Love With Jesus
The old sycamore leans over the icy creekbed with shoulders washed white by the weather. Closing my eyes, I inhale the scent of the forest and pray that I might learn to embrace my moments and fall more deeply in love with Jesus in the process. For the past few years, I’ve been learning to slow down. I’ve been asking God to help me live with less grit and more grace. In the process, God is changing me. I’m also discovering that the secret to living with greater joy and deeper peace is falling more deeply in love with Jesus. What does this look like in my world with winter…