How to Have the Joy of the Lord—No Matter What You’re Facing
I jogged through the vernal forest this morning. The tiny leaves offered a partial canopy overhead—not the deep emerald of summer, but the just-born chartreuse leaflets of springtime. The experience washed over me like a reminder of how to have the joy of the Lord embedded in my heart. Cold rain pattered on the forest floor and beaded on my forehead, and I considered the joy I find in a green forest on a rainy day. I also started thinking about cultivating rhythms for joy in my life, and I was reminded of a blog post I wrote a few years ago. After returning home, I found these words and…
8 Thanksgiving Prayer Points With Scriptures to Guide You
Another grey sky greeted us this morning. I went to the window and watched the raindrops cling to the spruce needles like tiny, translucent pearls. Pulling out my Bible for guidance, I began thanking God for his goodness as I prayed his Words. In the process, God lifted my head and encouraged my heart. If this kind of prayer sounds refreshing, I invite you to join me as we explore eight thanksgiving prayer points with Scriptures to guide us. 8 Thanksgiving Prayer Points With Scriptures As I looked out the window and prayed, I saw the rainy day through a different lens. Instead of complaining, I gave thanks for the…
Being Patient and Kind When Your Plans Are Interrupted
I don’t do well with interrupted plans. I wrote the following post several years ago, but I need the reminder regularly. If you have trouble being patient and kind when your plans are interrupted, too, this is for you. I pray it blesses you. Being Patient and Kind When Your Plans Are Interrupted Morning birdsong twists through the sleepy spruce needles, and a grey squirrel carries a mouthful of leaves across the deck. I sit by the window and get lost in the scene as I read Psalms and sip black coffee. I have no idea that this morning’s quiet time is about to become a test of being patient…
4 Ways to Begin Healing Your Relationship With Food
It’s a rainy Tuesday evening, and I gaze into the fridge with an insatiable appetite. I want to learn how to stop comfort eating and find my comfort in God, but when I’m honest about it, sugar is more palpable at the end of a long day. I’d love to find healing in my relationship with food, but I have not arrived—not by a long shot. As I stand in front of the fridge, I pray, “Lord, I need your grace. I need you to work in my life and help me break free from my pattern of escapist eating.” Healing Your Relationship With Food There are no lightning bolts…
Overcoming Overwhelming Emotions With God’s Help
Hello! Last week, I announced the release of my new book, Lean Into Grace: Let God’s Grace Heal Your Heart, Refresh Your Soul, and Set You Free. Today, I’m sharing another excerpt to give you a glimpse inside the book. This reading comes from a chapter about learning to overcome overwhelming emotions with God’s help. I pray it blesses you! Overcoming Overwhelming Emotions It’s an unseasonably warm December afternoon as our family trudges to the top of the hill where scotch pines and blue spruces speckle the beige backdrop of weathered goldenrod. I am fully engaged and prayerful as the sun shines warm upon our skin and a scrim of…
Transform Your Life With These 5 Prayers for the New Year
The wind howls all day—rattling the windowpanes and nearly bending the old poplar to its breaking point. We watch through ice-glazed glass while the Christmas lights blaze white on the mantle. I have no idea that stepping into the white world is about to help me begin praying focused prayers for the New Year. “You’re not thinking of taking your daily walk today, are you, Mom?” a little voice prods. “Are you worried about me?” I ask, turning from the window where the snow is swirling in small whirlwinds across the yard. “You shouldn’t go out in this,” our young son declares protectively. “The TV said it’s 40-below zero with…
A Free 2024 New Year Devotional to Help You Grow With God
Do you want to start 2024 by renewing your commitment to spend time with God? Like me, maybe you enjoy reading from an Advent devotional throughout December, but you hit a wall when the devotional ends. You feel a bit lost and aren’t sure what’s next. I have fantastic news. I have a free 2024 New Year devotional for you. Mornings With Jesus will help you connect with Jesus every morning for the next 31 days! Why I Wrote This New Year Devotional I spent years reading my Bible and practicing a morning devotional routine without regularly encountering God in the process. My devotional time felt more like homework than…
Keep Christ in Christmas: 9 Ways to Keep Jesus Central
“Who wants to go on an adventure?” I ask the kids as we drive through farm country on a frigid Saturday afternoon. As the darkness of impending winter presses tighter, we could all use the reminder that the Light of the world has come. We could use the reminder to keep Christ in Christmas when the festivities threaten to draw our attention away from him. Keep Christ in Christmas Two hours later, we bundle in mittens, heavy winter coats, stocking caps, and heavy boots. Perspiration beads on my forehead as I slide the final mitten over the little one’s fingers. Managing to pile out the door on the cusp of…
8 Bible Verses on Breaking Negative Cycles
I stand in front of the cupboard and stare blankly. I’m not hungry, but this cupboard is where I come to escape when the kids are fighting and the walls are closing in. I know what I should do. I should open my Bible and read through my list of Bible verses on breaking negative cycles of escapism and sin. Instead, I indulge. The cycle of my escapist eating continues, and I feel trapped and ashamed. Bible Verses on Breaking Negative Cycles Perhaps you can relate. Maybe you’ve been trying to overcome a destructive habit for decades, but you can’t seem to find freedom. Today, we’ll explore eight Bible verses…
16 Practical Ways to Keep Your Heart on Fire for God
We gathered around the campfire as fireflies illuminated the hoary breath of dusk. As I watched the flames dance, I thought about my walk of faith and felt a deep desire to fan the flame of my passion for God. I want to be a woman who is on fire for God, and when I feel the flame dwindling, I come back to today’s list of practices. On Fire for God Let’s get right to the heart of the matter today. I pray these practices will help you fan the flame, too. 16 Ways to Stay on Fire for God 1. Stay on fire for God by seeking him for…