10 Bible Verses About God’s Timing and Faithfulness
It’s a cloudy Monday morning when I open my Bible in search of Bible verses about God’s timing. Beside me, the amaryllis has burst into full bloom. It bows low under the weight of its heavy blossom. It seems ironic that after waiting for it to bloom for so long, the weight of the blossom might crush it. I watch the amaryllis become its fullest self, and I wonder about my own growth. I’ve been waiting on God this year. Reflecting on my waiting season, I wonder if waiting on God has been more purposeful than I’ve imagined. Maybe God knows that if I bloom before I’m ready, the weight…
Why Has God Abandoned Me?
Have you ever asked the question, “Why has God abandoned me?” When life is difficult, it often feels as though God has forgotten and forsaken us. Today, I invite you to join me as I share an excerpt from our new book, Heart to Heart, and we’ll talk about what to do when we feel forgotten by God. Why has God abandoned me? Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or in dread of them, for the Lord your God is the One who is going with you. He will not desert you or abandon you. Deuteronomy 31:6 I spent much of my early twenties wondering if God had abandoned me. After a series…
Trusting God’s Timing When Life Is Disappointing
Today, I’m sharing a lesson I learned the hard way several years ago when a painful disappointment left me reeling in defeat. If you need encouragement about trusting God’s timing when life is disappointing, these words are also for you today. Trusting God’s Timing Like tears, droplets of the grey firmament fall forsaken on the front step. I watch from the window as they splash with more force than expected. My heart is heavy, and I’ve been having a difficult time trusting God’s timing lately. I’m grieving the loss of a dream that didn’t work out. I know I can trust God’s timing, but the loss still feels like a…
God’s Guidance: 4 Ways to Find His Direction
Standing on the shoreline beneath Alaska’s midnight sun, the hollow clap of clear water against stone echoes beneath my feet. I’ve come to Alaska to seek God’s guidance for my life. I have no way of knowing that God is waiting to offer direction that has little to do with the questions I’ve been asking. I’m 21 years old, and I’m seeking answers about my career, myself, and my faith. I don’t know it yet, but God is waiting to graciously provide answers to all three. How to Find God’s Guidance I’ve been praying about whether to leave my home in Pennsylvania to pursue a teaching career in Alaska. Meanwhile,…
How to Empty Yourself and Let God Fill You
The syncopated sound of rain on a metal roof nearly lulls me to sleep on a grey afternoon. Life has been full lately, and this afternoon to rest is nothing short of a gift. Perhaps you need this gift, too—space to empty yourself and let God fill you. Empty Yourself and Let God Fill You Every few years, I reread a book called Invitation to Solitude and Silence by Ruth Haley Barton. I rarely read books more than once. Yet I return to this book because I need its truths regularly. I read the book again this summer, and it reminded me of what it looks like to quiet myself…
God’s Timing Is Perfect—Even When He Makes Us Wait
Do you need the reminder that God’s timing is perfect? Maybe you’ve been waiting for God to bring a dream to pass for years, and you’ve started to doubt whether your dream will ever come to life. Perhaps you’ve been praying for a loved one for decades, but you see no sign of God’s movement in the situation. Or maybe you’ve been praying for God to heal a friend, lead you to a spouse, or give you a child. Much to your disappointment, you’re still waiting. Today, I invite you to join me on the porch of our family’s little cabin in the woods, and we’ll talk about learning to…
A Free 2024 New Year Devotional to Help You Grow With God
Do you want to start 2024 by renewing your commitment to spend time with God? Like me, maybe you enjoy reading from an Advent devotional throughout December, but you hit a wall when the devotional ends. You feel a bit lost and aren’t sure what’s next. I have fantastic news. I have a free 2024 New Year devotional for you. Mornings With Jesus will help you connect with Jesus every morning for the next 31 days! Why I Wrote This New Year Devotional I spent years reading my Bible and practicing a morning devotional routine without regularly encountering God in the process. My devotional time felt more like homework than…
How to Let Go and Let God: 5 Practical Ways to Surrender
The little one sits beneath a tall row of golden cone flowers. Ten feet tall, they tower like trees with vibrant sunny heads. As my boy throws stones into the dark water of Wolf Creek’s pools, I take a moment to consider how to let go and let God take control of my life. Like a child heaving small boulders into a lazy creek, I want to learn to cast my cares onto the Lord. I want to learn how to let my concerns rest with him instead of wading into the waters of doubt and picking them up again. Most of us like the idea of giving God control;…
16 Practical Ways to Keep Your Heart on Fire for God
We gathered around the campfire as fireflies illuminated the hoary breath of dusk. As I watched the flames dance, I thought about my walk of faith and felt a deep desire to fan the flame of my passion for God. I want to be a woman who is on fire for God, and when I feel the flame dwindling, I come back to today’s list of practices. On Fire for God Let’s get right to the heart of the matter today. I pray these practices will help you fan the flame, too. 16 Ways to Stay on Fire for God 1. Stay on fire for God by seeking him for…
The Pain of Waiting on God: How to Endure It
Five colorful bluegills swim in the shallows of the creek. They seem to be waiting for something. I watch them while the kids splash in the emerald swimming hole, and I get to thinking about the pain of waiting on God. Most of us are waiting on God for something. We’re waiting to pay off our houses, acquire promotions at work, or step into our dreams. We’re waiting for summer vacations and weekends away from work. The Pain of Waiting on God It’s easy to spend our entire lives waiting for what comes next and miss the lessons that can only happen in the waiting room. Most likely, you’re waiting…