Purposeful Living
Creative ideas for enjoying your family in all seasons of the year, including spending time in nature, creative ways to celebrate holidays, and ways to teach your children the art of hospitality.
How to Overcome Anxiety With God’s Help
I stand on a sand-sprinkled kitchen floor and stare down a list that’s growing longer every day. Springtime brings an expansive array of new endeavors, and if I’m not careful, my mind will spiral out of control with anxious thoughts. I’ll find myself sitting in a dark corner praying to overcome anxiety with God’s help. Henry David Thoreau said, “It’s not enough to be busy; so are the ants. The question is: what are we busy about?” I think of Thoreau’s words, and I realize I need a plan. Anxious thoughts are creeping in, and if I don’t get a grip, who knows what will happen. I’m not sure I…
5 Steps to Take When You’re Feeling Uninspired
I’d been feeling uninspired for a few weeks when my life suddenly came to a screeching halt. I was unmotivated to write, weary from parenting, and I felt stuck. Most of us know all about feeling stuck. We get stuck in bad habits, complacency, escapist behaviors, and deep, muddy ruts along the paths of our lives. What do you do when you’re feeling inspired and struggling to find the courage to do something about it? I wrestled with this question as the milky light of winter dawn eased through the windowpane. A thought came to mind. It went something like this: “Have you forgotten your why?” I spend most of…
7 Bible Verses About Your Calling in Life
When God calls you to follow him, he offers something more powerful than a plan. Today we’ll explore seven Bible verses about your calling in life and apply these truths to our lives. Let’s begin by turning to God’s Word for insight into his calling. 7 Bible Verses About Your Calling in Life Scripture offers a great deal of insight into God’s calling. Here are seven Bible verses about your calling in life. Bible Verses About Your Calling in Life 1. Matthew 6:34 (NASB) So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Your calling is to give your best…
How to Be a More Patient Mom When Parenting Is Hard
It’s 8:00 p.m. on a Saturday, and I need a talking break. I’ve been answering questions almost incessantly for the past 14 hours. I can’t help but wonder how the question-asker hasn’t worn down yet, but he’s going strong. I’m learning how to be a more patient mom through the refining fire of parenthood, and I’m failing more than I’m flourishing. We’re driving home from a visit with Grandma and Grandpa when the questions begin again from the backseat. “Mom, how do they make seatbelts?” he wants to know. “Geez. Do you ever stop talking?” his older sister barks. I feel her pain and try to shoot her a sympathetic…
Drawing Near to God When Life Is Overwhelming
Winter sunlight sings her silver song, and I throw on the heavy parka, make the long walk through biting air, and pour warm water into silver bowls. The beagles lap it up while I stare at the glowing firmament and think about drawing near to God amid the chaos of a very full life. Drawing Near to God The old hen squawks from the coup about the egg she’s birthing in the hoary glow. I can’t help but think we’re all birthing something that hurts in this season where darkness holds out long arms into afternoon hours. The air stings my face as I gaze heavenward and breathe, listening to…
How to Make the Most of Your Time: A Review of “Around the Clock Mom”
I awaken before the little ones for the first time in what feels like years. There’s a fresh skiff of snow resting like a cloak over frozen earth. I brew the coffee – careful not to make any noise whatsoever – and I whisper these words, “Make the most of your time alone, Stacey. This is a rare gift.” Every mother knows about the gift of solitude. Space to sit with your thoughts before the daily barrage of endless questions is the most precious kind of gift. I pull a chair to the window while the coffee drips like it’s keeping track of time. There are goldfinches at the birdfeeder…
Sweet Bekah Is Launching Her Own Blog for Kids
Throughout the past year or two, our sweet daughter Bekah has been asking to start her own blog for kids. A few weeks ago I told her if she could write fifteen posts to convey her commitment, we would do it. Honestly, I expected her to write a post or two and lose interest. Much to my surprise, she cranked out all fifteen posts with focus and determination. With sheer ten-year-old vision and insight, she has proven herself. Her vision is to write devotional posts each Wednesday and posts with fun activities every Friday. It looks like we’re doing this! Honestly, I had plenty of reservations. This isn’t a vision…
3 Ways to Have Less Stress at Christmas This Year
We walk to the hill where the fir and spruce trees mingle in a dozen shades of emerald. Within milliseconds, the youngest falls into the thorny branches of a hawthorn crabapple, and the oldest is tangled in a knot of burdock. I take a deep breath and ask God to help me push back against stress at Christmas this year. Later in the day, after the tree is wired to the wall in the corner of the living room, I reflect on my desire for peace this Christmas. It dawns on me as the Christmas bulbs glow in a rainbow of color: Peace on Earth has already come to dwell…
6 Outdoor Hospitality Ideas for Autumn
There’s a single-file row of foxtail grass bending over the roadside like a line of school children dropping pennies off a bridge. Oddly enough, seeing them posed over the gravel gets me thinking about gathering with others and embracing autumn’s invitation for offering outdoor hospitality. It gets me thinking about standing with others to admire the season as it unfolds all around us. A few years ago, I wrote a series of posts on how to offer hospitality that changes lives (Check out the most popular post in this series here: 8 Surprising Ways to Extend Hospitality). The underlying message woven throughout these posts was this: Hospitality is the art…
7 Bible Verses About Rushing Through Life
I sit in the woods on a warm autumn afternoon, and the golden canopy gazes down like God bottled up all the happiness in the world and imbibed it into the maples. Going to the woods is my way of stepping out of life’s hurried rhythms. Today, I open my Bible in search of Bible verses about rushing through life. I’ve been in a hurry almost constantly lately, and I need to reset my rhythms. Bible Verses About Rushing Through Life I open my Bible to these familiar words: “Come to me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and…