God Knows Your Pain and Cares About Your Suffering
Several years ago, our family endured a painful series of events. I felt alone and forgotten by God when a friend gently said, “God knows your pain, and he hasn’t left your side.” Her words carried me through that dark season. Join me as I stroll down our country road, reflect on my journey, and explore God’s purpose for pain and suffering. God Knows Your Pain The forest shivers as the first signs of a cold front exhales over the rolling fields surrounding me. Above, a ragged edge of cirrus clouds warns us of what’s to come. We’re in the thick of winter in this part of the world. I…
Why Does God Test Us? (3 Reasons)
Do you have a sense that God has been testing you? God does not tempt us, but he does put us through tests to help us grow and build our character. Maybe you’ve been asking the question, “Why does God test us?” We’ll look at three reasons for God’s tests today. The following words are taken directly from our new mother-daughter devotional book, Heart to Heart. Find this book here today! Why Does God Test Us? “God left him alone only to test him, so that He might know everything that was in his heart.” 2 Chronicles 32:31 About 10 years ago, I sensed God calling me to start writing…
Walking Through the Fire With God
For the next several weeks, Bekah and I will be sharing excerpts from our new mother-daughter devotional book, Heart to Heart: A Mother-Daughter Devotional With 50 Devotions for Teen Girls. It will go on sale at the beginning of November. Today’s excerpt is called “Walking Through the Fire With God.” We pray this encourages you as you face trials and difficult times of all sorts. Walking Through the Fire With God He responded, “Look! I see four men untied and walking about in the middle of the fire unharmed, and the appearance of the fourth is like a son of the gods!” Daniel 3:25 Have you ever experienced a situation so difficult that it felt…
How to Stand Firm in the Lord When Life Gets You Down
The old sycamore leans over the creek with a trunk worn white by the weather. Resisting the pull of its own weight, it seems to keep watch over the valley where the water runs clear over silt and stones. As I rest against it on a warm evening, it seems like a metaphor for how to stand firm in the Lord. Just as the sycamore resists the earth’s gravitational pull downward, we are called to stand against the forces that aim to pull us down. How to Stand Firm in the Lord The Apostle Paul wrote that our struggles are not against flesh and blood but against authorities and rulers…
6 Encouraging Prayers for Hopeless Situations
I recently went to the woods to talk to God about a situation that felt hopeless. Perhaps you’re facing some challenging circumstances, too. You are in the right place. Today, we’ll unpack six prayers for hopeless situations as we press into our true Source of hope. We are never without hope when we learn where our unchanging hope is found. This week, I invite you to join me in my favorite place: the woods. Prayers for Hopeless Situations As I walked through the forest recently, I realized I was falling into a behavior that has defined my response to hopeless situations for years: Trying to fix what felt broken. Most…
The Blessings of Trusting God in Pain and Suffering
I’m cleaning out the basket above the fridge when I discover a tattered calendar. Opening it, I flip through the empty pages. I remember the year vividly. It was a year marked by pain and suffering. Illness kept the calendar blank for months. At the time, I was blind to the blessings of trusting God in our circumstances. Surprisingly, I realize I’m smiling as I reflect on the year. I recall the tears, the sorrow, and the prayers that seemed to go unanswered for months. At the time, those unanswered prayers didn’t feel like something to smile about. The Blessings of Trusting God Most likely, you have a few unanswered…
7 Characteristics of a Transformed Life
Are you searching for evidence that God is working in your life? Today, we’ll look at 7 characteristics of a transformed life. I invite you to join me as God transformed me through a challenging situation. Then, we’ll take a closer look at what it means to be transformed by God. 7 Characteristics of a Transformed Life The clock reads half-past two, and the moon hangs high in the inky black of a December night. I’m lost in deep sleep, and I have no idea that I’m about to be transformed by God through the encounter that unfolds. At first, I’m not sure what stirred me from sleep. It takes…
Your Pain Has a Purpose, and This Is Part of It . . .
A wide arc of geese honks overhead like a black thread woven through the grey. I watch them from the deck and remember a similar evening several years ago. I sat on this same deck and let these words wash over me: “Your pain has a purpose. Don’t rush through this valley of suffering.” I was at the end of a long season of suffering, and most of the time, I couldn’t see the purpose of the pain. It seemed entirely unnecessary. Maybe you can relate. You want to know your pain has a purpose. Meanwhile, for the most part, it seems unnecessary. Your pain has a purpose, and this…
Submitting Your Emotions to God: 3 Steps to Help You
I spent most of my life believing that my emotions needed to be controlled and surpressed. Not recognizing the biblical truth that my emotions were God-given, I often wrestled with the intensity of my feelings. If you can relate, you’re in the right place. Today, I’ll invite you to begin the process of submitting your emotions to God. As we walk through this process, I invite you to join me as I walked through this process myself. Submitting Your Emotions to God Tufts of fog hover beneath an apricot sky as storm clouds roll eastward on the wings of dusk. I sit by the window and focus on breathing slowly.…
Teach Us to Number Our Days: When Life Doesn’t Go As Planned
“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:12, NIV). Snow falls heavily—a white veil making our world feel close and small for the morning. After the school calls off classes for the day, after the eight-year-old loses another baby tooth, and after an argument over the TV, I close the bedroom door to pray. “Father, how would you have us use these unexpected hours together?” I pray. I had plans to meet with friends, work on a writing project, and take the youngest to the dollar store. Never one to embrace interruptions, this snow day has thrown me for a loop. I…